Safer Glock? Gadget Prevents Negligent Discharges While Holstering

The Glock gadget.

The Gadget for Glocks, does it interest you?

The Gadget is, well, a gadget, for Glock handguns that keeps the striker-fire pistols from discharging while holstering.

If you’re on this site, it’s a safe bet you’re aware that Glocks are sans-safety. For many gun enthusiasts, that’s a good thing, but occasionally the lack of a physical safety (aside from your trigger finger of course) can mean that unwanted debris lodged in the trigger guard can cause a disaster when holstering. But the Gadget aims to stop that.

The Gadget attaches to the rear of the slide and acts as a sort of thumb safety. By putting pressure on the Gadget while holstering, the device activates a makeshift safety that prevents the trigger from being depressed.

Depending on where you’re from and how you’ve trained, placing your thumb on the rear of the slide while holstering is the right thing to do as it keeps the weapon from dropping out of battery. That being said, many law enforcement agencies and other gun groups teach that placing your thumb on the rear of the slide while holstering is a “no-no.”

Either way, the potential for a negligent discharge while holstering a Glock is quite real, and the Gadget is a simple way to help prevent that from happening. However, any after market product that tampers with the firing mechanism brings with it the potential for malfunction. So if you’re using your Glock for self-defense, just keep that in mind.

The Gadget, invented by Tom Jones, Todd Green and Craig Douglas, has been heavily tested over the last six years and is now ready to go into production. The company is looking to crowd-fund the Gadget and backers who pledge can get one for $50.

(This article was a submission from freelance writer Brent Rogers)

  • Fred July 21, 2015, 10:38 pm

    You only need to draw a pistol quickly, not holster it quickly. Holstering a pistol without looking at the holster is an idiotic behavior that perpetuates Darwin Awards. If you’re holstering it, there’s no threat and you’ve got plenty of time. Dk where the idiocy started. Haven’t shot myself with a G17 or G30 yet.

    • gary sheldon June 12, 2018, 8:27 pm

      Key word (with wisdom to boot) yet. excellent my friend.

  • Rob62 July 20, 2015, 10:39 pm

    This has got to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. I see nothing whatsoever in this product that makes a Glock safer or more user friendly. I will never get this thing and from what I see will tell others to stay away from it. How about this – when holstering make sure there is nothing in the holster or trigger guard that will press (pull) the trigger.

  • Steve Quarders July 20, 2015, 7:30 pm

    Why interfere with natural selection. Thousands of rounds through Sigmas, no AD’s, Quit blaming guns for problems that are people problems.

  • jphamilton July 20, 2015, 7:22 pm

    Negligent Discharge is just that: NEGLIGENT! I have carried Glocks for my entire 17y career, and have absolute confidence in them, above all other handguns. Just like one must have a clear understanding of what is behind one’s target, one must be aware of the readiness level of one’s equipment (cut those damn drawstrings off the bottom of your outerwear!) If you’ve rolled in the dirt/mud/sand/ice/etc after you drew your weapon, wouldn’t it make sense to take a moment to make sure your holster hasn’t been fouled? DUH moment….

  • Kalashnikov Dude July 20, 2015, 4:49 pm

    I love’s me some capitalism and inventive spirit! I hope they make a million. That said, I never fell for Glocks until about three years ago. I got myself a Glock 21 SF with the tactical rail. Big, sturdy, heavy, reliable. I carried it for three years daily. Then on one of my regular outings at the range, it started to have misfires. I cleaned it and lubricated it and it worked for about 25 more rounds before it started again. I had gotten used to it. It was reliable at one time. But, the opportunity came and I traded it straightaways for a really nice example of a .22 Colt revolver made in 1948. Then I traded an unused Range Rover for a Colt AR15 and a Remington 1911 R1S. I polished the crap out of the barrel, feed ramps, and various internal parts. I rounded off some of the sharp edges, and put some nice aftermarket grips on. The gun is as or more reliable than the Glock when it it was new, it certainly looks nicer. And it fits my hand better. When I shoot it sends the rounds right where I tell it to. The Glocks are alright in my book. I just like 1911’s more. I doubt this device will make the world safer. I never had a problem with holstering the Glock or any other pistol. Holstering or unholstering for that matter, ought to be a deliberate act. Not something done from mindlessness or muscle memory. Otherwise something could get caught in the trigger guard, depress the trigger and cause an unintended discharge………

  • george bill July 20, 2015, 10:55 am

    I don’t like add on”s, that interfere with the function of the gun. That looks like it could cause a problem getting stuck on something down the road.

  • Lonesome Wolf July 20, 2015, 9:54 am

    What is involoved in installing this? Any restrictions? Holster, lights, etc.?

  • Chuck Wagon July 20, 2015, 9:00 am

    I own several Glocks and installed the Cominolli external safety on them. Allows you to cycle the firearm to clear it with the safety on and you use the same muscle memory you do with a 1911 to disengage the safety when drawing. The Cominolli is a much better solution in my opinion.

