A Semi-Auto SMG? Going Hands On with the HK SP5K—SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2017, Uncategorized

To learn more, visit https://hk-usa.com/hk-models/sp5k-2/.

To purchase on GunsAmerica.com, click this link: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?T=SP5K.

H&K says the SP stands for Sporting Pistol (Civilian), but the SP5K is all MP5K at heart.


The SP5K may not be the most versatile of pistols, but it does have its place. I carried my MP5K when I was driving in combat zones, it is pretty nice to spray out the window if things go pear shaped on you. It is also pretty concealable, and with a bungie sling, arguably easier to be accurate with than a traditional pistol. Having 30 rounds of 9mm pretty much beats the pants off of 17 rounds of the same, so there is always that too.

A Semi-Auto SMG? Going Hands On with the HK SP5K—SHOT Show 2017

The HK SP5K gives civilian shooters a semi-auto version of a classic SMG.


  • Chambering: 9mm
  • Barrel: 4.53 inch
  • OA Length: 13.9 inches
  • Grips: HK
  • Sights: HK Dioptor
  • Action: Blowback , roller delayed
  • Finish: Stainless steel
  • Weight: 4.2 Lbs
  • MSRP: $2699


Tactical world aside though, there is a better reason to want one of these new SP5K models, though. It is just fun to play with. Even after the MP5s had all pretty much gone back to the gear locker in the face of combat reality, they were still a blast to shoot. And more than one firebase has been cleaned out of crows at the hands of a suppressed MP5. The new civilian model is sure to find a home among the H&K fans, and a small enough package to put by the bed for things that go break in the night. I like also the built in hand stop, for protection of those all important digits. They became standard on all breaching sized shotguns, and it makes sense here too. The Picatinny rail on top is a much-desired improvement as well, though the diopter sights work fine too.


The SP5K gives HK enthusiasts a chance to own their own version of a really fascinating design. Although its price of $2,699 is by no means cheap, it will likely appeal to a lot of shooters. The SP5K is available now.

To learn more, visit https://hk-usa.com/hk-models/sp5k-2/.

To purchase on GunsAmerica.com, click this link: https://www.gunsamerica.com/Search.aspx?T=SP5K.

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  • Capacitygear February 5, 2017, 1:03 pm

    If H&K had ANY brains or business sense, they’d bring back the P7M8– P7M13–P7M10-P7M7 (I know- you guys are like “huh?” But they made a few P7M7 .45ACPs that didn’t work well but modern tech would overcome its design shortcomings) line- everything from 22LR, .380, 9mm, .40 cal & .45!!!
    It would literally be a license to print $money!!
    I’d buy every one (.45 1st lol) and know a TON of guys who feel the same no matter the cost.
    For its size & design (one of 2 viable gun designs that have barrel fixed to frame- Desert Eagles are the other far as I know) probably THE MOST accurate, advanced, high speed low drag semi auto pistols EVER!!!
    Only problem I ever heard of was a NJSP Trooper (Gonzalez I believe, RIP) whose P7M8’s firing pin broke in midst of a gunfight. Despite this heretofore unheard of issue, I’d trust my life on that weapon. Please HK, do this!!!
    BTW Colt should do same exact thing with Python (whole snake series for that matter!)
    Again, another license to PRINT $money!!!

  • Capacitygear February 5, 2017, 1:03 pm

    If H&K had ANY brains or business sense, they’d bring back the P7M8– P7M13–P7M10-P7M7 (I know- you guys are like “huh?” But they made a few P7M7 .45ACPs that didn’t work well but modern tech would overcome its design shortcomings) line- everything from 22LR, .380, 9mm, .40 cal & .45!!!
    It would literally be a license to print $money!!
    I’d buy every one (.45 1st lol) and know a TON of guys who feel the same no matter the cost.
    For its size & design (one of 2 viable gun designs that have barrel fixed to frame- Desert Eagles are the other far as I know) probably THE MOST accurate, advanced, high speed low drag semi auto pistols EVER!!!
    Only problem I ever heard of was a NJSP Trooper (Gonzalez I believe, RIP) whose P7M8’s firing pin broke in midst of a gunfight. Despite this heretofore unheard of issue, I’d trust my life on that weapon. Please HK, do this!!!
    BTW Colt should do same exact thing with Python (whole snake series for that matter!)
    Again, another license to PRINT $money!!!

