Online forums that share 3D printed gun files haven’t been exempt from the crackdown by Big Tech on gun-related groups, websites, and organizations.
Gun Control
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Big Tech Moves to De-Platform 3D Printer Gun Groups… Again
BY Jordan Michaels Updated: February 3, 2021Durbin’s ‘Gun Control Priority’ Shows Democrat Danger to 2A
BY News Wire Updated: February 1, 2021“It’s because of Durbin and other like-minded anti-gun Democrats that a major effort called ‘Gun Rights Outreach to Defeat Gun Control Overreach’ is attracting remarkable support,” Gottlieb noted.
Everytown Poll: Voters Want Gun Control in First 100 Days
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: January 27, 2021“Gun safety is good policy and good politics, and acting on it now could unify the country in a way few other issues could,” he continued.
Everytown, Hogg Gleeful Over Biden Inauguration
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: January 20, 2021Gun-control activists around the country are rejoicing today at the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Anti-Gunner Says NRA is Responsible for Capitol Occupation, Meanwhile Video of Alleged Antifa Members Surfaces
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: January 7, 2021It was only a matter of time before the NRA and law-abiding gun owners were blamed for yesterday’s shenanigans at the Capitol.
ABC News Discovers Why Women Are Increasingly Exercising 2A Rights
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: December 22, 2020ABC News ran a story this past weekend as part of its “America in Transition” series that covered the 2020 surge in gun sales.
Illinois Appeals Court Greenlights Ban on ARs, Violators to Face $1K Fines Per Day
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: December 10, 2020“I disagree with it, because I believe what Deerfield did was not amending an ordinance, and an end run around the spirit of what the state intended,” Easterday told local media.
Toledo Mayor’s Anti-Gun PR Stunt Fails Miserably: ‘There Are No Companies That Meet Our Standard’
BY Jordan Michaels Updated: December 8, 2020Two years ago, the mayor of Toledo, Ohio, made a solemn vow never to do business with a gun manufacturer or dealer that sold “assault weapons” to civilians. Today, Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz has some egg on his face.
Never Enough: Canadians Press for More Gun Control, Including Total Handgun Ban
BY Jordan Michaels Updated: December 1, 2020Despite Canada’s already strict gun control regime, anti-gun activists in the Great White North are pushing for even more gun control after they successfully lobbied for an “assault weapons” ban earlier this year.
7 Ways Biden Can Circumvent Congress to Attack 2A Rights as President
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: November 18, 2020Joe Biden is coming for the 2A if he is sworn into office on Jan. 20, 2021. Here’s how he’ll do it.