South Korea’s breathtaking wealth and productivity stand in stark contrast to the poverty and despair to be found in its neighbor to the North. While modern Americans might presume that South Korea has been free and prosperous ever since the end of the Korean War, such was not always the case. Today’s South Korea has a sordid history indeed.
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Of Dictators, Assassins, and Friends – Walther PPK
BY Will Dabbs Published: November 1, 2019 { 19 comments }Drugs, Guns, and Money
BY Will Dabbs Published: October 17, 2019 { 10 comments }In a world where vacuous ill-informed talking heads chatter like chimps about assault rifles, weapons of mass destruction, and sundry other gun-related topics they clearly fail to understand, the gory machinegun murders of German Jimenez Panesso and his associate Juan Carlos Hernandez were actually the real deal.
Killing a Dream
BY Will Dabbs Published: September 6, 2019 { 17 comments }In the spring of 1968, he secured a room in an Atlanta boarding house. An avid reader, he happened upon an article in the Atlanta Constitution that outlined the coming itinerary for civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. Equipped with this tactical information, the career criminal and perennial loser James Earl Ray loaded up his Mustang and made a quick trek to Alabama.
Political Assassination in the Information Age
BY Will Dabbs Published: August 10, 2019 { 8 comments }Speaking in Turkey, Russian diplomat Andrei Karlov was shot on live television for all the world to see. The gun involved is little-known but powerful.
The Assassination of John Lennon
BY Will Dabbs Published: July 24, 2019 { 9 comments }The story of the assassination of John Lennon and a quick rundown of the revolver that was used.
KPV Machine Gun – The Most Efficient Execution Tool Since the Guillotine
BY Will Dabbs Published: July 20, 2019 { 25 comments }KPV heavy machineguns fire a 14.5x114mm rounds at 600 rpm. To put that in perspective the .50-caliber cartridge fired by John Moses Browning’s M2 Heavy Barrel machinegun is 12.7x99mm. The KPV round carries roughly twice the muzzle energy of that fired by the American M2.
Alberto Bravo’s Uzi: The Black Widow’s Prey
BY Will Dabbs Published: July 6, 2019 { 14 comments }The Uzi submachine gun was arguably the most rugged pistol caliber submachine gun ever produced. While the faster firing HK MP5 got most of the press, I myself consistently shoot better with the Israeli gun.
Just Like Romeo and Juliet, But Crazy
BY Will Dabbs Published: June 6, 2019 { 25 comments }The medical term is erotomania. This is a rare condition wherein a mentally ill person becomes fixated on another, typically someone of a higher or untouchable social or economic state. This fascinating bit of psychopathology can drive those so afflicted to some most remarkable lengths.
When the King of England Tried to Kill an American President, Kind of…
BY Will Dabbs Published: May 11, 2019 { 22 comments }President Jackson was notorious for settling his differences with his fellows via gunfire. Estimates hold Jackson as having participated in between five and one hundred duels over his long and craggly life.
Tragedy, Revenge, and the M41A Pulse Rifle
BY Will Dabbs Published: April 1, 2019 { 52 comments }As March turns into April we will today explore one of the most controversial killings in modern times. This gruesome crime touches on the sticky subjects of corporate greed, combat veterans emotionally damaged by their service, and the unprecedented effectiveness of modern military technology.