SAF: Federal Judge Issues Preliminary Injunction Against CA Gun Show Ban

BELLEVUE, WA – A federal district court judge in California has issued a preliminary injunction against the Del Mar Fair Board’s attempt to ban gun shows, in a case involving the Second Amendment Foundation, other groups and individuals.

SAF is joined by the California Rifle and Pistol Association, B&L Productions, Inc., Crossroads of the West, South Bay Rod and Gun Club, Maximum Wholesale/Ammo Brothers and five private citizens. SAF is represented by veteran attorney Donald Kilmer, who has won previous lawsuits challenging gun show restrictions in the Golden State. CRPA is represented by attorney Chuck Michel, another veteran of gun law litigation. The case is supported by the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action.

Federal District Judge Cathy Bencivengo issued the preliminary injunction, prohibiting the Del Mar Fair Board from enforcing a recently-enacted moratorium on gun shows at the fairgrounds. Plaintiffs in the case consider this a huge victory over a moratorium that took effect back on Jan. 1 and the lawsuit was followed later that month.

“Of course we’re delighted with this ruling,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “At a time, and in a state, where law-abiding gun owners seem under constant attack, having a federal judge side with our complaint validates our efforts to protect constitutional and civil rights.

“Lately,” he added, “it seems like a week doesn’t go by without another court victory in our efforts to win firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time.”

The lawsuit was filed in U.S, District Court for the Southern District of California in San Diego. At the time, Gottlieb called the fairground board’s action as “an attempt to marginalize gun owners and exclude them from the public square.” He suspects this is an effort to drive gun shows from public venues altogether.

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