Sen. Feinstein Proposes Banning America’s Most Popular Rifle — Again!

Sen. Feinstein Proposes Banning America's Most Popular Rifle -- Again!
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has introduced more gun-control legislation. (Photo: Facebook)

By Larry Keane

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is at it again. She has again introduced legislation to ban the most popular selling centerfire rifle in America. She wants to bring California-style gun control to the rest of America. Here’s her problem… with 21 million background checks for the sale of a gun last year, America doesn’t want it.

Sen. Feinstein introduced S736, the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021. It was joined by a companion version in the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R. 1808, introduced by U.S. Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.). Not a single Republican senator or representative has signed onto either bill.

The bills would be far-reaching, expanding the failed 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, also written by Sen. Feinstein and then-Sen. Joe Biden when he was a sitting Democratic senator from Delaware. He’s now in the Oval Office, with a pocketful of IOU’s to gun control groups, including his promise to not just re-enact the ban on modern sporting rifles, including the AR-15-style rifle, but also his plan he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that he would confiscate them if he could.

Then vs Now

The 1994 ban included 19 specific models of AR-15 rifles. This latest version hoisted that to 205 specific models. It increased the cosmetic features by which antigun politicians seek to classify what is an “assault weapon,” when they actually have no bearing on the operating system of the firearm. The latest version would ban any rifle capable of accepting a detachable magazine and at least “one military feature,” which include innocuous accessories like threaded barrels that can accept suppressors (that protect against hearing loss and are legal in 42 states), “barrel shrouds” that keep hands from being burned, grips and adjustable shoulder stocks.

They are literally making it up as they go, just because they want to ban all guns. Josh Sugarmann, with the gun control group Violence Policy Center, struck on the term “assault weapon” in 1998 after seizing on the American public’s inability to differentiate civilian AR-15s and the military’s M-16s because of their similar appearance.

“The weapon’s menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons – anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun – can only increase the change of public support for restriction of these weapons,” Sugarmann wrote.

SEE ALSO: Savage Arms IMPULSE: American Made Straight Pull Rifle

The latest version of the bill is equally nonsensical. The list of firearms specifically named in the ban includes shotguns and rimfire rifles. One – the Remington 1100 20-Gauge Deer Gun – literally lists the firearm as a “deer gun” and not a so-called “assault weapon.”

That’s not all. A bigger list of physical characteristics is also on the chopping block. It includes pistol braces, detachable magazines, shotguns capable of accepting detachable magazines holding more than five rounds and a “military feature” would be banned. Magazines with a carrying capacity greater than 10 rounds are listed. So too are anything with a thumbhole stock or “bullet button” that was added to rifles in California. Bump stocks, already banned by President Donald Trump, would be made illegal-er, if that’s a word.

America’s Buying Guns, Not Control

The difficulty for gun control groups is that MSR-ownership skyrocketed since 1994. NSSF estimates there are over 20 million of these rifles in circulation today and they are the most-popular selling centerfire rifle in America. They’re popular for home defense, recreational target shooting and hunting. The rifles Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Cicilline want to ban were used to stop home invasions and the murderer in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

The popularity of the firearm rests primarily in its modularity. It can be easily customized to fit a wide variety of body types. It is ergonomically-designed, making it easier for novice owners to master marksmanship skills. This is why they have adjustable stocks. It’s low-recoil and offered in nearly the full spectrum of calibers and has earned the moniker of America’s rifle.”

Sen. Feinstein and her gun control supporters benevolently offer a way for present owners of any of these “would be” banned items to keep the ones presently owned. There are just a few rules. The grandfathered firearms would be required to be stored in a locked safe, or with a locking device installed. If the owner wanted to transfer the firearm to anyone else, including family members, it would require an FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification. Any of the firearms that were kept by owners would be required to display DOJ-approved production dates that would be engraved on the receivers. Any legacy magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds would require serialization but could not be transferred.

The previous Assault Weapons Ban was studied by the CDC and researchers there concluded the ban on rifles and standard magazines has no impact on the reduction of crime. The FBI’s own data show that more murders are committed with knives, fists and clubs than by rifles of all types – not just the MSR, or AR-15-style rifle.

This is a naked gun grab. At a time when firearm purchases are at record levels and public appetite for gun control is at record lows, Democrats – led by Sen. Feinstein and Rep Cicilline – choose to ignore their voters, disarm citizens and destroy Second Amendment rights. Sen. Feinstein forgets what happened the last time Democrats rammed this through with a razor-thin 52-48 vote. America voted them out and demanded back their freedom.

Larry Keane is Senior Vice President of Government and Public Affairs and General Counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association.

