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Do I need a Muzzle Brake, Compensator, or Flash Hider?


Don’t be that dude, know what muzzle device you need and what it does because a muzzle brake, compensator, flash hider, or concussion reduction device do different things. 

What are You Compensating for? 9MM Compensator Round-Up

What are You Compensating for? 9MM Compensator Round-Up


Before you start commenting “What kind of sissy needs a compensator for such a puny round like 9MM” -because I know at least five of you are thinking it….let’s talk about what compensators do and who they’re designed for.

Big Gun Performance from Springfield's Micro Hellcat Rapid Defense Package (RDP)

Big Gun Performance from Springfield’s Micro Hellcat Rapid Defense Package (RDP)


Another significant upgrade of the Rapid Defense Package is the addition of a red dot sight. The RDP takes advantage of the optics ready feature of the Hellcat and includes a HEX Wasp micro red dot.