Black Powder

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percussion lock muzzleloading rifle

Black Powder Shooters – Here’s What to Buy Them for Christmas

Some shooters specialize in percussion cap guns, and flintlock guns, while others enjoy both. With all these variables taken into account, here are a few gift accessories that are a safe bet that most powder heads will appreciate.

Desperado Double Barrel 12 Gauge Hand Cannon: The Secret Ingredient is Black Powder

Desperado Double Barrel 12 Gauge Hand Cannon: The Secret Ingredient is Black Powder

American Gun Craft’s Desperado hand cannon looks like a double barrel 12 gauge shotgun but it is not a firearm under federal law. There is no gimmick here, Desperado is a hybrid black powder and percussion device you load from the front with black powder and shot then shoot it with a 209 shotgun primer.

Desperado Double Barrel 12 Gauge Hand Cannon: The Secret Ingredient is Black Powder

Desperado Double Barrel 12 Gauge Hand Cannon: The Secret Ingredient is Black Powder

American Gun Craft’s Desperado hand cannon looks like a double barrel 12 gauge shotgun but it is not a firearm under federal law. There is no gimmick here, Desperado is a hybrid black powder and percussion device you load from the front with black powder and shot then shoot it with a 209 shotgun primer.

Did Sam Colt Invent the Revolver? -  A Christmas Kickstarter from Ian McCollum

Did Sam Colt Invent the Revolver? – A Christmas Kickstarter from Ian McCollum

The American history we all know is often flawed, and influenced by expert marketers of the time. One of those stories is that Sam Colt invented the revolving firearm. Ian McCollom of Forgotten Weapons has a new Kickstarter heirloom book on the subject, and this is a heads up with 21 days left.

The Belgian Colts - Shooting the Historically Challenged Centaure 1860 Army Colt

The Belgian Colts – Shooting the Historically Challenged Centaure 1860 Army Colt

Visually the Centennial Centaure is nothing special. It is not as historically correct as the modern Pietta copies. And the fit and finish are nothing you would say wow that’s pretty, like with a 3rd Gen. Colt. Why these guys command such high prices was my question. And you be the judge if it was [...]

A New Bullet for the '58 Remmy New Model Army

A New Bullet for the ’58 Remmy New Model Army

I have been looking for a bullet that is easier to load in the ’58 Remington than the Johnson & Dow Civil War bullet. This 200 grain little monster performs really well.

Ruger Old Army - Is it Really All That?

Ruger Old Army – Is it Really All That?

The Ruger Old Army will always have its fan boys, but it is truly the best cap & ball pistol ever made? And even more importantly, is it worth the inflated pricetag? Let’s find out.

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips

Colt Walker Ballistics, Accuracy, Shooting Tips

The Colt Walker, or Walker Colt according to some, is an iconic but historically insignificant firearm. In firearm development it was a big deal, because everyone figured out that nobody really needed a horse pistol. Ballistically, this gun is a true Magnum when it comes to cap & ball pistols. I tested the Walker at length with balls and heavy bullets, and it is a monster of a handgun, from all the way back in 1847.

Desperado 12 Gauge Pistol - Diablo's Big Brother (No FFL Required)

Desperado 12 Gauge Pistol – Diablo’s Big Brother (No FFL Required)

You may remember the 12 gauge Diablo pistol that was all the rage in 2020. Well this is its big brother. It has a three finger grip, a slightly different grip angle, and an 8″ barrel. No FFL required! And it’s howitzer of a handgun.

Ballistic Tests - The 36 Richmond Labs Bullet from Eras Gone

Ballistic Tests – The 36 Richmond Labs Bullet from Eras Gone

Eras Gone Richmond Labs Mold – Limited supply at Eras Gone Star & Bullock Hardware – 36 caliber cartridge forming kits To me, guns are guns. They aren’t toys. They aren’t tools. And whether I am going to carry them for self defense, shoot them in competition, the measurement of a gun boils down to [...]