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  • Peter Brown March 20, 2021, 4:28 pm

    That old, professional politician publicly stated that women have no place using firearms and that Veterans are crazy and should not have firearms. What could possibly change that politician’s mind when they look to huge donations for their reelection? Disillusioned, impassioned sheeples are bent on destroying The Second Amendment. They’ll spend big to achieve their goal of a firearm-less environment. Aware of the statistics but ignoring them, finesteeen is but an owned operator.

  • Shanz March 19, 2021, 2:27 pm

    I’ve been saying it on here for years now. California will eventually swallow our entire republic. Every time they would pass some draconian gun law out here nobody cared. It was a good story for readers in free states. The NRA would point to it and say “See, they are coming for your guns.” I pleaded and begged for help but my buddies in Texas or Florida or Montana would just laugh and tell me to move to a free state.

    Well, guess what. They are in your city now coming for your liberty. Time to move again? I never did and won’t.

  • W. F. G. March 19, 2021, 11:58 am

    If senator Feinstein, being an antique, was a fine weapon of the same stature, lets say a 1903-A3. (weapon of war) she would be worth more…. Its time to limit terms…

  • John March 19, 2021, 10:50 am

    It was announced a few months ago that a new senator would be selected as Feinstein was mentally incapacitated. Did they give her stimulants like Biden or is someone else making laws under her name?
    Nothing would surprise me anymore.

  • John March 19, 2021, 9:23 am

    Another CNN watcher. The brainwashing of America. Trump got more accomplished in four year than all the Dems put together, despite constant badgering from those he made look bad. Followed his election campaign and the economy showed it.
    He left guns alone as they all should, the laws have accomplished nothing except to take rights, protection and safety from law abiding citizens.
    Now the Dems are trying to put on a show by shutting down coal mines while over 200 coal power plants are in the works. Coal use dropped 50% while Trump was in office, why? Because under a strong economy the people and the companies can afford to make their own changes. How did we go from horse and buggy to cars? Was it because the government outlawed hay? Something better must be available first and the people will make the change.

    • Blue Dog (he/him) March 19, 2021, 1:45 pm

      Trump didn’t exactly leave guns alone. I will give credit where credit is due; he did do the right thing with the bump stocks.

      Honestly, Biden is probably the emptiest suit in all of Washington (maybe John Kerry?). He is probably just happy that he gets to sit in the big boy chair and is willing to sign whatever they put in front of him. It is the people around him setting the agenda, even more so than a normal Presidency. I doubt anyone thinks he is all that engaged in what is going on, we are just happy that it’s not Trump anymore.

      • Phil Whitehead March 28, 2021, 11:38 am

        Actually, the “Executive Order” attempting to ban Bump Stocks was due to fail as it was an end run around the Rule of Law. ATF just got it’s hands slapped by the Appeals Court for that ban and it’s now been nullified. My opinion? Trump did this as a symbolic gesture, knowing full well it wouldn’t stand up to legal scrutiny…

      • Robert May 17, 2021, 9:31 am

        You can’t even decide if you’re a boy or a girl. Having to announce pronouns to the world. You woke losers are part of the problem. Sit down and let the adults put things right. Go to your safe space with your crayons, look between your legs and that’ll tell you what gender you are.

  • Jerry March 19, 2021, 9:10 am

    People that don’t know anything about firearms shouldn’t be allow to make laws about them

  • Anthony J Meerpohl March 19, 2021, 8:15 am

    As a hunter/shooting enthusiast and NRA Life Member/Instructor for 50 plus years and 3000 plus students I never understood the need or desire to own firearms (long guns) that had large capacity capability, but have always supported the notion that once any semi auto is banned then the anti’s will come after the rest of the firearms or go after the ammunition. components, etc. On that level, Biden is the most dangerous Pres we have ever seen. He is not a smart guy, but a reactionary and is easily swayed when it comes to far left ideas and personalities. We should not expect leadership in the WH to protect our rights based on his history. These are dangerous days for our civil liberty, much worse than Trump or Obama and their followers A leader that allows himself to be a fool in the WH is a worst case scenario.

    • Kane March 19, 2021, 10:50 am

      The “need or desire” to own these rifles can probably be traced back to many generations of service members returning home after having developed interest and familiarity with military firearms. Countless surplus firearms were modified for hunters. M1 carbines and Garands are certainly well recognized firearms that were favored by WWII veterans and this interest was passed on to subsequent generations. Of course many M2’s are still out there but the misguided laws like NFA and other GCA’s ignore the limited reach of law enforcement. There are many competitive programs with military style rifles easily found on television or internet.

      Not sure what is so hard to “understand.” I do NOT hunt but I understand others interests in such sports.

