School Board in Iowa Will Allow Staff to Carry on Campus

A school board in Iowa is looking to harden its campus by allowing certain staff members to discreetly carry firearms during the school year.

Spirit Lake Community Schools voted unanimously, 4-0, on Monday to allow 10 staff members, excluding teachers, to bear arms in an effort to deter and stop active shooters.

“As a school district, we have an obligation to protect our students and staff from a possible active shooter situation,” Spirit Lake Community School Superintendent Dr. David Smith said in a statement obtained by the Des Moines Register.

“Having this policy in place serves as a deterrent for anyone who might consider entering our schools with the intent to do harm,” he added.

The superintendent will choose each of the 10 candidates for the program. They will undergo 40 hours of training administered by a local sheriff. Once they’ve successfully completed the training, they will remain anonymous and carry firearms purchased by the district.

“We know when these events occur, most victims fall within the first few minutes,” Smith explained. “We have determined the right action to take is to give trained staff members the opportunity to stop a killer as soon as possible.”

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This latest action is designed to augment safety measures currently in place, such as locked doors, security cameras, mental health support, and the school resource officer.

“The district will also continue to utilize its comprehensive safety plan, provide staff and students with age-appropriate training, and review other safety measures that add additional layers of security to its facilities,” noted Smith. 

While school shootings are statistically rare events and less common than they were in the ’90s, any policy that puts armed responders on site to help stop active killers has the potential to save lives.

Campus carry shouldn’t be controversial. Good guys with guns protect bankers, billionaires, pro athletes, and politicians every day in this country, no reason why they shouldn’t protect school children as well.

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  • Heywood guy September 2, 2022, 8:23 am

    Kudos to Spirit Lake Community Schools. Thie is smart and appropriate. Even in the 1960’s and 70’s we had police on campus in Chicago public schools.

    It kept peace and consequences were visible to idiots.

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