  • Robert oney January 18, 2017, 7:57 am

    One more point I might add . I happen to own the Zenith version of this HK weapon . It is apparently made on HK tooling.
    It shoots very well in all categories. There is something to be said about owning the “HK”. Now I am a “collector “, So
    I am bias about name brands . I would definitely like to own this . But to tell you the truth ,from the looks of it on this video ,My Zenith has a much better finish and overall “clean” look to it …. I could buy this if I wanted to , but to me personally , I’m not ready to pull that trigger . And I have no problem with people who are buying this weapon at all . I completely understand .
    So if you don’t want it , Think It costs too much ….. don’t buy it . And it isn’t fair to call people who DO Want it ,And CAN afford it , idiots ……your opinion is just that …..

  • Robert oney January 18, 2017, 7:33 am

    That was the most anoying video I’ve ever seen . Thank God is was short …….

  • Vincent Brennan January 17, 2017, 8:38 pm

    I can not afford one so I am not even going to address this. What bothered me?

    Call me old fashioned but I still cringe every time a guy points an “unloaded gun” at someone else as the H&K guy did several times and the reporter came very close to if he did not. I help out in a gunsmithing shop from time to time. One reason I am doing it less is I got tired of having guns pointed at me. Were they unloaded? Of course they were but we also, in 9 years, had 2 or 3 “unloaded guns” go off in the shop! Lost count of how many guns were shipped to the shop loaded! Kinda remember it is illegal to mail (USPS) ammunition but I guess the same applies to ammo already in the gun right?.

    What is rule number one? All guns are loaded. Number 2? Do not point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy.

    Oh, I get it! The H&K guy did not like the reporter guy and WAS willing to shoot him

  • Boca Jim January 17, 2017, 1:40 pm

    The SP5K is nothing more than the old H&K SP89 semi-automatic handgun updated with a rail. Put a forward hand grip on it and it becomes a National Firearms Act weapon; ATF issued a rulling on this years ago.

    • Capacitygear May 18, 2017, 3:45 pm

      Boca- its NOT an SP89- can’t put a registered auto sear in this brick…

  • Will Drider January 17, 2017, 12:07 pm

    Buy a big stick for your Glock and save $2650! This is the same reason the Mac/Tec/Uzi guns lost demand in the 80’s. Alternatively GSG, Waltheror Umarex will probably make a 22LR version.

  • JoshO January 17, 2017, 11:39 am

    I came here to laugh at all the “this is too expensive” and “this is worthless” comments and I am not disappointed! I have two of these, one on a pending form 1, and they’re a lot of fun to shoot. If you don’t want one, don’t buy one, but they’re selling like hot cakes.

  • brievolz84 January 17, 2017, 11:18 am

    Why spend $2,600 odd dollars on this when you can get a Zenith Z-5P for $1k less? The Zenith is manufactured on the same HK tools except you’re not paying for the HK name. I’m getting one once they’re available again.

    HK, this is to little too late regardless of the import embargo.

    • JoshO January 17, 2017, 12:15 pm

      If you’ve ever seen a clone and a genuine HK product side by side you would know that there is quite a disparity in quality.

      • brievolz84 January 18, 2017, 10:46 am

        And if you put these two side by side (HK SP5K and Zenith Z-5P, you couldn’t tell the difference except for the HK cosmetics. These two firearms are manufactured on the same HK tools and, IMHO, that’s all that really matters. The ONLY difference is that one is made my MKE (a Turkish company who license the HK tools) and the other is price-gouged because of branding.

  • BillJ357 January 17, 2017, 11:07 am

    I used to shoot MP5s and the K…….Lots of fun and useful in many tactical situations..
    Tried a semi SP -ONCE-about a 15# trigger and no fun or use.
    This is Worse. A very expensive solution to a non-existent problem.

    Same goes for the Uzis …….NFA they have many uses…..Semi-Worthless wannabes -… … !

    • Capacitygear March 6, 2017, 4:09 pm

      I agree 100%- all semi auto pistols & carbine version of SMG are TOYS, pure & simple.
      In fact they’re a little less dangerous cause of their terrible triggers, lack of stocks etc!

  • Mblack January 17, 2017, 10:54 am

    It amazes me that there still is a firearms industry. Every time some manufacture comes out with something new or a little expensive, all the chickenpeckers come out and pee all over it. It is a disturbing pattern throughout the gun business. If this is not for you, just keep moving through different articles. Saw similar comments on the FN M249. Can’t afford it, don’t buy it. I get the feeling that 1/2 of you would complain about the high taxes if you won the lottery.

