Can you imagine a judge signing an order allowing police to seize your firearms—even though you haven’t broken a single law?
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What Happens If a Red Flag Law is Used Against You? Guns Are Seized, Then What?
BY U.S. LawShield Updated: April 28, 2021America’s Not Buying the Gun Control President Biden, Democrats Are Selling
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: April 23, 2021What they’re really trying to sell is the failed ideas in a recycled glass bottle covered with a new label. Americans know this and they’re turning up their noses at the cure-all con.
The Oh-So-Important ‘After the Bang’ Phone Call
BY U.S. LawShield Updated: April 21, 2021Imagine you’ve just been involved in a self-defense incident. Someone threatened the life of you or your loved one, so you drew your weapon and fired a shot.
Columnist: ‘2A freaks will run screaming… time to come get the guns’
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: April 15, 2021“Finally, we could use some help in raising our kids to understand that they really do not need a weapon to function properly in this world. You really don’t.”
Gun Owners: 3 Reasons Why You Need Legal Defense for Self Defense
BY U.S. LawShield Updated: April 14, 2021With more people carrying guns than ever, it’s apparent that some kind of legal protection is vital in the event you use your firearm in a self-defense situation.
Keep It Clean: The Potential Peril of Engraving Your Carry Gun
BY U.S. LawShield Updated: April 8, 2021A judge ruled photos of the engraving inadmissible, but what if he hadn’t? What if the jury had seen what Brailsford chose to engrave on his gun?
Avoid Talking Yourself Into Handcuffs: What Not to Say After a Self-Defense Incident
BY U.S. LawShield Updated: April 1, 2021You need to talk to an attorney before making any further statements to law enforcement. If you don’t, you could talk your way into deep trouble.
NRA-ILA: Kamala Harris is Lying. She and Others are Coming After Your Guns
BY News Wire Updated: April 1, 2021Perhaps the reason so many gun owners believe that politicians are “trying to come after” their guns is that so many politicians are on the record advocating gun confiscation.
Useful Idiot? Firearms Trainer Rob Pincus Endorses Expanded Background Checks
BY S.H. Blannelberry Updated: March 30, 2021Again, I’m sure I’m not telling Pincus stuff he doesn’t already know. Pincus has been a pro-2A advocate for decades. All of this is common knowledge to dyed-in-the-wool gun guys.
Sen. Schumer, Arbiter of Evil, Hangs Sinful Label on Firearm Retailers
BY News Wire Updated: March 30, 2021U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has one word for lawful, regulated and licensed firearm retailers. Evil.