Sen. Dianne Feinstein is Sinking into Senility

After an almost three-month medical hiatus, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), 89, returned to Congress this week, drawing attention to her advanced age and declining health.

In an exclusive report, Rolling Stone has revealed that Feinstein’s office has implemented a discreet on-call system over the years, intended to prevent the Senator from navigating the Capitol alone. This system, however, remained unknown to Feinstein herself.

At any given time, a staff member stood ready to accompany the Senator if she ventured from her office, fueled by concerns over potential unsupervised interactions with reporters. This safeguard has reportedly been operational for a significant period.

“They will not let her leave by herself, but she doesn’t even know it,” Jamarcus Purley, a former staffer within Feinstein’s office told Rolling Stone.

In other words, she’s senile — or pretty darn close to it.

Feinstein, who was first elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992, has been a champion for gun control during her years in office. She sponsored the ’94 ban on so-called “assault weapons” that lasted 10 years, expiring in 2004.

Over the years, she’s either sponsored or co-sponsored the following bills (none of which have become law):

  1. Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 (S. 66): Feinstein introduced this bill in January 2019. It aimed to ban the sale, manufacture, transfer, and importation of 205 “military-style assault weapons” by name. It also sought to ban any “assault weapon” that accepts a detachable ammunition magazine and has one or more military characteristics.
  2. Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act (S. 1916 in 2017): Following the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, Feinstein introduced this bill. The legislation aimed to ban bump stocks and trigger cranks.
  3. Pause for Safety Act (S. 2272 in 2014): Feinstein co-sponsored this legislation, which sought to give people a way to seek a gun violence prevention order from a court to temporarily stop someone who poses a threat to himself, herself, or others from purchasing or possessing a firearm.

Looking ahead, the question of course is — is she fit to remain in office?

And if the answer is “no,” because she is experiencing severe cognitive decline that’s impossible to ignore, then what should happen to this guy:

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  • Mark June 2, 2023, 5:50 am

    The people of California must like being told what to think because they must keep voting for her.. It’s crazy

  • CMChason May 20, 2023, 4:37 am

    WHAT? I thought she had ALWAYS BEEN Senile!!

  • sfvshooter May 19, 2023, 6:29 pm

    Since there is a minimum age to be president, there should also be an age cap: can’t be over 70 years old when sworn into office.

  • Bob W May 19, 2023, 4:30 pm

    This wacky bitch needs to go!

  • Gene Vedock May 19, 2023, 1:38 pm

    Diane is being helped to get around by Nancy Pelosi’s
    daughter.. the want to control the seat now and in the future.
    The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world

  • BR May 19, 2023, 12:55 pm

    I wonder what happened to that stainless .357 she carried in her purse. She surely is not competent to own a firearm. Has she been red flagged? If she finds out what pilosi’s kid is doing to her maybe she goes postal.

  • Tommy Barrios May 19, 2023, 10:49 am

    What do you mean “sinking”, the Communist Criminal C has been senile for the last 50 years! What an asinine title to your article! 😡

    • CMChason May 20, 2023, 4:39 am

      LOL! I said about the same thing! 🙂

  • Ed May 19, 2023, 9:32 am

    So, becoming even more electable in kalifornia.

    • CMChason May 20, 2023, 4:40 am

      Exactly! 🙂

  • LJ May 19, 2023, 9:09 am

    The good thing about the old douche bag holding that position is she’s keeping the ‘Spawn of Chucky’ Schumer out of that job.

  • kbphysicspe May 19, 2023, 9:05 am

    Diane Fiend-stain is not sinking into senility, she has long since sank into it.
    The problem with her evil reign of terror coming to an end is that her replacement is likely to be even worse.
    Kalifornia is a failed experiment that is irredeemably broken and can not be fixed. It and it’s inhabitants are a metastasizing cancer that is likely to kill the entire country as it’s residents flee the insanity that they have created there and bring it to their new homes.

    • CMChason May 20, 2023, 4:41 am

      Well stated!

  • DIYinSTL May 19, 2023, 7:31 am

    Don’t be quick to call for her resignation nor wish for her early passing. (Though years ago I planned to play Wizard of Oz music when she did shed her mortal coil. “Ding dong …) Her leaving office before a primary in California would give an opportunity for Gov. Gavin Newsom to appoint Feinstein’s successor, quite possibly a reprobate like Adam Schiff who has already shown interest in moving from the House to the Senate. Whomever Newsom appoints would be a shoe-in for a primary victory and essentially a lifetime appointment. Let’s hope that Schiff loses a Senate primary bid which will take him out of Congress and that whomever does win is not worse than Feinstein. That may be two false hopes rolled into one but I’ve learned to never challenge worse because yes, it can always get worse.

