What I want to provide to you today, however, is what I learned about accessories for an AR-15. Some of these things may seem like an obvious need (and they did to me too). But during and after the training, the usefulness of the accessories and the need for them to be integrated into a training regimen became much clearer and more real.
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How a Muster Day Revival Could Secure Second Amendment Rights for Future Generations
BY Jordan Michaels Published: May 1, 2018 { 25 comments }You didn’t learn about this in your public high school history class, at least not recently. “Muster Day” was established in the United States after the passage of the Militia Acts of 1792 and remained a yearly tradition until the Civil War.
Korwin: How to Ban the AR-15
BY Alan Korwin Published: April 26, 2018 { 32 comments }Banning the AR-15, America’s Rifle, as media-promoted child “survivors” are trying to force upon this great nation, is not only a bad idea, it’s illegal — infringement — and as a practical matter, it’s hard.
Wikipedia Censors ‘Gun Rights’
BY Alan Korwin Published: April 26, 2018 { 1 comment }References to gun rights are redirected to politics. Propaganda is now “Wikiganda.”
Clay Learns to Reload Ep. 4: Using a Concentricity Tool & Powder Measure
BY Clay Martin Published: April 25, 2018 { 11 comments }This week, the amateur reloading show got some upgraded tools. If you are stepping into the roll your own game, you are going to want to put these high up on your list not far behind the press.
Thoughts on the NRA’s Shameful Attempt to Blackball YETI
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: April 24, 2018 { 16 comments }“These facts directly contradict the inaccurate statement the NRA-ILA distributed on April 20, 2018,” continued YETI.
Top Five New Old Guns
BY Mark Kakkuri Published: April 24, 2018 { 12 comments }I find it amazing how many modern guns are based on decades-old designs. Let’s look at some modern renditions of old designs. Many examples of new old guns exist, but here are my top five.
Reading This Article Will Save Your Life
BY Joshua Hood Published: April 21, 2018 { 4 comments }You are well trained, but there is always something you don’t know. You get out and move to the passenger side of the Lexus. Your hand goes to the butt of your pistol without even thinking and you are halfway to the Lexus and you hear, “he’s been shot.” You jog the rest of the way and when you look inside all you see is blood.
When to Lawfully Kill to Protect Property
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: April 19, 2018 { 39 comments }Can you use deadly force to protect property? Most of the time you cannot. However, there is an instance where deadly force can be applied to protect premises. Do you know what it is?
Clay Learns to Reload: Ep. 3 Top-of-the-Line Case Prep Tools from Hornady
BY Clay Martin Published: April 19, 2018 { 12 comments }Not far into my journey to reloading, it became obvious I was going to need some case prep tools. Never one to shy away from keeping Visa in business, I decided to go big from jump street rather than piecemeal the products along the way. I picked the biggest and baddest options available from Hornady.