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Biden Signs Bipartisan 'Safer Communities Act' with Help from These 15 GOP Senators

President Biden’s War on Firearm Industry Reaches New Peak

President Joe Biden is stepping up his effort to cripple the firearm industry, the one industry that provides the means for law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

Benjamin Netanyahu at a podium.

Why The Attack On Israel Should End the Gun-Control Debate

The reason we have the right to have such weapons though is in case we ever go through what Israel is now going through.

Gabby Giffords at a rally in Michigan.

Giffords Gun Control Tries ‘ILL’ Fundraising Scheme

They use the courts to try to convince judges and juries that a firearm that was lawfully made and lawfully sold, and subsequently misused by a criminal to harm someone else, is somehow the fault of the manufacturer.

New Jersey Follows California’s Lead on Unworkable Microstamping Requirements

When it comes to gun control, though, New Jersey’s got just about everything California has to offer – even down to the microstamping requirements.

5 Reasons to Carry the FN 509 Compact MRD

5 Reasons to Carry the FN 509 Compact MRD

In the highly competitive compact handgun market, it is rare to see a real contender to the crown. But the 509 Compact MRD is just that.

Firearm Marketing Bans Really About Erasing Next Generation’s Gun Rights

The laws are intended to do one thing – convince the next generation of Americans that the Second Amendment doesn’t exist.

Oakland’s Air-Horn Crime-Prevention Proposal Earns ‘Bee’ Sting

In other words, “Be a good victim” armed with a really loud air horn. With bars on the residential doors and windows, it also begs the question of who the police are locking up. It’s not the criminals.

Voters Rejecting Gun Control Politicians Who Shout ‘Crime Isn’t A Problem’

Politicians in New York and California push extreme gun control restrictions under the guise of keeping people “safe.” Governors Gavin Newsom and Kathy Hochul should take note – their voters disagree.

Ryan Busse Is A Fear Merchant And Liar, And No Firearm Industry Expert

Don’t believe him. He’s nothing more than a modern-day snake-oil salesman hawking gun control as a cure-all elixir.

Independence Day Celebrates America’s Firearm Heritage

The celebration of America’s independence, self-determination and revolutionary spirit is rooted in a heritage of responsible firearm ownership.