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Lights Out: 10 Things I've Learned About Shooting in the Dark

Lights Out: 10 Things I’ve Learned About Shooting in the Dark

If you get the opportunity to shoot in the dark — indoors or outdoors — by all means, do it. I suspect you’ll find what I did: Muzzle flash isn’t all that big of a deal in a self-defense shooting situation.

NSSF: The Evolution of a Gun Grabber

NSSF: The Evolution of a Gun Grabber

It makes you nostalgic for the days of old when at least gun control politicians tried to be sly. No longer.

Let’s Get Small: The Case for the Pocket Pistol

Let’s Get Small: The Case for the Pocket Pistol

True though that might be, we carry tiny guns specifically because they’re not Glock 19s, CZ 75s, Walther PPQs or Smith & Wesson M&Ps.

Recharge Reloaded: History of the Spare

Recharge Reloaded: History of the Spare

Concealed carry permit classes are also very likely to be instructed by retired law enforcement officers, and this is where the issues begin to compound.

JPFO: How to fix America's murder problem -- Don't Do Something, Do the Right Thing!

JPFO: Is CNN a Cause of Mass Murder?

By providing “the oxygen of publicity,” as Margaret Thatcher called it, media encourages copycats, which the murderers themselves tell us they seek. Doesn’t that imply at least some measure of complicity or guilt?

NSSF: Why Sen. Booker's License to Drive a Car/Own a Gun Comparison is Bogus

NSSF: Why Sen. Booker’s License to Drive a Car/Own a Gun Comparison is Bogus

Recently, Sen. Booker tweeted “If you need a license to drive a car, you should need a license to buy and possess a gun. Some states are doing this already — and it saves lives.”

Five Tips for Teaching Single-Handed Shooting

Five Tips for Teaching Single-Handed Shooting

Is it best to perfect two-handed techniques before transitioning to single-handed shooting and handling techniques?

Pick Your Battles: Dealing With the Anti-Gun Crowd

Pick Your Battles: Dealing With the Anti-Gun Crowd

My first recommendation for anyone is to do some research. People who are against guns and gun ownership often quote “facts” and “statistics” that stretch the truth, hide the truth or ignore the truth altogether.

NSSF: House Dems Focus on Straws, Not Solutions

NSSF: House Dems Focus on Straws, Not Solutions

In an interview with CNN, Rep. Richmond said “we have cities that are banning plastic straws, and we can’t ban assault weapons? That just doesn’t make sense to me.”

JPFO: How to fix America's murder problem -- Don't Do Something, Do the Right Thing!

JPFO: How to fix America’s murder problem — Don’t Do Something, Do the Right Thing!

It is the oldest mistake in Congress. “We must do something!” It’s a classic error of logic known as appelare desperadi, the appeal to desperation.