Gun Control

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Citigroup CEO: We’re not attacking Second Amendment rights!

Citigroup CEO: We’re not attacking Second Amendment rights!

“We are not threatening people, and we are certainly not threatening the Second Amendment,” said Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat at the company’s annual shareholders meeting on Tuesday.

“What our policy seeks to do is not put restrictions on gun ownership, but really try and institute a series of best practices that have, hopefully, a chance of keeping guns out of the wrong people’s hands. We’ve worked with a number of retailers to come up with what we think some of those best practices are.”

Tucker Takes a Stand Against Gun Confiscation: ‘I would never give up my gun’

Tucker Takes a Stand Against Gun Confiscation: ‘I would never give up my gun’

 Tucker Carlson is not going to give up his guns. In a recent debate with “The Collective PAC” founder Quentin James, the Fox News host made his position with respect to confiscation very clear. “I would never give up my gun, under any circumstance. I wouldn’t. If I have a firearm in my house [...]

EPIC FAIL: Anti-Gunners Call for Gun Control During Ohio State Knife Attack

Colorado Gov. Signs ‘Red Flag’ Law: Everytown Gloats, Sheriff Vows Non-Compliance

Colorado’s governor signed the state’s new “red flag” law last week, and anti-gun activists couldn’t be happier. Coloradans will be able to have their housemates’ firearms confiscated beginning January 1, 2020.

David Hogg Praises New Zealand Gun Ban, Chides U.S. Government ‘Owned’ By Gun Makers

David Hogg Praises New Zealand Gun Ban, Chides U.S. Government ‘Owned’ By Gun Makers

Linking to an article announcing that the New Zealand parliament, on its third and final reading, passed The Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill by a 119 to 1 vote, Hogg said, “When your government is not owned by gun manufacturers.”

Pittsburgh Tries Tricky Legal Strategy to Control 'Assault Rifle' Use within City Limits

Pittsburgh Tries Tricky Legal Strategy to Control ‘Assault Rifle’ Use within City Limits

The all-Democratic Pittsburgh City Council voted 6-3 this week to ban the “use” of some semi-automatic rifles along with a total ban on magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds of ammunition and all armor-piercing ammunition. The Council also voted to enact an ordinance allowing the court to seize firearms under an “extreme risk protection order” requested by a family or household member.

New Zealand Gangs: 'No,' We Won't Get Rid of Our Guns

New Zealand Gangs: ‘No,’ We Won’t Get Rid of Our Guns

“Will gangs get rid of their weapons? No. Because of who we are, we can’t guarantee our own safety,” explained Sonny Fatu, the leader of the Waikato branch of the Mongrel Mob, in an interview with Stuff.

JPFO Condemns Jewish Calls to Disarm

JPFO Condemns Jewish Calls to Disarm

After outrageous mass murders in New Zealand—and deadly acts of similar sociopaths in recent memory—too many Jews around the world, among other thought leaders, are again screaming bloody murder to disarm innocent people who didn’t do anything.

BREAKING: Dick’s Will No Longer Sell ARs, High-Cap Mags

Dick’s Sporting Goods Lost $150 Million as Direct Result of AR-15 Ban

Dick’s Sporting Goods lost $150 million in sales as a result of the company’s anti-gun policies, according to a new report from Bloomberg. The loss amounted to 1.7 percent of the company’s overall revenue and has spurred the company to consider dropping hunting-related items entirely.

But Edward Stack, the company’s CEO and Virtue Signaler in Chief, said the move was worth it.

Face 10 Years In Prison If You Don't Surrender Your Bump Stock in 90 Days

BREAKING: Appeals Court Denies Effort to Block Nationwide Bump-Stock Ban

GunsAmerica has learned that in two of those four cases, the courts ruled to grant injunctions to the plaintiffs in the suit but not to the hundreds of thousands of bump stock owners nationwide. In the D.C. Circuit Court and the 10th Circuit Court, the judges ruled to give the named plaintiffs a stay but denied the request for a nationwide injunction.

AOC Applauds Nationwide Gun Confiscation in New Zealand, 'This is What Leadership Looks Like'

AOC Applauds Nationwide Gun Confiscation in New Zealand, ‘This is What Leadership Looks Like’

New Zealand has decided to pursue a nationwide gun ban, and Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, like, loves it.