Federal proudly announces two new flat-shooting Premium 224 Valkyrie loads that deliver precision accuracy at long ranges
.224 Valkyrie
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Federal’s New 224 Valkyrie Loads Stretch Long-Range Horizons
BY News Wire Published: August 22, 2019 Updated: August 22, 2019Clay Tests Hornady’s 88-Grain Foray Into the Valkyrie Game
BY Clay Martin Published: July 25, 2019 Updated: July 25, 2019We got a chance this week to really wring out the new 224 Valkyrie loading from Hornady, the 88-grain special announced at the NRA show back in April. Valkyrie has been a strange animal over the last year. It has the potential to change how we think of small frame AR’s, and what they are capable of. But it has not been without controversy.
The Ultimate Valkyrie AR Build
BY Jeff Cramblit Published: July 20, 2019 Updated: July 20, 2019One persons “ultimate” very well may not be another’s, but I think this build should spark more than a little interest. The greatest drawback to trying to do an ultimate build is that ultimate will probably cost more than many are willing to spend at one time on an AR, but that’s the beauty of an AR platform, all the upgrades can be done one at a time due to the modularity of AR parts.
224 Valkyrie 16 and 18 inch Barrels Chronographed
BY Clay Martin Published: September 23, 2018 Updated: August 3, 2024Ever since we learned about the new 224 Valkyrie round from Federal and its alleged performance, the questions have been fast and furious. But how does this perform out of a 16 or 18-inch barrel?
RCBS 224 Valkyrie Dies Now in Stock
BY Clay Martin Published: May 14, 2018 Updated: May 14, 2018RCBS just released a die set for the 224 Valkyrie, which is a huge step forward for this fledgling cartridge. And I got my grubby paws on them, just in time for prairie dog season in the Potato State.
Flight of the Valkyrie: .224 Puts Rounds On Steel at 1 Mile — Review
BY Clay Martin Published: February 9, 2018 Updated: February 9, 2018It is not often we see a caliber that actually changes the way we think about shooting. Wildcats abound, often with marginal improvement over a factory round at best. There are exceptions, though most calibers fail to catch hold. Even those backed by major players. Several new calibers have been tried in AR-15’s over the past few years, none strong enough to give the rifle new legs. Today, hopefully, that changes.
.224 Valkyrie is No Longer Going Stag: New Stag 15 Valkyrie — SHOT Show 2018
BY Clay Martin Published: February 5, 2018 Updated: February 5, 2018Stag Arms is a company we know for high-quality products, especially if you are left-handed. The leader and often only choice for the devil handed, everything they make is available in either left or right pattern. Well, good news friends. They have jumped on the Valkyrie train. At SHOT 2018 we stopped by and checked out the new Stag 15 Valkryie.