Often when I travel, the gun I carry concealed is the only one I have. Ever had someone at your hotel room door, convinced they were at the right room? I have, and not cool. That’s why I carry a gun that I can actually shoot–The Springfield Armory XD-S.
Concealed Carry
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Fist full of Hardball: Why I Carry a Springfield XD-S
BY Clay Martin Published: May 9, 2016 Updated: May 9, 2016Armed Bystander Stops Home Depot Tire Iron Attack
BY Max Slowik Published: April 13, 2016 Updated: April 13, 2016A citizen stopped two men assaulting a security guard in the parking lot of a Home Depot hardware store in Texas. One of the men had a tire iron.
5 Dead Giveaways that Out Concealed Carry
BY Dave Higginbotham Published: April 9, 2016 Updated: April 9, 2016Your gun may be concealed, but the fact that you carry a gun may not be. Here are five signs that others see that are dead giveaways.
Why My Concealed Carry Gun is a .357
BY Dick Jones Published: April 9, 2016 Updated: April 9, 2016The debate about the best concealed carry gun will never be solved. But I’m going to throw in my vote for EDC: the .357. I’ve been studying defensive shooting scenarios and statistics, and here’s why I think this S&W revolver is the best option.
5 Things to Consider Before You Carry Concealed
BY Dick Jones Published: March 26, 2016 Updated: March 26, 2016Here’s a list of 5 things you should consider before you jump headlong into concealed carry. It isn’t as easy as just carrying a gun. There are other things that some new to the lifestyle (and some who have grown complacent) fail to consider.
Kel-Tec P3AT–3 Year Review
BY Dave Higginbotham Published: March 16, 2016 Updated: March 16, 2016The Kel-Tec P3AT isn’t new. But that’s the point of this deep dive. I’ve been carrying this one for more than three years, and I’m here to break it down and show you just what the old .380 looks like after hard use. Get ready for some gritty pics.
3 Examples that Prove the Second Amendment Works
BY Dave Higginbotham Published: March 16, 2016 Updated: March 16, 2016Ever have one of those talks with a friend–you know the one–they hat the very idea of guns, and claim that real people can’t possibly defend themselves with guns? Here’s proof they’re wrong. 3 good shoots from one average week that prove the relevance of the Second Amendment.
Concealed-Carrier Stops Maniac with Hatchet in Washington
BY Max Slowik Published: March 15, 2016 Updated: March 15, 2016An armed customer with a concealed-carry permit is credited with saving lives by shooting an ax-wielding man at a 7-Eleven convenience store last weekend.
Heizer’s Pocket AK and Pocket AR–7.62×39 and .223 Hand Cannon Review
BY Dave Higginbotham Published: March 5, 2016 Updated: March 5, 2016Is a mouse gun that fires a .223 round bad ass, or a bad idea? How about one that fires a 7.62×39? Well we’ve been hammering our hands for two weeks now and are here to settle the score. Are the Heizer Pocket ARs and Pocket AKs good ideas, or just a gimmick?
Breaking: West Virginia Gov. Tomblin Vetoes Constitutional Carry Bill — Again!
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: March 3, 2016 Updated: March 3, 2016Last year, right around this time of the year, West Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin vetoed a permit-less carry bill citing concerns for law enforcement officers.