Concealed Carry

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NRA Sues New Jersey Over 'Justifiable Need' Requirement for Concealed Carry

CCW-Fee Reform Bill Passes! Carrying in Texas Just Got a Whole Lot Cheaper!

“No Texan should be deprived of their right to self-protection because of onerous licensing fees imposed by the state,” said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

Top Five Less-Lethal Defensive Tools

Top Five Less-Lethal Defensive Tools

If you can’t or don’t want to carry a handgun, consider these other defensive tools.

The Ideal Conceal Cell Phone Pistol Back in the News

The Ideal Conceal Cell Phone Pistol Back in the News

“I just decided there’s gotta be a better way to carry,” Kjellberg said. “And I was just looking around and noticed everyone had a smartphone so why not make a pistol that would look like that?”

Get a Better Grip! Here are Five Grip Improvements for Your Pistol

Get a Better Grip! Here are Five Grip Improvements for Your Pistol

If you have a gun that meets all your defensive requirements but could use a little help in the feel/fit department, consider these five ways of improving the grip.

Cabot Guns Rebooting 1911 Specialist Alchemy Custom Weaponry

Cabot Guns Rebooting 1911 Specialist Alchemy Custom Weaponry

“The Components will be largely industry sourced but fit to a very high gunsmith standard,” Bianchin told GunsAmerica via email. “I have no doubt the Alchemy 1911s will be best-in-class at the retail price point of just under, $2,500.”

Top Five Most Comfortable Concealed Carry Locations

Top Five Most Comfortable Concealed Carry Locations

What’s your most comfortable location for concealed carry?

A CCW .380 for Chump Change? SCCY’s Impressive CPX-3 – NRA 2017

A CCW .380 for Chump Change? SCCY’s Impressive CPX-3 – NRA 2017

If you are one of those out there looking for a rock-solid .380 pocket pistol that won’t break the bank, then the CPX-3 from SCCY deserves a very close look. With an MSRP around $300, the double-action-only, polymer-framed pistol is a great option.

It’s Hammer Time! Springfield’s New 9mm XD-E – Full Review.

It’s Hammer Time! Springfield’s New 9mm XD-E – Full Review.

Springfield Armory has taken their mastery of small gun ergonomics in a new direction with the release of the XD-E. The E stands for external hammer, which is a feature many people look for in a carry gun. If you are in the “don’t trust strikers” crowd, this gun was absolutely made for you.

Ep. 52 Should I Shoot? Gas Station Showdown

Ep. 52 Should I Shoot? Gas Station Showdown

The man walks up to the counter and hands the clerk a note. The clerk nervously takes the note, reads it and then looks up at the man.

Ep. 51 Should I Shoot? Is that a Hold Up Behind the Gun Store?

Ep. 51 Should I Shoot? Is that a Hold Up Behind the Gun Store?

You could be witnessing a hold-up in broad daylight right behind a gun store. Or it could be something else.