SAF Sues Over Post Office Gun Ban

Gone Postal: SCOTUS Refuses to Consider Post Office Gun Ban

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

It’s showdown time!

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) just sued Uncle Sam! They’ve launched a federal lawsuit in Texas to shoot down the firearms carry ban at U.S. Post Offices and their properties.

They’re not just talking tough; they want the court to declare the ban unconstitutional and to halt its enforcement.

The Firearms Policy Coalition has jumped into the fray alongside SAF. Texas residents Gavin Pate and George Mandry are also on board, taking the fight right to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s doorstep in his official capacity.

The legal battleground? U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division.

Legal sharpshooters R. Brent Cooper of Cooper & Scully, P.C. in Dallas, and David H. Thompson with Peter A. Patterson from Cooper & Kirk in Washington, D.C., are leading the charge.

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Alan M. Gottlieb, SAF founder and EVP, brings up the Bruen ruling from June 2022, laying down the law: “if the government seeks to restrict firearms in a particular location as a ‘sensitive place,’ it must prove that its current restriction is sufficiently analogous to a well-established and representative historical analogue.”

Adam Kraut, SAF’s Executive Director, points out that current federal law slaps a ‘no firearms’ sign on all federal facilities, including your friendly neighborhood post office.

He highlights how this rule messes with millions of law-abiding citizens who just want to mail a letter without leaving their rights at the door.

So, grab your popcorn and stay tuned!

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  • Phil June 21, 2024, 4:59 pm

    It needs to be broader. All Federal facilities need to be brought under the suit. How about planning a full day running errands with a military installation miles away to obtain goods and services but possessing a firearm on the military installation is prohibited unless one resides there and certain paperwork is accomplished. That means most likely one will be un-armed all day. What if something happens and by not being able to protect oneself
    during the course of a criminal mis-hap, one’s life was endangered or taken? The Feds should be civilly and criminally held accountable.

  • Jim C. June 21, 2024, 12:54 pm

    I see no chance of success with this. While I don’t think banning firearms is warranted, I still say it will not change due to this particular challenge.

  • Kane June 18, 2024, 10:30 pm

    I go to the post office 3-5 times a week and if I bring a firearm in the parking lot or walk on the sidewalk near the po I have broken a federal law. I have no idea how some mails a firearm from the po. The po I usually go to is located in a village that will NOT allow a person to legally leave a loaded firearm in a car no matter how cloae you are to the car.. So, to comply with the law, I would have to park off po grounds, unload my fiream, stash the firearm in the car and hope that a criminal had not noticed my those actions. This is a good legal fight.

    • Jim C. June 21, 2024, 12:57 pm

      An exception is made for mailing a firearm since the mailed item must comply with P.O. restrictions (type of firearm, and NO AMMUNITION.)

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