Gun Control

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State Firearms Registry Being Considered in Pennsylvania

State Firearms Registry Being Considered in Pennsylvania

A bill making its way through the Pennsylvania General Assembly would require gun owners to register their firearms, notify the state police of any firearms transfer, and impose a yearly fee to renew a valid firearms registration card.

Brady Campaign Seeks to Overturn Sandy Hook Ruling Protecting Remington from Liability

BREAKING: Connecticut Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Lawsuit against Remington to Move Forward

In what could be a major blow to the firearms industry in the United States, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled today that parents of Sandy Hook victims can move forward with a lawsuit against Bushmaster Firearms International, a subsidiary of Remington.

Florida Bills Would Make it a Crime for Minors to Post Gun Pics Social Media

Florida Bills Would Make it a Crime for Minors to Post Gun Pics Social Media

Florida state Senator Jason Pizzo, and state Representative Shevrin Jones have introduced virtually identical bills in their respective legislative chambers for consideration. The bills would make it a misdemeanor offense for a minor to publish a picture of a firearm on social media.

Dick's Pulling Firearms, Hunting Gear from 125 Stores Amid Continued Backlash from Pro-Gunners

Dick’s Pulling Firearms, Hunting Gear from 125 Stores Amid Continued Backlash from Pro-Gunners

“People in the gun business are not terribly happy with us,” said Stack. “They said we were toxic, which is fine with us; we’re not going to change the way we’re going.”

Illinois Follows New York’s Lead, Proposes Social Media Check to Purchase a Gun

Illinois Follows New York’s Lead, Proposes Social Media Check to Purchase a Gun

Like swine flu and skinny jeans, anti-gun legislation often work its way from state to state until the entire country has been infected. Now Illinois has caught the bug as House representatives introduce legislation (HB888) that would require state police to “conduct a search of the purchasers’ social media accounts available to the public to determine if there is any information that would disqualify the person from obtaining or require revocation of a currently valid Firearm Owner’s Identification Card.”

Hawaii Introduces Senate Resolution Calling for Repeal of 2A as 'Individual Right'

Hawaii Introduces Senate Resolution Calling for Repeal of 2A as ‘Individual Right’

Five state senators in Hawaii have introduced a Senate Concurrent Resolution that would ask the U.S. Congress to “consider and discuss whether the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution should be repealed or amended to clarify that the right to bear arms is a collective, rather than individual, constitutional right.”

BREAKING: House Passes Second Gun-Control Bill to Close 'Charleston Loophole'

Gun Groups Question Democrats Motive Behind NRA Congressional Investigations

“Are these investigations legitimate,” Gottlieb wondered, “or are they a deliberately choreographed attempt to distract the NRA’s focus when it needs to be concentrating on the battle now developing on Capitol Hill?”

House Dems Point to Parkland Activists to Justify Lowering Voting Age to 16

House Dems Point to Parkland Activists to Justify Lowering Voting Age to 16

“It is young people…who march, organize, and remind us daily in the halls of this institution what’s at stake and just how high those stakes are,” Pressley said.

New York Passes Law Requiring Guns be Secured, Locked Away from Ammo

New York Passes Law Requiring Guns be Secured, Locked Away from Ammo

On the heels of several sweeping anti-gun measures, the New York State Senate and Assembly passed a bill this week that would require gun owners to lock their firearms separately from ammunition whenever a child under the age of 16 is present in the home.

New Mexico Legislature Passes Background Check Bill, Sheriffs Say They Will Not Enforce It

New Mexico Legislature Passes Background Check Bill, Sheriffs Say They Will Not Enforce It

“A strong majority of New Mexicans want background checks on all gun sales, and now they’re about to get them,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety.