Samantha Bee from ‘Full Frontal’ Wants to Take Your Guns!

Samantha Bee of TBS’ “Full Frontal” wants to take your guns.

Of course, she knows that’s an impossibility because unlike you she doesn’t have the skill set nor the tools to take your guns by force, so instead of actually coming for your guns, she’s imploring you to tell the government to use your hard-earned money to research gun-related violence.

“It’s time we treat our nation’s epidemic of gun violence like any other public health crisis and DO SOMETHING about it! If we’re going to beat gun violence, we need to arm ourselves with the proper weapons: government-funded research and a dedication to change,” she declares in the description to the Youtube video posted above.

Maybe she doesn’t realize this but there is government-funded research out there already that tells us what causes gun violence. For example, we know based on CDC data that each year more people die from suicide by gun than homicide by gun:

Samantha Bee from 'Full Frontal' Wants to Take Your Guns!
(Graph: Vox)

Are firearm suicides a function of lax gun laws? Or is there something else going on?

The obvious point to make is that self-harm is more often than not a product of underlying mental health conditions that cannot be addressed via legislation but rather need to handled through appropriate treatment.

SEE ALSO: Idaho Joins Growing List of Second Amendment Sanctuary States Following Biden’s Gun Orders

“Saving lives” begins with saving people. Anti-gunners like Ms. Bee don’t seem to understand that because every proposal they make focuses on eliminating access to the hardware while totally ignoring the software.

Seizing guns from a depressed individual by red-flagging him, for example, does not cure him of his suicidal ideations. In fact, it may worsen his mental state because of the embarrassment of the ordeal. Sure, he may no longer be able to shoot himself, but he can still slit his wrists or jump off a bridge.

While I’m not opposed to non-agenda-driven government research, we don’t need it to tell us the woes of man. We already know what they are as they’ve been around since our creation. What we need to do as a society to reduce violence is a better job of getting troubled people the help that they need.

But since that involves real work and time and commitment, not to mention the capacity to actually give a rip about someone other than yourself, it’s not something most gun-control activists are willing to follow through on.

It’s much, much easier to beat the drum for civil disarmament. Because if you’re too stupid, lazy, and incompetent to own firearms, or to take the time to understand their critical importance to our free Republic, well then no one should keep and bear them either.

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  • paul May 16, 2021, 12:48 pm

    Hey lady go back to Kanada queen and Kuntry! Just because you got dual citizenship here back in 2014 doesn’t give you the right to dictate what we do!!! If you hate it her go back to your country!!!!!!!!!

  • Doc Loch May 15, 2021, 11:14 pm

    Guns don’t kill people, doctors do. (Guns are not the third leading cause of death in the US….Medical error is!

  • Ej harbet May 15, 2021, 3:01 pm

    What I find startling is she doesn’t need a gun to get action. Proof that there are men who will service anything from the swine family of livestock

  • Hugo May 14, 2021, 4:09 pm

    I’d say stick to comedy but she’s terrible at that too.

  • Linc Qimiq May 14, 2021, 4:03 pm

    I am supporting gun.
    Samantha can’t take my gun from me … AK-74 because it’s my self defense! If burglary break in my home I am switching into full auto shoot at burglar who break in !!!!!

  • Big Al 45 May 14, 2021, 2:52 pm

    Her deranged rants during the Trump administration were enough to put me off her crap permanently.
    Seriously, she was literally the face of T.D.S. in many of her shows.

  • James T Matters May 14, 2021, 2:45 pm

    Chicago stats Year to Date:
    Total Shot: 1,189
    Shot & Wounded: 983
    Total Homicides: 221
    Shot & Killed: 206
    Don’t apply your Chicago controls to the rest of the country.

  • James T Matters May 14, 2021, 2:41 pm

    All libs should enact all their plans in the worst crime ridden zones they can find as test cases. In other words, purely demolib inner cities. Once they find a solution to THAT crime issue, I will listen to what they have to say.
    Until then,

  • Easy Eddie May 14, 2021, 11:02 am

    Ah…the blonde bimbo surfaces again. This time too stupid to know there is no ‘epidemic of gun violence’ except in the Blue City-States run by the Dems. But yes…more education is needed. Teach your children to use firearms correctly and safely, the value of the 2nd Amendment, and practice with them.

  • Godfrey Daniel May 14, 2021, 10:44 am

    Just another talking airhead spouting her “I know better than you” rhetoric.

  • Jack May 14, 2021, 10:14 am

    Please . . . send her to Chicago, lower east side on a Saturday night. Lol.

  • Kane May 14, 2021, 9:56 am

    Sorry, I could NOT get through the first minute of the video. Re-education spin masters are NOT “comedians.”

    • Ron May 14, 2021, 6:52 pm

      I was only able to watch 43 seconds.

  • Michael C Jolley May 14, 2021, 9:49 am

    Tell her to just TRY and come and take them!

  • SD May 14, 2021, 9:13 am

    She says cities with the strictest gun laws have the lowest murder and suicide rates. The highest murder rates are in New Orleans, Detroit, Flint Michigan, Baltimore. All have strict gun laws. But wait! They do all have some things in common. They are all run by democrats. Another thing they have in common is they all have a majority black population even though the US population is 76% white and 13% black. No one will say this, call me a racist if you want. I’m just stating the facts. Should we ban democrats from buying guns? Should we ban blacks from buying guns? No, the ones that legally purchase guns are not the problem. Most of these criminals get their guns through illegal purchases (stolen). If you want to make the country safer maybe you should require people to pass the same background check to vote as to buy a gun.

    • Ej harbet May 16, 2021, 1:31 pm

      Most of these criminals could be locked up if the justice system worked. With the tech available to law enforcement they probably know how to locate and capture a majority of them in 48 hours

  • Wilko May 14, 2021, 8:17 am

    As always, the question for anti-gunners is this: Are you as willing to die, trying to take my guns, as I am willing to die to keep them… and to use them to defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights?

  • krinkov545 May 14, 2021, 7:12 am

    Who is this nobody loser? Stupid silly woman should keep her froward filthy liberal sewer mouth shut.

    • Ej harbet May 16, 2021, 1:33 pm

      The only thing I want to hear from her is here’s your sammich

  • graceythecat May 14, 2021, 7:02 am

    sameathe bee is not even a good comedian and believes she is the political messiah. groveling for cammella hairass’s throw backs. When so-called entertainers are not entertaining to people, they believe they actually have a brain and can decide what everyone else should do!
    Stupid people actually vote for all these communist, marxist, socialist, progressive, stalinists, leninists, pedophile protector democrats.
    It is time to Remove all these communist, marxist, socialist, progressive, stalinists, leninists, pedophile protector democrats from office! Period.

  • Rob May 14, 2021, 6:38 am

    If Samantha wants our guns; then she should go house to house and try taking them. I guarantee she won’t make it far. Si Vis Pacem Parabellum.

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