Seattle Resident Fatally Shoots Alleged Burglar, Neighbor Wonders Why Perp Wasn’t Shot ‘Below the legs’

A Seattle homeowner fatally shot a suspected burglar earlier this month, local media reports.

At about 2:35 am officers from the Seattle Police Department (SPD) responded to a 911 call referring to a disturbance at a home in the north-central neighborhood of Greenwood.

The caller said that they heard a person asking someone to phone 911. When officers arrived at the scene, they found a man with a gunshot wound in the backyard, near an alley.

SPD detectives are investigating the deadly shooting which appears to have happened when a homeowner shot and killed an alleged burglar. 

Police began first aid, before transferring care over to Seattle Fire Department medics, who transported the man to Harborview Medical Center, where he later died from his injuries. 

When asked about the event, the homeowner said that the perp had climbed over his fence and into his yard. The homeowner asked the suspect to leave and he refused. The homeowner then shot the intruder.

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SPD homicide detectives indicated that the investigation is ongoing.

KIRO 7 spoke with one neighbor who was questioning whether the homeowner was within his rights to shoot the alleged intruder.

“Where was the individual shot? Was it in the front?” asked Kylian Se Vanter. “Was he retreating? Were there any attempts to shoot them below the legs to incapacitate as opposed to just execute them right from the jump?”

According to Washington State law, when it comes to violent crimes like burglary, a person can protect themselves, their family or their property by any reasonable means necessary. No person has a “duty to retreat” when they’re assaulted in a place where they have a lawful right to be.

Another person residing in the neighborhood said that other violent crimes have taken place nearby, recently.

“From what I heard, it was last week someone had climbed onto these fences and broke into one of the buildings and went upstairs and ransacked somebody’s office,” said Grims Gislason. “Right on Aurora or real close to it, it’s kind of lively these days.”

According to crime data taken from the Seattle Police Department, there have been 78 burglaries reported from January to May in the Greenwood neighborhood.  

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  • Jerry August 1, 2022, 1:24 am

    My initial licensed training was in an era where we were informed that showing off by shooting the gun out of his hand was “Right Out”, and that shooting a knee was mafia-esque, and both constituted cruel and unusual punishment. Center-of-mass shots advocated, preferred, and ordered. You shouldnt miss a mass-center shot, but a hand or kneeshot takes time, and a greater possibility of miss or overpenetration. No mention of the obvious ricochet problem! Below the knees, reeks of fictional hollywood drama.

  • Manuel July 18, 2022, 4:34 pm

    He just saved tax payers …money, court cost and a prison cell…

  • Bob July 18, 2022, 4:11 pm

    It gets even worse from the looney liberal neighbor, if you watch the video of the reporter interviewing him he goes on about “what even constintutes a yard” asks if a person were to be walking down the alley and stumbles into a yard if they can be shot. The lowlife climbed over a fence and refused to leave and got what he deserved.

  • John Boutwell July 18, 2022, 1:21 pm

    It’s always a plus when the criminal never makes it to jail

  • Tom B July 18, 2022, 10:41 am

    Yes try shooting him in the foot. What if you miss and he get control of your gun? Answer: You’re the one who’s dead.

    If you just want to hurt the guy then don’t use a gun.

  • Jim July 18, 2022, 10:22 am

    One less Inslee vote.

  • Joe July 17, 2022, 4:47 pm

    I live in the Seattle area, and you don’t trust someone who jumps your fence and won’t leave not to hurt you given the magnitude of our drug addicted violent homeless losers that plague our city. I hear gunshots almost every night where I live. Someone put a rag in a neighbor’s gas tank and blew up their car. I’m out of this stupid city full of lazy whimps for politicians who won’t address the issue. Efforts to defund the police and other idiocracy here has caused me to leave WA state for the country where there are no such problems.

  • Kevin Stich July 15, 2022, 6:09 pm

    I live in this neighborhood and I applaud the homeowner for taking out a criminal. There have been too many law-breakers who get away with crimes in our city.

  • Boz July 15, 2022, 5:59 pm

    ‘neighbor’ is a victim Iooking for a criminal to school him

  • Rich July 15, 2022, 2:13 pm

    “Why Perp Wasn’t Shot ‘Below the legs’” are the feet. Dumbest fuuking thing that I have ever heard.

    • Walt Morris October 21, 2022, 8:40 am

      Spot on!!! The person who made that comment is dumber than Biden if that is possible.

  • D.J. July 15, 2022, 1:16 pm

    “ were there any attempts to shoot them below the legs …….” ??????

    Anyone whom was trained to shoot in critical situations knows
    the target is always “ center – mass “ ( the ten-ring ) . One does
    not shoot to wound , disable , take head shots & etc. The objective
    is to stop the threat . Anything else can result in the situation
    being reversed , never a “ good scene “ .

    • Ardvark July 18, 2022, 8:59 am

      Actually the response to the knucklehead should have been , he attempted to shoot him in the legs, but the rifle recoil and the warm air caused by climate change caused the round to rise and strike the criminal in the chest!

      • D.J. July 19, 2022, 12:16 pm

        ‘ Love it …….. love it !!!!!!!

  • Hondo July 15, 2022, 12:22 pm

    Another criminal democrat removed from society , well done sir.

  • pete July 15, 2022, 11:36 am

    Yikes, no mention of any serious damage or threat of violence? The guy wasn’t breaking into the house? Death penalty for trespassing? That homeowner is in trouble!

    • The Lumberjack July 18, 2022, 9:42 am

      The article stated, “According to Washington State law, when it comes to violent crimes like burglary, a person can protect themselves, their family or their property by any reasonable means necessary. No person has a “duty to retreat” when they’re assaulted in a place where they have a lawful right to be.” The homeowner is in no trouble at all, nor should he be.

  • Ej harbet July 15, 2022, 10:38 am

    Nothing about articulable fear of serious bodily injury or death from Mr fence jumper. Nothing about him having a weapon. Important info to have when considering good shoot or bad.

    If not dealing with a society of rule of law. He shouldn’t have made the fatal decision of jumping a fence and being where he wasn’t supposed to be.

    • Patrick Messmer July 15, 2022, 1:15 pm

      He tried to break into his home that’s all the justification needed. We need to stop coddling criminals.

  • Dr Motown July 15, 2022, 10:18 am

    I love the crazy lib neighbor who thinks a criminal will respond to a verbal “warning”…..what’s her backup plan when the dude doesn’t stop coming?

    • Dusty July 19, 2022, 8:56 pm

      In Washington burglary is not usally considered a violent crime unless a suspect breaks into an occupied home.
      Being in a yard and not leaving is trespass. It is Not a felony. And in Seattle is not prosecuted… The jail cell mentioned earlier may well be reserved for the homeowner.
      I do agree about the silliness of the nabor’s remark about shooting deliberately in the legs… if you do that you’re using the wrong tool. Regardless of State charges, it is a Federal civil rights violation at minimum…

  • Wade July 15, 2022, 9:54 am

    So, will the number of reported burglaries decline now that at least one perp is no longer conducting operations?

  • Abnormal July 15, 2022, 9:24 am

    Well, for this home owner’s sake, I hope that perp wasn’t a Pedo Peter supporter.

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