  • Blue Dog (he/him) May 18, 2023, 2:24 pm

    In another thread, maybe it was paul, asked me if I had been a witness to a shooting. Here, I must ask not only if the author is a medical doctor who has examined the Senator (or even the President!) or has even a source to quote of a medical professional who had evaluated them. The people of California selected this woman to represent them in the Senate and their choice should be respected. If she feels she is no longer suited for public service, then she can step down. I admit, I am unfamiliar with the procedure involved to remove a sitting Senator over medical concerns, I don’t even know if such procedures exist. But until such a time, we continue to live in a system of government where our Senators are elected democratically (small-d but it is good for a big-D too) and we have yet to see that democracy overthrown.

    Where Joe Biden is concerned, if you had a camera on me so many hours a day, a vigorous man in his early 40s, I would probably stutter a little bit on occasion and trip over the odd word or two, especially something like a foreign name. Of all the things going on in this world, you are worried about the President’s speech impediment? He speaks better than W ever did. Don’t misunderestimate him just because he struggles with the odd word or two.

    • KC (sire/your majesty) May 19, 2023, 7:16 am

      Joe only speaks better than W did when he has the words on his teleprompter in front of him. We don’t have to misunderestimate him, he’s demonstrated his abilities or lack thereof of the world stage. I’d go further, but you know the thing. He doesn’t just struggle with the “odd word or two”, he offers to shake hands with people who aren’t there, is often redirected by staff to go in the direction he’s supposed to, and looks for dead people in the audience. Where is Jackie, anyway? Add to that the lack of press conferences and the inability to maintain coherent thought, and you have a winner, you lying dog faced pony soldier (to quote the current President). I’m not a medical doctor, but when my father repeatedly asked the same questions, got easily confused, and forgot how to get back to the house he’d lived in for over 20 years, even as a teenager I could figure out something was wrong. But then, I’m not a liberal…

    • booletswager May 19, 2023, 8:53 am

      Hopefully you join FineAsSwine in everlasting flames you unhinge delusional psychotic demonrat dog. Speaking of dogs. Revelation 22:5 Without the city (new Jerusalem) are the dogs. Your username fits. Your biblical destruction is coming lefty. Jesus won’t tolerate democrat Bidope duncery and evil forever. The wrath and judgement on all the wicked is coming. You’ve been warned and you’ll reap it. In hellfire and brimstone forever.

    • booletswager May 19, 2023, 8:56 am

      Go to everlasting fire democrat dog. Revelation 22:5 Without are dogs and all things that defile and offend the Lord Jesus. You lefties get permanently destroyed at the return of Christ.

    • kb31416 May 19, 2023, 9:07 am

      The blue dog turd has been shit here again. I wish that it’s owner would clean up after it and stop leaving it’s messes here. No one wants to see, hear or smell it.

    • Richard May 19, 2023, 11:19 am

      Log out and never come back, you liberal troll. We don’t want you here.

      • Blue Dog (he/him) May 19, 2023, 1:38 pm

        Richard! I owe you a debt, sir. I was feeling like I wasn’t making any impact, like everyone here was ignoring me. I was ready to log out and then I saw your post, after I had not posted in weeks, calling me out! You restored my heart and will to post again! All my posts this week, really from here forward, are all because you restored what I had lost after what, 9? 10? years posting in this blog! I’ll remember you now, Richard.

    • CMChason May 20, 2023, 4:45 am

      Let us know if you ever get the blinders off? On second thought, don’t bother!

  • Man O. Eire May 18, 2023, 1:35 pm

    She also had “Special Concealed Carry” issued to her when almost no one else in CA could get one. She kept hers until the optics vs her rhetoric became a hot topic!

  • linkman May 17, 2023, 8:22 pm

    Feinstein has submitted several AWBs, and most amusingly (if an AWB can at all be referred to as being anywhere amusing) she or her minions missed changing the year from the prior one she submitted.

  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment May 17, 2023, 3:50 pm

    looks like the crypt keeper’s mother. will she still vote when dead……..

    • CMChason May 20, 2023, 4:47 am

      Sure, why not? Millions of DemonicRats do it every election. 🙂

  • Dr Motown May 17, 2023, 8:50 am

    Term limits and repeal the 17th Amendment…..

    • Blue Dog (he/him) May 19, 2023, 9:04 am

      Good luck selling that message – we want to protect democracy by removing your right to choose your Senators.

      • Richard May 19, 2023, 11:20 am

        GTFO, troll

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