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No, Remington's Bankruptcy Has Nothing to Do with Anti-Gun Protests

Korwin: Memo to Gun Ban Movement – Infringement Is Illegal!

The so-called “news” media has disguised or totally hidden this revealing truth. Journalists have become virtually as much an enemy of the nation’s health as the murderers themselves. That’s a hard thing to say, as a journalist myself.

Training Classes - Choosing Your Instructor

Training Classes – Choosing Your Instructor

It seems since the rise of terrorism there has been an explosion of people hanging out their shingles, or website, as firearms instructors. The sheer number of choices can make choosing the right one a daunting task for the novice shooter

Support Gun Control You Child Hating Bigot!!

Support Gun Control You Child Hating Bigot!!

If you don’t support gun control you are a child-hating bigot. Right?

Clay Tours Tactical Solutions! The Rimfire Experts of the West

Clay Tours Tactical Solutions! The Rimfire Experts of the West

Tactical Solutions aka Tac Sol is a serious player in the rimfire arena. If you have ever gone looking for parts to make your 10/22 or Buckmark not suck, odds are you know who they are.

Top Five Range Bags

Top Five Range Bags

Range bags run the gamut from duffle bags to shoulder bags to specially designed complex bags designed to handle all this gear. Sure, you can get along without a range bag, but even a simple range bag can make a trip to the range all the more productive, organized, efficient and fun. With that, here are my top five range bags.

YouTube to Censor Gun Conversion, Modification Videos

NSSF: YouTube’s New Policy Provides Cause for Concern

This argument can be logically extended to social media platforms. It is time that social media platform management realizes its broader collective responsibility since it commands so much of today’s virtual public square.

Clay Learns to Reload: Ep. 1 Taking a Class

Clay Learns to Reload: Ep. 1 Taking a Class

I’m going to start reloading. As a noob, I decided to the best place to start was to take an entry-level class. Learning from an expert in the flesh can save you hours of heartache and head-scratching.

Top Five .38 Special Self-Defense Rounds

Top Five .38 Special Self-Defense Rounds

A .38 Special for self-defense? It’s not the fastest or most powerful round, but it is the best round if it meets two key criteria: It’s the one you’ll actually carry and you can shoot it accurately. So, yes, a .38 Special for self-defense.

Top Five Night Sights for Handguns

Top Five Night Sights for Handguns

Here are my top five night sights for handguns, in no particular order. Just for the sake of comparison, the sights listed are all for a Glock 19. If you have the proper tools, you can install these yourself, but professional installation is recommended.

Build a Complete AR-15 Upper in Under 45 Minutes

Build a Complete AR-15 Upper in Under 45 Minutes

As we stare down the barrel (no pun intended) of another attempted gun grab, I felt like it is time we take a look at exactly how to keep your AR running indefinitely.