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Voters Rejecting Gun Control Politicians Who Shout ‘Crime Isn’t A Problem’

Politicians in New York and California push extreme gun control restrictions under the guise of keeping people “safe.” Governors Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul should take note – their voters disagree.

Ryan Busse Is A Fear Merchant And Liar, And No Firearm Industry Expert

Don’t believe him. He’s nothing more than a modern-day snake-oil salesman hawking gun control as a cure-all elixir.

Independence Day Celebrates America’s Firearm Heritage

The celebration of America’s independence, self-determination and revolutionary spirit is rooted in a heritage of responsible firearm ownership.

Third Circuit: Not All Modern Felons Lose Second Amendment Rights

Some felony convictions are not sufficiently based in the historical record to take away rights protected by the Second Amendment. 

California Opens Floodgates for Crippling Lawsuits Against Gun Industry 

Gov. Newsom Comes Clean with 28th Amendment Suggestion

He’s not proposing to protect rights granted by our Creator, rather he’s looking to turn those rights into government-approved privileges.

Beware of False Gun Control Prophets: Ryan Busse

“There were just these unspoken codes of conduct the industry knew not to violate,” he said. “And those seem to have broken down.”

Michigan Man Confesses to Killing at Least Five Deer From His Vehicle

Fudd Conversion Therapy: A Step-by-Step Guide

We’re not talking about any complicated processes here – just some friendly persuasion and sharing of knowledge. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get ya going on Operation: De-Fudd:

You’ll Shoot Your Nuts Off! Five Reasons to Rethink Appendix Carry

Gun enthusiasts often debate the merits and demerits of various firearm carry styles. One that often sparks controversy is the Appendix Inside the Waistband (AIWB), also known as “appendix carry.”

Gabby Giffords at a rally in Michigan.

Anti-Gun Advocates Urge Law Students to Forsake Firearm Industry

Two gun control groups are putting a 21st Century twist on the line and taking to university campuses to convince law students to pledge to never represent the firearm industry, or its interests, in court.

Chicago Prosecutor Heading For The Hills Over Crime

Examples abound of the backwards lawlessness of Chicago’s crime policies that endangers and restricts law-abiding Chicagoans from protecting themselves from criminals who have no regard for the law and innocent human life.