Sister of Victim Tells Everytown: ‘The only thing that would have saved her was a gun’

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An Everytown for Gun Safety employee attempted to recruit a young woman whose sister was fatally shot by a felon with a firearm, Fox News reports.

However, during the telephone conversation, it quickly became apparent that neither the woman nor her late sister share in Bloomberg’s vision of making America unarmed and defenseless.

“I am very pro-gun, as is Jessie (the victim), so I would really hope that you guys don’t use her story for anything,” the woman told the Everytown representative.

“Um, because the only thing that would have saved her was a gun,” she added.

  • Russ February 9, 2015, 5:19 pm

    The good people die and the shit walks the earth.
    What’s new?

    • PS February 9, 2015, 5:24 pm

      This is why liberal assholes and democrats hate fox news.
      Sometimes the truth hurts, and they can’t stand it.

  • paul February 9, 2015, 4:38 pm

    The anti-gun nuts would be wanting a gun if a person broke into their house when they were home. To have a gun does save lives,YOURS.

    • CHARLES HIGHT January 16, 2017, 10:36 pm

      He got exactly what he deserved. You come in my house and I’ll kill you too, that is if my wife or two trained German Shepherds don’t get you first. I’m tired of this oh poor me attitude, he was in the act of a felony, she had every right to kill him!

  • Glennon February 9, 2015, 2:23 pm

    I live on the edge of the city of Mobile, Al. in Mobile county. We receive fire and police assistance from the city, but our house will likely burn to the ground before they get to us. I have tons of respect for the police and fire departments, but the police have trouble finding our place. I have a carry permit and almost a third of my life in combat arms so I will protect us until the police arrive. Now if I could only get my hands on a fire hydrant and a high pressure hose…

    • Steve Allen February 9, 2015, 6:22 pm

      There are some products out there that would help you save your home if needed.
      For instance a 100-200 pound dry chemical extinguisher. Not sure how expensive?
      Compact self contained foam units also.

  • BHP Shooter February 9, 2015, 5:20 am

    Naturally we won’t be seeing this on ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNN.

  • stevriot February 5, 2015, 6:57 pm

    The video says it all,

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