Gun Control

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The Guns of the Waco Disaster: A Cautionary Tale

The Guns of the Waco Disaster: A Cautionary Tale

Weapons of Mass Destruction are nukes and chemical warfare agents. Machineguns are really just good tools to help you run out of ammunition quickly. The unjustified stigma attached to these typically forbidden tools is driven by the media and remains quite powerful.

Schumer Calls on DOJ, ATF to Crack Down on ‘Ghost Guns’ (Gun Parts, Kits)

Schumer Calls on DOJ, ATF to Crack Down on ‘Ghost Guns’ (Gun Parts, Kits)

Sen. Chuck Schumer is calling on the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) to crack down on “ghost guns.”

Gun Control Is A Solution to Non-Existent Problem Says Utah Gun-Rights Advocate

Gun Control Is A Solution to Non-Existent Problem Says Utah Gun-Rights Advocate

A Utah gun-rights advocate said that recent efforts to enact gun control in the Beehive State is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.

Virginia Advances 'Assault Weapons' Ban in House

Virginia Advances ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban in House

A Virginia House committee advanced this week a bill banning the sale, manufacture, and possession of “assault weapons,” “high-capacity” magazines, and suppressors (HB 961). The House Public Safety Committee passed the legislation on a 12-9 party-line vote and sent it to the full House for consideration.

Florida Referendum to Ban Semi-Autos Fails with 19% of Needed Signatures

Florida Referendum to Ban Semi-Autos Fails with 19% of Needed Signatures

The Florida referendum to ban common rifles and shotguns as “assault weapons” has failed to gather enough signatures to appear on the 2020 ballot.

U.S. Conference Of Mayors Asks Congress to Pass New Gun Control Laws

U.S. Conference Of Mayors Asks Congress to Pass New Gun Control Laws

Mayor Whaley and others are pushing to increase regulations regarding “ghost guns,” or guns made at home from parts and kits.

After Peaceful Virginia Rally, State Legislators Plan to Go Ahead with Gun Control Plans

After Peaceful Virginia Rally, State Legislators Plan to Go Ahead with Gun Control Plans

“I was prepared to see a whole lot more people show up than actually did and I think it’s an indication that a lot of this rhetoric is bluster, quite frankly,” said anti-gun activist Chris Hurst reports ABC 13.

Judge Judy on Gun Control: ‘Bad guys will always get guns’

Judge Judy on Gun Control: ‘Bad guys will always get guns’

“I am not a Michael Bloomberg surrogate,” said Judge Judy. “We may not agree on everything. I have always felt that the bad guys will always get guns. I was involved in criminal justice for a quarter of a century before I got this great gig that I have now.”

PA Attorney General Says 80% Receivers Are Firearms; NRA Outraged

PA Attorney General Says 80% Receivers Are Firearms; NRA Outraged

“My Office is taking the initial step of clarifying – through my official, legal opinion – that under Pennsylvania law, 80% receivers are firearms and can be treated, regulated, and enforced as such,” Shapiro said Monday.

Other States Watch Virginia as 2A Sanctuary Movement Grows, Militia Mobilizes

Other States Watch Virginia as 2A Sanctuary Movement Grows, Militia Mobilizes

“This is East Texas,” he said. “No one has any question as to how we feel about the Second Amendment.”