Gun Control

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Everytown Runs Attack Ads against GOP Senators: 'This Has to Stop'

Everytown Runs Attack Ads against GOP Senators: ‘This Has to Stop’

The Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund recently spent $350,000 to purchase television ads targeting four Republican Senators and calling on them to support “bipartisan” background check and red flag laws.

Pick Your Battles: Dealing With the Anti-Gun Crowd

Pick Your Battles: Dealing With the Anti-Gun Crowd

My first recommendation for anyone is to do some research. People who are against guns and gun ownership often quote “facts” and “statistics” that stretch the truth, hide the truth or ignore the truth altogether.

Hospital CEO Calls Guns a 'Disease' that Needs to be Eradicated with 'Aggressive' Action

Hospital CEO Calls Guns a ‘Disease’ that Needs to be Eradicated with ‘Aggressive’ Action

Michael Dowling is taking a stand against guns. Calling firearms a “disease” that “we’ve ignored for far too long,” he’s urging fellow doctors and hospital administrators to take “aggressive” action against this “public health crisis.”

Trump: ‘We’ll Be Doing Background Checks’ & Closing ‘Loopholes’

Trump: ‘We’ll Be Doing Background Checks’ & Closing ‘Loopholes’

President Donald Trump said this week that he will work with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to expand background checks for gun purchases.

David Hogg Calls for a Gun Czar, Buy Back, Government Youth Organization to Combat Gun Violence

David Hogg Calls for a Gun Czar, Buy Back, Government Youth Organization to Combat Gun Violence

In the never-ending fight among activists for the role as the nation’s leading anti-gun extremist, David Hogg just became king of the gun ban hill. The Parkland survivor and media hound released this week a draconian gun control plan — dubbed “A Peace Plan for a Safer America” — that makes the 1994 “assault weapons” ban look like the Second Amendment.

Shapiro & Morgan Debate Gun Control... Again

Shapiro & Morgan Debate Gun Control… Again

Piers Morgan appeared on “The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special” this past weekend to talk about a wide range of topics, including gun control.

Robert 'Beto' O’Rourke Visits Arkansas Gun Show, Vows to Ban Their AR-15s

Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Visits Arkansas Gun Show, Vows to Ban Their AR-15s

Robert “Beto” O’Rourke visited an Arkansas gun show over the weekend and vowed to ban and buyback the AR-15’s being sold there. The handsomest Irishman in the 2020 Democratic presidential field stopped by the show to “include everyone in this conversation” and soon after posted on social media his disapproval of the “weapons of war” he saw being sold.

The Beltway Snipers: Agents of Chaos

The Beltway Snipers: Agents of Chaos

Setting her baby on a changing table she answered the front door to find a 17-year-old Jamaican named Lee Boyd Malvo. Malvo produced a .45-caliber handgun and shot the woman in the face. Thus began one of the most brutal killing sprees in American history.

Canadian PM Trudeau Calls for More 'Common Sense' Gun Control as Toronto Violence Spikes

Canadian PM Trudeau Calls for More ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control as Toronto Violence Spikes

As gun-related violence spikes in Toronto, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called for adding more “common sense” gun restrictions to the country’s already restrictive firearm laws. Toronto enjoys a relatively low gun-related homicide rate compared to many U.S. cities, but that hasn’t stopped Trudeau from blaming guns for the city’s crime. “Recent shootings have [...]

Schumer Wants to Restrict Access to Body Armor: ‘Wares of War Demand FBI Checks’

Schumer Wants to Restrict Access to Body Armor: ‘Wares of War Demand FBI Checks’

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced this week that he will introduce legislation to restrict access to body armor and other “wares of war” in the near future.