As part of our coverage for AR week, we are leading the charge with a Ruger model sure to make a Californian crap in Xe’s pants. Ruger has been making AR’s for a while now, at a price that makes them attractive. The Ruger SR556 Takedown is by far the most expensive in the catalog, [...]
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Ruger LC9s Pro – Small Enough to Carry, Big Enough to Shoot
BY Justin Opinion Published: February 28, 2018 Updated: February 28, 2018First and foremost, because it is small. Beyond small – it’s tiny. The LC9s Pro is what I would categorize as a micro-9. Its dimensions are literally just enough to handle the size of the cartridge and pressures created and nothing more. This makes the pistol incredibly concealable.
Showdown: Pocket Rocket v. PMR30 — Full Review
BY Will Dabbs Published: February 21, 2018 Updated: February 21, 2018Why do we die-hard gun nerds do what we do? Sure, we pontificate about self-defense applications, civil unrest, and the pending end of the world. But what really is it that drives this preoccupation we all seem to have with cool dangerous toys that are sleek, black, and oily? I would assert that despite our [...]
Get A 1911 Any Way Ya Like It: Springfield Armory Custom Shop — SHOT Show 2018
BY Clay Martin Published: February 14, 2018 Updated: February 14, 2018The Springfield Armory Custom Shop is not a place we visit often, lest I need to remortgage my house. But they do put out top notch guns, for those of discerning taste. I have never been accused of that, but they let me fondle the goods anyway.
Top Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Carrying a Concealed Handgun
BY Administrator Published: February 14, 2018 Updated: February 14, 2018I’ve had a concealed pistol license for more than 15 years now. Today, I couldn’t imagine not having it. Along the way, I’ve had the privilege to think through a few of the nuances of concealed carry. And so here are the top five things I wish I knew before carrying a concealed handgun.
Three-Caliber Wheelgun with Two Cylinders: Taurus 692 — SHOT Show 2018
BY Clay Martin Published: February 14, 2018 Updated: February 14, 2018Taurus has come on with a vengeance in revolvers this year. The 692 is a full-sized revolver in .357 Magnum and .38 Special. Big deal, you say! Every .357 revolver also shoots .38 Special. That isn’t what we meant by multiple calibers. With one press of a button, the cylinder is removable, and in its place? Taurus has provided a 9mm cylinder. One wheelgun = three calibers. Now, we’re talking.
Safariland Holsters to Fit P320 Coming SOON! — SHOT Show 2018
BY Clay Martin Published: February 13, 2018 Updated: February 13, 2018Never shy about putting a company on the spot, we dropped by Safariland with a baited ambush, to see who would walk into it. That unfortunate person was Keith Garcia.We ambushed him with other questions at SHOT to get the nitty-gritty details of what we can expect from the high-quality holster maker.
S&W New Editions to the M&P 2.0 Family — SHOT Show 2018
BY Clay Martin Published: February 13, 2018 Updated: February 13, 2018Last year, the release of the M&P 2.0 family of pistols was one of the biggest stories fo the year. Unlike other companies, Smith and Wesson seemed to listen to every customer critique over the preceding 10 years and fixed every one of them in the 2.0. Not some, spaced over the next 3 generations. All of them. Right now. Ready go.
One-Millionth ACOG, New RMR 2 and AccuPoint Expansion — SHOT Show 2018
BY Clay Martin Published: February 13, 2018 Updated: February 13, 2018Trijicon was first to the game with the micro red dots, almost a decade ago. The purpose-built sights, sized to fit pistols, changed the game with red dot carry and suppressor ready guns. This year, they take that to the next level with theRMR 2.
“We the People” 1911; Elegance & Class from SIG Sauer — SHOT Show 2018
BY Clay Martin Published: February 12, 2018 Updated: February 12, 2018SIG Sauer is best known for military-style hardware, ranging from submachine guns and sniper rifles, to the new Army M17 pistol. It is easy to forget they also make 1911 pistols, some of the best around. The first time I shot a Sig 1911 over a decade ago, it was hard to miss the value of the included high-end features. This year, SIG released a special edition “ We the People” model, a sure win for collectors.