Springfield’s Rob Leatham Finally Explains Grip Zone

It’s a question that’s been on the minds of everyone, everywhere. Grip Zone. Why?

Leave it up to pro shooter Rob Leatham to shed some light on what Springfield correctly identified as, “one of the most important questions of our time.”

LOL. If you read the comments on Springfield’s Youtube channel, it’s clear that folks didn’t get the joke.  In fact, I think it just infuriated people who were already irate about Grip Zone.

Lighten up, people!

SEE ALSO: Go Big or Go Home: Springfield’s New XD Mod.2 Service in .45 ACP—Full Review

When it was launched back in 2014, the Illinois-based company explained the tech behind Grip Zone.

“The Grip Zone(TM) has improved grasp performance and stickier grip characteristics so that your hand will be less prone to torque, wrench and flip when shooting. The pistol will naturally stay in position due to the increased traction of the innovative textures. Additionally, you’ll be applying less force to the frame. This is ergonomic science applied where it matters the most – to the interface of the shooter and the firearm.”

Springfield's Rob Leatham Finally Explains Grip Zone

XD Mod.2 with Grip Zone.

I think the problem people had with Grip Zone wasn’t the design or tech. But the fact that the words “Grip” and “Zone” were written on the handle. This was a huge affront to some gun owners.

Judging by some of the criticism, you’d think Springfield kicked in their doors, knocked up their wives and ran off in their minivans.  My goodness.

Gun owners are fond of saying that firearms are “tools.”  Well, if that’s the case why the heck do you care what’s written on your carry gun?  Would you be as fussy about your hammer if it said, “Hammer Time” on the handle? You probably have no idea what your hammer says on the handle. Quick,  you better go check!

My point is so long as the pistol is accurate, reliable and affordable, who really cares?  I know I don’t.  But my guns are for shooting, not for Instagram.

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  • Chris October 27, 2023, 1:31 am

    I always thought it was funny. Kinda odd to put it on the grip but oh well still great guns and hey if i grab the gun wrong and injure myself the lawyers can say i wasnt properly using the gripzone tecnology.

  • K October 4, 2019, 5:19 pm

    If my hammer said “hammer time” in comic sans on the side then I would naturally assume it was not really intended for serious use..?

  • Kevin Nugent April 14, 2018, 11:12 pm

    It was a marketing decision to draw attention to the new grips , it did but in a negative way . Should’ve just let reviewers do it for them . Im bettin all i got the mod. 3 wont have the words grip zone on them .

  • Dan December 11, 2017, 8:05 am

    It would have been nice if they had an author who didn’t work for Springfield write this article. Tacky marketing is tacky marketing, and in this case Springfield is guilty of it. I do believe that if these were made in America, they may have chosen something more subtle… hopefully!

  • Bob Mercer December 9, 2017, 1:33 pm

    “Grip Zone” was the dumbest idea ever placed on the grip of a firearm. It is inscribed on a part of the grip that has NO texturing and is therefore ineffective in securing a good grip. The less written on a firearm the better, in my opinion. No, we don’t need to be reminded where the grip zone is on a pistol. Just completely texture the grip so as to properly control it while using it.

  • John December 8, 2017, 8:12 am

    I think it was a big step backwards. Ok so that pattern gives a better grip…so why did they get rid of the adjustable parts of the grip? On my XDm 3.8 I can change out grip parts to get a custom fit. They could have put their ‘new’ grip pattern on the custom grip parts, and still had a gun ahead of the rest. But there was no reason to get rid of the extra parts except for….$$$$.
    Am I wrong?

    • Mike December 8, 2017, 9:26 pm

      Yes you are wrong.
      The Mod 2 is an upgrade of the original XD and has zero to do with the XDm, so no it didn’t go backwards, it is a different model.
      The XD never had “grip parts”.

  • John H Baumgaertner December 8, 2017, 5:55 am

    I got here too late. The reptilian overlords already deleted the video.

  • Jason B December 8, 2017, 5:05 am

    I think the new grips are pretty nice. I also think it was an unnecessary branding move and is an easy joke.

  • Tom Thomas December 3, 2017, 10:02 pm

    You’re quite right, people are making too much of this “Grip Zone” thing. It’s a Croatian phrase which roughly translates to “place Talon grip tape here”. Nothing more, nothing less. Now we can all just calm down.

    • Mark December 8, 2017, 8:14 am

      Bahaaa…..seriously, it means the same on all my Polys. Talon grips here. Thanks for the morning smile

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