The anti-gun politicians in the House of Representatives continue to employ the shameful tactic of exploiting tragedies to market gun control that won’t prevent criminals from committing murder
Gun Control
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BREAKING: House Passes Second Gun-Control Bill to Close ‘Charleston Loophole’
BY John Thomas Published: February 28, 2019 Updated: February 28, 2019Their Own Worst Enemy: Leftist Disarmament Agenda Concentrates Guns in Hands of ‘Tyrannical’ Trump
BY Jordan Michaels Published: February 28, 2019 Updated: February 28, 2019The mainstream media has been accusing the President of authoritarianism almost since his first day in office. But the media and leftist politicians have also pushed an anti-gun agenda radically inconsistent with their belief in Trump as dictator-in-chief.
BREAKING: House Passes Bill to Criminalize Private Transfers, Sales
BY John Thomas Published: February 27, 2019 Updated: February 27, 2019This extreme gun control bill will make criminals out of law-abiding Americans.
Federal Court Rejects Bump Stock Ban Injunction, Appeal Filed
BY Jordan Michaels Published: February 27, 2019 Updated: February 27, 2019Bump stock owners have appealed last week’s ruling by a federal court that allowed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms’ new bump stock ban to move forward as scheduled.
Democratic Party Official Says 2A Supporters are ‘Homegrown Terrorists’
BY John Thomas Published: February 27, 2019 Updated: February 27, 2019Maryland Democratic Party Secretary Robbie Leonard is in hot water for a recent Facebook post.
Hundreds Rally in Minnesota to Protect 2A Rights
BY John Thomas Published: February 26, 2019 Updated: February 26, 2019“There’s a lot of us in this room that have had enough, and it’s time to start riding herd on the rest of these people that want to take your rights away from you,” Republican Rep. Cal Bahr told the crowd.
CEOs of Dick’s, TOMS, Levi’s and RXR Realty Push Gun Control in Open Letter
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: February 26, 2019 Updated: February 26, 2019In an open letter published Monday, CEOs for Dick’s Sporting Goods, Levi Strauss & Co., TOMS and RXR Realty called on Congress to criminalize the private transfer of firearms.
California Mayor Proposes End to Private Sales of Guns and Ammo
BY John Thomas Published: February 21, 2019 Updated: February 21, 2019“While our current occupant of the White House tweets about emergency declarations, a real crisis persists in the 39,377 Americans who died from gun violence in 2017. The federal government — cowering in the presence of NRA lobbyists — has abdicated its role to safeguard Americans by implementing reasonable firearm regulations. In the absence of federal leadership, cities and states will continue to step up to do more to keep our residents safe,” said Mayor Liccardo.
Democrats Reject Amendment that Would Have Required ICE Notification for Failed Background Check
BY Jordan Michaels Published: February 21, 2019 Updated: February 21, 2019It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that anti-gun politicians care far more about scoring political points than reducing crime. Their support for policies that have no discernable effect on crime rates is proof enough for that. But sometimes they make their motivations more obvious than usual.
House Introduces ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, 10-Day Waiting Period, NFA Requirement for Rifles
BY Jordan Michaels Published: February 20, 2019 Updated: February 20, 2019U.S. House Representatives introduced over the weekend their take on the new-and-improved “assault weapons” ban, and while the text of the legislation has yet to be released, preening gun-ban proponents like Colorado congresswoman Diana DeGette have outlined the new restrictions on their official government websites.