Smith & Wesson Custom Shop 1911 – Media Day at the Range SHOT 2013

Every year at SHOT Show we try to get to some of the more interesting stuff first, and the Smith & Wesson Custom Shop is always in that bunch. When you think of Smith & Wesson, you usually think of production guns available at just about any gunshop, but the Custom Shop is a whole other thing. If you are of the bent to buy something like a standard Smith & Wesson 1911, then bring it to your local gunsmith to have it tricked out, the Smith & Wesson Custom Shop is meant to save you the trouble of rolling the dice to find a good gunsmith, then potentially getting some questionable advice about Smith & Wesson firearms. Custom Shop guns are hand tuned out of the box. These 1911s even have hand lapped rails and select custom parts. If you plan to compete with a 1911 or you just want the most accurate carry gun that money can buy, check out the labor of love you’ll find at the Smith & Wesson Custom Shop. These guys aren’t just gun nuts, they are Smith & Wesson nuts.

  • val quinn February 3, 2013, 1:42 am

    when is new doug koeneig series do out?

  • Dr Maurice Vermette February 1, 2013, 10:31 am

    I remember the first time I unleashed my first
    shotgun, it was a Remington 870 pump shotgun
    it felt like a cannon went off. So, I empathize
    with her on her experience.

    That experience took place about 40+years ago. Ever since
    I have owned and used most calibre shot guns, rifles and
    handguns. All with different experiences.
    Especially with my new .44 magnum, Dirty Harry style…
    What a kicker that was…..

  • another combat vet February 1, 2013, 10:19 am

    Julie did a great job. Lots of great clips

    • Administrator February 1, 2013, 10:40 am

      Thanks kind word always welcome.

  • francis rice February 1, 2013, 9:37 am

    the smith@wesson is a good as it gets,some gun smiths do a good job to.! the pistol work is good to very good!

  • bill bahlzoff January 16, 2013, 2:12 pm

    she said smith and weston, thats really knowing your job!

    • paul January 21, 2013, 1:36 pm

      She is doing an outstanding job! I’ve watched a bunch of her videos here covering shot 2013 and she knows her job very well. Insinuating she doesn’t know her job because of one mispronunced word that I’m sure was an unitentional mistake is ridiculous. She probably knows ten times more than you know about guns and the industry in general. She can shoot too and am I am positive she is much more pleasent and easy on the eyes than you are. She was a great choice to cover the show!

      • Administrator January 21, 2013, 1:39 pm

        Thanks. Julie is an avid shooter but this much material would be a lot for anyone who isn’t a gun nerd, and we agree she did very well. Check out the Chiappa video from day one range day. She had never shot a shotgun before and she called it a rifle. It’s adorable.

  • Bullgumbo January 16, 2013, 1:16 pm

    Smith and Weston is one of my favorite manufacturers.

  • Lindy Croft January 16, 2013, 1:57 am

    where can i buy these

    • Administrator January 16, 2013, 11:05 am

      Directly from the Custom Shop.

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