Earlier this month, I had a chance to go to the Smith and Wesson Headquarters in Massachusetts for a writers event and had the chance to see some great new guns and gear from the entire family of Smith & Wesson companies. Read on to find out what I saw.
.500 S&W Mag.
GunsAmerica Digest > .500 S&W Mag.
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Inside Scoop on the Smith & Wesson Family of Firearms & Gear
BY Clay Martin Published: January 2, 2017 Updated: January 2, 2017A .500 Magnum Lever-Action? The Big Horn Armory Model 89 Brush Buster! Full Review.
BY Dave Campbell Published: November 30, 2016 Updated: November 30, 2016Ever since the .500 Smith & Wesson Magnum came on the scene in 2003, there have been a bunch of folks trying to figure out how to cram the cartridge into a rifle—especially a lever-action rifle. It’s an American obsession ever since the cowboy days: A guy “needs” to have a lever-action rifle chambered for his handgun cartridge.
S&W .500 Magnum Gel Tests, Cylinder Gap Blast, Internals & Construction
BY Jon Hodoway Published: November 3, 2016 Updated: November 3, 2016The lore surrounding the brute force of the Smith & Wesson S&W500 is legion. There have been plenty of tales about what this gun is capable of doing, both to the lackadaisical shooter and the intended target. I decided I needed to sort through some and separate fact from fiction and test one for myself.
FPS Russia looks at S&W .500 Magnum
BY S.H. Blannelberry Published: July 21, 2014 Updated: July 21, 2014FPS Russian examines the Smith & Wesson .500 Magnum.