  • Anthony J Meerpohl March 19, 2021, 8:15 am

    As a hunter/shooting enthusiast and NRA Life Member/Instructor for 50 plus years and 3000 plus students I never understood the need or desire to own firearms (long guns) that had large capacity capability, but have always supported the notion that once any semi auto is banned then the anti’s will come after the rest of the firearms or go after the ammunition. components, etc. On that level, Biden is the most dangerous Pres we have ever seen. He is not a smart guy, but a reactionary and is easily swayed when it comes to far left ideas and personalities. We should not expect leadership in the WH to protect our rights based on his history. These are dangerous days for our civil liberty, much worse than Trump or Obama and their followers A leader that allows himself to be a fool in the WH is a worst case scenario.

  • Blue Dog (he/him) March 17, 2021, 5:49 pm

    I don’t quite know how to take the argument that MSRs/assault weapons should not be more heavily regulated because they are so widely owned in the country or because sales are so high.

    On one hand, in the past when courts have been deciding the validity of assault weapon bans, they have looked at things like ownership numbers and sales rates, and this would be a point against assault weapons bans.

    On the other hand, the argument is a plea to majoritarianism; that whatever is being discussed should happen just because of widespread ownership or use; that the majority rules without consideration of the protection of minorities. Using the argument that MSRs should not be banned because they are so widely owned and purchased is almost the inverse of arguing that marijuana should be decriminalised because so many people use it. It is the ideological cousin of getting rid of the filibuster in the Senate and letting anything pass with a 50+1 vote.

    To be consistent, if you think that an assault weapons ban should not happen because MSRs are so widely owned then the filibuster should be retired from the Senate rules and as the imitable AOC said, the Democrats should be allowed to run train on their agenda. And that would probably result in an AWB, so it is all a big, giant circle. Of jerks. And we are just the cracker in the middle.

    • AK March 19, 2021, 10:26 am

      :On the other hand, the argument is a plea to majoritarianism; that whatever is being discussed should happen just because of widespread ownership or use…”

      How clever. Too bad someone didn’t make a thoughtful “appeal to majoritarianism” in 1920 over another “common sense” law, Prohibition….would have saved the country 16 years of agony and the jump-start to the Mob from an urban ethnic oddity to a worldwide crime powerhouse. There’s a lot more logic to banning alcohol than firearms that are used to kill less than 100 people a year.

    • Shanz March 19, 2021, 2:15 pm

      So Blue Dog tell me, should we have a 2nd?
      And if yes how is this constitutional?
      Because the bill as described would essentially remove the teeth of 2nd.

      • Ocean Dragon March 19, 2021, 6:35 pm

        I think it could be considered Constitutional. The Second Amendment has always had some restrictions to it. That is why we cannot own fully firing tanks, and artillery without much extra efforts. Just to play the Devils Advocate, we live in a democracy where the majority tends to dictate what common societal laws are placed upon its citizens. The Mormons had a well accepted lifestyle with polygamy, but society didn’t like it. Heroin is still not commonly accepted, but alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana now are. There are many more deaths related to the later group than to heroin. So I find it not so much Diane Feinstein, but her whole constituency that has that mindset.

  • JB March 16, 2021, 10:40 pm

    THE true goal of all US gun control efforts is not to save lives or reduce crime.

    The goal is to deny Americans their freedoms. Thats it. The authors of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution had an uncanny ability to forsee the future. The 2nd Amendment exists because of this foresight.

    So you have a choice. Surrender to the communists or resist them.

  • Taxx73 March 16, 2021, 4:15 pm

    I WILL NOT COMPLY!!!!!!!!
    TRUMP 2024!
    Remember if you come for mine you better bring yours!!

    • Kent San March 19, 2021, 7:39 am

      F Trump. 1) He couldn’t care less about ANYTHING but himself and that includes the rights of Americans. 2) We wouldn’t even need to even read these articles if he jackass cared enough about the country to focus on helping the GOP the GA Senate races, but instead he had to focus on himself and alienated voters. Trump 2024? I hope he’s dead by then. Worthless, vain, corrupt POS.

      • Frank March 19, 2021, 9:08 am

        I wholeheartedly admit that President Trump was/is no one’s savior. There is only one Savior, and His name is Jesus!

        That being said, it isn’t Trump’s fault that the senate seats in GA were flipped. You can pin that blame firstly on that state’s overwhelming desire to “grow, grow, grow” (equals money, money, money) at any and all costs. The citizens and leaders of GA repeatedly sacrificed their conservative principles for material gain over the past three decades. Secondly, the RINO governor and secretary of state there bent over backwards, sideways, and every other way to appease the demo… er, communist party and their GA loudmouth Stacey Abrams.

      • Tim March 19, 2021, 9:13 am

        You are a dick, and a troll, f-off.

      • TJ March 21, 2021, 4:32 pm

        I believe even if the bill passes the NRA and their attorneys will immediately take it to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court will say this bill or law is unconstitutional because it goes against the second amendment rights therefore it is Nolan void so I do believe whatever she proposes will ultimately get thrown in the trashcan by the Supreme Court

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