    • Dave July 20, 2015, 9:44 am

      Not buying a Glock in the first place and buying a real gun instead would resolve the whole problem right away.

      • Blasted Cap July 20, 2015, 12:43 pm

        So with all the millions sold they must be a real POS. I don’t own one but have been looking at the G40. Tell you what, I’ll buy the pistol and since you are so confident they are junk, I’ll give you a rock. We’ll do the ole back to back walk out 20 paces, turn and fire. Sound good?
        As a range master, I’ve seen a lot of problems with a lot of guns, and you know what? 99.9% of the issues were carbon based, not the gun. Treat anything like crap and that’s what you’ll end up with.

        • Glock_10 July 20, 2015, 4:03 pm

          Thank you Blasted Cap for exposing the “Real” problem. I own a G20c, I am very happy with it. I don’t think I need to add a safety to it as I always look at my holster as I put the pistol in it. I don’t understand all the hate for the Glock.. I do a little reloading and with the right load on a cloudy day I can produce fireballs going in 3 directions, which is almost as much fun as being on target at 100 yds..

  • anon July 20, 2015, 6:42 am

    I see how this is good for preventing a ND/AD however you want to spin it.. But will it work in practice?.

    Scenario 1.

    Person holsters the glock, in battery using the thumb safety while holstering, however a bit of shirt gets caught in the trigger, and the person is unaware of the object in the trigger guard, they push down to holster, but the thumb safety is released and there is still pressure on the trigger will there still be a discharge?.

    • Kevin April 16, 2017, 8:09 am

      Um… OK, we can see you know nothing about glocks. How about sitting down and shutting up?

  • Dr. Strangelove July 20, 2015, 5:17 am

    If you holster an XD pistol without pushing on the grip safety it will not fire. But Glock couldn’t copy Springfield, could they?

    • praharin July 20, 2015, 9:27 am

      Sounds like an inconvenient maneuver, to have to change grips to holster. Grip safeties stopped being a good idea in a long time ago

      • JT September 17, 2015, 12:23 pm

        Hmmm, a small inconvenience or the possibility of a negligent discharge and shooting yourself… I wonder what I would choose.

  • Charlie Tatman July 15, 2015, 2:28 pm

    I don’t own a Glock but I carry an M&P without a safety and have never had a problem with ND’s. Is this a real problem or just a solution to a “It Could Be A Problem”?

    • Huapakechi July 20, 2015, 9:31 am

      There’s a history of ND when people holster their Glocks and something like a sweatshirt drawstring gets tangled in the trigger. One reason I will not carry a handgun without a grip safety.

    • Russ July 21, 2015, 8:24 am

      Just a solution to a “It Could Be A Problem”? Some people “need” to be taken care of so they don’t hurt themselves. Been carrying a Gen 1 Glock 17 since early 1988, and have never had A ND. Imagine that. 😉

  • Barry July 15, 2015, 1:27 am

    Brought to you by Smith and Wesson.

  • Mike July 14, 2015, 6:53 pm

    I think you can already stop an automatic from firing just by pushing the slide out of battery. Same goes for a revolver- Get your thumb over the hammer and you won’t be able to pull the trigger.
    I think this device is worth looking at. It looks far better than any other device I’ve seen.

    • Lonesome Wolf July 20, 2015, 9:45 am

      Revolvers can also be stopped by grabbing the cylinder or (iuuchh) putting thumb under hammer.

    • Harry July 20, 2015, 8:42 pm

      The Siderlock trigger safety is better, faster, and easier.

  • Michael Huffman July 14, 2015, 1:05 pm

    For LEO this would be a HELL NO (I am not a LEO) because it means any criminal can make an officers last line of defense useless by pushing on the back of the gun. Good idea but bad real world implementation to the lives of our LEOs!

    • Jim July 20, 2015, 9:17 am

      Seems like if they’re pushing on the back of the gun, the LEO already has a major problem.

    • Dave July 20, 2015, 9:41 am

      I thought that the whole point of the Glock (I wouldn’t touch one with a 100 foot pole! I wouldn’t touch one via the Internet!) was this marvelous safety that had all the angels singing!! Now you need a special device add-on to keep from shooting yourself when you holster the gun!!??? What a cluster!! ROFLMBO!! In my 45 plus years of shooting (including law enforcement), I’ve NEVER seen anything like this!! Sounds like a design defect. I’ve never liked the Glock (or Shlock IMO). It has always been a gimmick gun to me. Wouldn’t have one…

      • SteveA July 21, 2015, 5:04 am

        You’re showing your bias clearly Dave, I’ve owned glocks for close to 3 decades and have never had a problem with mine.
        Also Dave, gimmick gun? Really? More than 8 million of them made, sold and used & you think it’s a “gimmick” gun?

        Glocks are very good guns with 3 internal safeties, the writer of this article is an idiot. Bought my first glock in 1987, still own it & 7 others as of now. Never had a ND from any of my glocks or any of my other handguns(beretta, bersa, Taurus, kahr, s&w, colt, dan wessen, ruger)
        This is just another yahoo trying to make money on a not needed product.

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