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Crimson Trace Goes Green--SHOT Show 2015

“Condition Crimson” Crimson Trace Photo Contest

Crimson Trace is having a contest they’re calling “Condition Crimson.” Snap a photo of you with you laser, submit it. You may win a H&K VP9 and a Railmaster. The contest is open now and will run through March 6th.

FastFire III

Burris Fast Fire III

The Burris FastFire line of red dot sights is known for quality at a low price point. The same is true for the latest addition to the line—the FastFire III. It is practical and perfectly functional and comes in around $240. The 8 MOA dot version is ideal for a shotgun, and I we’ve beaten the hell out of this one, and I’m here to say that the FastFire can handle the abuse.

You have to admit, a silencer makes any rifle cooler - like this SilencerCo Specwar 762 on a Daniel Defense DDM4v5 300 Blackout.

Silencing the 300 AAC Blackout

Last time we got into an ammunition geek-fest and talked about the variety of commercial ammo available for the 300 AAC Blackout and the endless tinkering you can do as a reloader for that caliber. Perhaps even more fun than creating endless varieties of ammunition for the 300 AAC Blackout is shooting it with silencers. [...]

T Grip

American Built Arms T*Grip–Gear Review

The ergonomics on the IWI Tavor are hit or miss. You either love them or the gun simply doesn’t fit you. American Built Arms can help bridge the gap. Their T*Grip may turn the biggest critics of the Tavor into believers.