Build An AR

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The CompMag as a fixed magazine option.

California’s Assault Weapons Laws…PART II – Building An AR In California

Building an AR is a great way to learn more about the platform, and move from a casual enthusiast to a more informed and invested member of the gun community.

3 - The Civilian Defensive Rifle - Part 1 New Gas Length

The Civilian Defensive Rifle, Part 1: New Gas Length

Last year I was talking with master barrel maker Paul Craddock of Craddock Precision about Projekt 457. He mentioned a new barrel and gas system he had created specifically for SBR length-suppressed AR-15s. It sounded perfect for the Civilian Defensive Rifle and I was intrigued.

The Original Retro: Building the AR That Started It All

The Original Retro: Building the AR That Started It All

“Retro” ARs are neat rifles, and very interesting to research and build. Brownells did a really good job creating their likeness of the original AR-10. You can buy a complete BRN-10 rifle from them, should you prefer. But then you don’t have the fun of putting one together.

Six Strategies for Accurizing Your AR-15

Six Strategies for Accurizing Your AR-15

Virtually any part or component of an AR-15 can affect accuracy. Some will affect it more than others, but it can be tough to know where to start. In this article, I spell out six strategies for accurizing your AR-15.

Building an AR Pistol: What You NEED to Know

Building an AR Pistol: What You NEED to Know

If you have been hesitant to build an AR pistol, I hope this helps. Never have so many parts been available, and at mostly reasonable prices. I recommend you get yours ASAP, before the ATF figures out a way to reclassify them all as SBR’s.

Timney Triggers Raises the Bar for Replacement Triggers— AR Calvin Elite Trigger

Timney Triggers Raises the Bar for Replacement Triggers— AR Calvin Elite Trigger

Timney has been the top dog in providing quality replacement triggers for more than 71 years and I admit to being a fan. I haven’t taken a survey but I’d be willing to bet that more gunsmiths use Timney triggers than any other brand. They’re just that good. Timney has made another breakthrough in precision triggers with the custom fit of their Calvin Elite.

Build an AR-15: Choosing the Right Optic

Build an AR-15: Choosing the Right Optic

When deciding on the perfect optic for your AR build, the very first thing you need to do is match the performance window of the optic with the performance window of your rifle. And we’re here to help. Here’s a guide designed for those building their own AR-15s.

Build an AR-15: Choosing the Right Butt Stock

Build an AR-15: Choosing the Right Butt Stock

Proof that the AR-15 can be almost anything you want is easy to see in the wide selection of available stocks. Fixed? Adjustable? Minimalist? The choice is up to you. We’re here with some tips that will help you narrow down the list, and we’ll lay out everything you need to know when you build an AR-15.

5 Problems to Look for When You Buy an AK

Build an AR-15: Choosing and Installing the Barrel

In many ways, the upper and lower receivers on an AR-15 are just shells that hold pieces and parts together. But the barrel? Now we’re getting complex. How much you can expect from your rifle depends in large part on its barrel. Here are some things to look for and some answers to the complicated questions.

Build an AR:15--Intro to Uppers

Build an AR:15–Intro to Uppers

I’ve had lots of conversations with gun-geeks about barrels and lowers. We can talk triggers until we’re blue in the face. But I’ve yet to anyone truly debate the AR upper. Uppers are just not that sexy. But this is a crucial aluminum shell that holds some of the AR’s most active components. It can’t be overlooked!