    • Ktownshooter January 17, 2017, 4:58 pm


    • brievolz84 January 18, 2017, 11:22 am

      But those taxes are too high, I won that money fair and square, and the Government has the audacity to charge me all that taxes….. /sarcasm

  • KurtW January 17, 2017, 10:13 am

    Without the auto-sear, this one has absolutely NO point.
    MP5K is great fun, but this ain’t an MP5K (I had one), just a Toyota MR2 with a body kit pretending to be a Ferrari because it “looks the same”.

    • Cam January 17, 2017, 11:20 am

      Could not have said it better myself. I read in a forum that these new HP rollers also can not take a auto sear, so even if you are rich enough to own an unmarried sear this can’t be used as a host.
      This is almost as worthless as the fn semi saw.

    • mike January 17, 2017, 5:57 pm

      another moron that i’ll slap in the face when i see that person

  • Greg Meyer January 17, 2017, 10:09 am

    I don’t care how “unloaded” the gun is, or that the mag is not in place. The idiot in the black coat had the gun pointing at the idiot (for allowing it) in the blue coat for the first part of the video. Oh, and same same for the camera crew, and whomever allowet this thing on the show. I didn’t watch any more of the video after I saw this stupid behavior. Unfortunately, there really are people who shouldn’t have guns.

    • Greg Meyer January 17, 2017, 10:12 am

      what’s moderation?

  • Eric January 17, 2017, 9:01 am

    Does it have a Tri-lug?

  • Eric January 17, 2017, 9:01 am

    Does it have a Tri-lug?

  • John Schweisberger January 17, 2017, 8:06 am

    Not a lot of gun for a Lot of money. Granted, I do like the idea of 30 rounds rather than the 15+1 in my Glock; but I could strap on three Glocks loaded with 48 rounds and have money left over. I can’t think that the accuracy is going to be great either. The author looked like a contortionist trying to shot the thing. Practicality aside, I would like to have one!

    • Old Sailor January 17, 2017, 2:27 pm

      Just get a 30 round mag for your Glock. Much cheaper.

    • Jonny5 January 17, 2017, 4:39 pm

      Having fired this on auto numerous times, semi auto seems pointless. However, it empties a mag at lightning speed so maybe that’s a good thing…

  • Ts January 17, 2017, 7:34 am

    What a ridiculous item. Anyone that would spend $2600 for that shouldn’t be allowed around firearms at all.

    • DLH0 January 17, 2017, 3:31 pm

      That’s a pretty broad statement and narrow point of view. People have different tastes, and fewer guns fill the ‘need’ category as do the ‘want’. I shoot a Red Label for which I paid $900. Does all I want out of an over/under. I would no more pay $2600 for a ‘better’ O/U than I would pay it for this ‘pistol’. I don’t collect, I have a use for every firearm I own. But given unlimited funds, or for folks who DO collect, this may be an acceptable price. No biggie. To each their own. Makes for a healthier gun market. Judge not another’s gun purchase lest ye be judged by YOURS! Live and let live, blah-blah-blah……

      • Capacitygear March 6, 2017, 4:15 pm

        What would Jesus carry?

    • Andrew January 17, 2017, 5:39 pm

      I’ve seen people spend more money on dumber things.
      If I hit the lotto one day, I’m going to buy a pile of “expensive” guns I only dream of now.

  • James January 17, 2017, 7:23 am

    I guess the suits at HK finally realized that they were leaving money on the table by ignoring the American public’s desire to own this gun. They have ignored us for so long, I may just ignore my desire to buy one of these.

  • JimD January 17, 2017, 7:13 am

    You’re just playing with us when you mention suppressed MP5s in the same sentence as this gun. H&K doesn’t provide a threaded or lugged barrel; it’s major $$$urgery to suppress the SP5K.

    • mike January 20, 2017, 3:07 pm

      nah, you’re just cheap

  • Mike January 17, 2017, 7:11 am

    I don’t understand.
    I banged my head against a wall,
    and I still don’t understand.

  • Dean January 17, 2017, 6:03 am

    I thought Bush’s executive order banned HK’s like these from coming into the country? How are they now available? And If that’s true where are all the MP5’s at ?

    • Capacitygear March 6, 2017, 4:18 pm

      Dean they must be either made entirely or in large part domestically- only answer w that 922a BS…

  • Kevin robinson January 17, 2017, 6:03 am

    Need any testers? Would love to have one as a promo gun in my area

  • James M. January 17, 2017, 5:42 am

    Sure didn’t miss the begging, middle, or end on this review. Wtf was the point? Could have found links to this “semi-auto smg” yet again wtf. Hope GunsAmerica didn’t pay for this. Note this is my first negative comment on GunsAmerica.

    • mike January 20, 2017, 3:07 pm

      shut up