Michael Bloomberg made it official. Gun control godfather, financier of several anti-gun groups, is throwing his billions in to buy his way to the White House and forcing his radical anti-gun agenda on America.
Gun Control
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To Pass Gun Control, Treat Guns like Cigarettes says Academic
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: November 20, 2019 Updated: November 20, 2019“The NRA has framed the issue at the individual level, as gun owner vs. non-gun owners. They paint it as a highly controversial issue that is basically a question of the Second Amendment versus the desire to reduce gun violence.”
JPFO: AR-15, AK-47 Confiscation a Total Fraud
BY Alan Korwin Published: November 19, 2019 Updated: November 19, 2019While people in mass media on the left and right continue to harp about proposed confiscations, forced “buybacks,” sales bans and contrabanding AR-15s and AK-47s, there is no way either party or any candidate can attack those guns in isolation.
Op-Ed: Outlaw Standard Bullets, Release ‘Recalibrated’ Rounds Forcing Citizens to Buy New Guns
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: November 14, 2019 Updated: November 14, 2019“So here’s what would happen if the manufacture of today’s standard-size rounds were outlawed, and .23, .39 and .46-caliber rounds took their place: Eventually, gun owners would run out of the old ammo, and their weapons would become paperweights,” says Berler.
Here’s the List of Bills Anti-Gunners Plan to Enact in Virginia
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: November 12, 2019 Updated: November 12, 2019“I was disappointed and disgusted that we could not move forward because they were upset about the election results,” Del. Marcia Price (D-95) told WTKR.
New Zealand Police Minister on Buyback: Do it Now or Face Five Years in Prison
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: November 6, 2019 Updated: November 6, 2019“If people don’t hand in the other prohibited firearms and parts by 20 December they will get no money and will face up to five years in prison and the loss of their firearms license,” he added.
Something Good from the SAFE Act? Anti-Gun Bill Leads to 5,300 Acres of Legal Hunting Ground
BY News Wire Published: November 4, 2019 Updated: August 3, 2024The SAFE Act hasn’t done New York gun owners any favors, but its draconian anti-gun policies just opened 5,300 acres of hunting lands that had previously been in shaky legal territory.
Of Dictators, Assassins, and Friends – Walther PPK
BY Will Dabbs Published: November 1, 2019 Updated: November 1, 2019South Korea’s breathtaking wealth and productivity stand in stark contrast to the poverty and despair to be found in its neighbor to the North. While modern Americans might presume that South Korea has been free and prosperous ever since the end of the Korean War, such was not always the case. Today’s South Korea has a sordid history indeed.
Pennsylvania Judge Rules Pittsburgh’s Anti-Gun Laws ‘Void and Unenforceable’
BY Jordan Michaels Published: October 31, 2019 Updated: October 31, 2019A Pennsylvania judge ruled this week that Pittsburgh’s anti-gun laws are “void and unenforceable” because state preemption statues prohibit local governments from restricting firearm possession and use.
Pew Research: Support for Stricter Gun Laws Grows
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: October 23, 2019 Updated: October 23, 2019The nonpartisan think tank conducted a survey in September finding that the number of respondents who support banning “high capacity magazines” has increased from 65 percent in 2017 to 71 percent in 2019.