coues deer

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TAKE THE SHOT: Coues Deer At Last Light

TAKE THE SHOT: Coues Deer At Last Light


The author finds a good coues buck at last light. He has to sprint 1300 yards and then shoot steeply uphill through a thin screen of grass. Should he take the shot?

Desert Deer: A Week of Adventure

Desert Deer: A Week of Adventure


Coues deer make their home in the Southwest and provide a unique opportunity for serious deer hunters who are willing to spend hours behind their optics and brave vegetation that pokes, cuts, or stings, warm temperatures, and ghost-like deer habits under the semblance of fun.

Take the Shot? A World-Class Coues Deer Offers A Challenging, Long-Range Shot In High-Wind Conditions - Presented by Springfield Armory

Take the Shot? A World-Class Coues Deer Offers A Challenging, Long-Range Shot In High-Wind Conditions – Presented by Springfield Armory


A World-Class Coues Deer Offers A Challenging, Long-Range Shot In High-Wind Conditions. The Hunter Is Using Cutting-Edge Long-Range Shooting Gear. Should He Take The Shot?