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To purchase a Ruger LCP II on, click this link:
Making improvements to an iconic firearm is always a tough decision. And yes, the Ruger LCP is iconic; it was one of the significant catalysts for the now prolific variety of .380 ACP pocket pistols on the market, and the resurgence of interest in the .380 caliber, which has benefited from this gun’s popularity by becoming one of the most commonly seen (and surprisingly capable) small-caliber defensive rounds in use today.

The LCP II (left) brings a locking-open slide system on empty magazines and also a radically recontoured shape.
Despite the fact that the LCP wasn’t introduced until five years after the Kel-Tec P-3AT (to read a full review of this pistol on, click this link), the first modern .380 pocket pistol, the popularity of any new gun is, ironically, a little like comedy; it’s all is the timing. In 2008, the timing was right; the Ruger name and the pistol’s excellent design helped the little .380 knock it out of the park. The .380 ACP suddenly emerged from the shadows long cast by the most famous .380 pistol in the world, the Walther PPK (to read a review of this firearm on, click this link).
Less Than Perfect
The LCP for all its technological advances in design and construction had its flaws, and there were minor changes made to the pistol over the first several years, but the real issues for gun owners were never quite addressed, such as poor sights, a heavy trigger pull, a slide that was hard to rack when chambering the first round or clearing the gun, and a slide that did not lock back after the last round was fired.
In terms of familiarization, the original LCP version is a hammer-fired, locked breech, recoil operated semi-auto with an internal hammer. The hammer can be clearly seen resting flush against the back of the slide when the action has been cycled. If it isn’t there the action is not ready to fire, making this a very quick check of the gun’s condition. In addition, the trigger, though remaining in its forward position, has zero resistance if the slide has not been cycled. And last, there is a loaded chamber view port at the breech that exposes the rim of a chambered cartridge. While it is unusual for a pistol as small as the LCP to use a locked breech design, as opposed to blowback operation common with many .380s, Ruger opted for the locked breech design to avoid the large slides and heavy recoil springs found with blowback guns.
Many of the issues gun owners had with the LCP’s sights, slide and trigger were partially addressed in 2015 with the LCP Custom (to read a full review of this pistol on, click this link), which introduced a more durable stainless steel guide rod, a slide with slightly less resistance, but most significantly, a new trigger design and much-needed improved front and rear sights. With a very unapologetic bright red skeletonized aluminum trigger and polished blue slide fitted with a tall, square notched dovetailed (windage adjustable) rear sight and raised white dot photoluminescent front blade, it was such an improvement over the original LCP that there was scarcely a basis for comparison, except for still having a slide that would not lock back after the last round was fired. Fast forward one year.

The LCP II still has the characteristics that made the first LCP popular—namely compact size yet capable power—and kicks it up a notch.
- Chambering: .380 ACP
- Barrel: 2.75 inches
- OA Length: 5.16 inches
- Weight: 10.6 ounces
- Grips: Integral
- Sights: Low profile
- Action: SAO
- Finish: Matte black
- Capacity: 6+1
- MSRP: $349
Two Steps Forward
The 2016 LCP II has fully addressed the issue of a slide that locks back after the last round is fired. And the crowd goes wild! They’ve even gone one step further with a new, integrated blade safety trigger design evolved from the LC9s, that, and I say this with a great deal of respect for the “Red Trigger Ruger” (which I carry every day), makes the LCP II worth stepping up for. The average trigger pull on an LCP is 6.5 pounds; the new LCP II trigger has a resistance of 5 pounds, 11 ounces on average. Ruger describes it as having a single-action-only (SAO) trigger. It has a long 0.75 inches of travel, firm stacking for the last 0.5 inches with a clean break, and short reset. Although it may seem strange to describe a trigger like this as a single-action, I think that Ruger’s reasoning behind this is that a double-action-only (DAO) would fully cock the hammer when you pull the trigger, and the LCP needs to have the slide cycled to set the hammer for the gun to be able to be fired. As a result, it offers no second-strike capability but the new slide requires only half as much effort to rack, and a short stroke to re-cock the internal hammer in the event of a misfire. It is a much-improved trigger and slide design, and I really liked the “Red Trigger Ruger” LCP Custom. One other change to the pistol’s internal hammer-fired design is that only the top third of the hammer, rather than the entire back of the hammer, appears in the rear slide opening when the action is cycled. This is a little harder to see, but adequate. But this is not the only new feature that is just adequate.

The new LCP II comes standard with a pocket holster, giving you a carry-ready gun right out of the box.
Two Steps Back

Only the top third of the LCP II’s hammer (left), rather than the entire back of the hammer, appears in the rear slide opening when the action is cycled.
Having assuaged two of the LCP’s greatest deficits, a slide that does not lock back and a slide with too much recoil spring resistance, Ruger also changed the contours of the slide, added new, crescent shaped slide serrations, not only at the rear but at the front of the slide, which is very effective with the lighter recoil spring resistance, reshaped the glass-filled nylon frame for a modestly improved hand hold, and completely redesigned the triggerguard, giving it an elongated base and squared off front for more trigger finger clearance. So, how is all of this not good? It’s all good except for the sights. For some inexplicable reason the LCP II has reverted back to a variation of the original molded-in design, which almost totally negates the advantages gained by the improved LCP Custom model. Once again you have a through-hardened steel slide with a matte black finish and small, hard-to-acquire black sights (though not as small as the original LCP and with a slightly greater sight radius). The sights on the LCP II are definitely better, but a step back from the LCP Custom. The second step back is really more of a sidestep; the new frame and triggerguard designs make it impossible to use any existing LCP Laserguards or current contoured leather or Kydex belt and shoulder holsters. This, of course, will correct itself as the aftermarket responds with LCP II accessories. Fortunately, it comes with its own pocket holster and still fits the majority of pocket rigs like the DeSantis Nemesis, and my everyday carry Elite Survival Systems BCH 10 ballistic nylon belt clip holster.

The overall dimensions of the new LCP II (left) are quite similar to that of the original LCP pistol.
In weight and handling, the LCP II checks in at 10.6 ounces with an empty magazine, that’s about one ounce more than the current LCP; a negligible difference. Barrel length remains the same at 2.75 inches; the new slide contours increase the mass but not the overall length at 5.16 inches and height is 3.7 inches, a fraction taller than the standard LCP at 3.60 inches, and about the same as the LCP Custom. The LCP II also introduces a new grip contour with raised rear side panels stepping down to lower front panels that wrap around the frontstrap. They also have a rough stippled finish for a more tactile hold.
One of the more noteworthy changes to the LCP II grip contour is a reshape of the curvature of the integrated thumb rest from the horizontal indentation on the LCP to one where the front joint of the thumb naturally tips downward. This induces a slightly stronger grasp on the small .380 pistol.
As one might expect, the standard LCP six-round magazine will not work with the LCP II (they fit inside the grip well but will not allow a round to be chambered). Interestingly, LCP II magazines will fit into an older LCP and chamber a round, but they won’t lock the slide back. So, if you end up with both guns, be sure to keep your house in order to avoid a magazine mix up.

The author found that the LCP II performed quite well at 7 yards with the three types of ammo he used.
Different by only fractions of an inch and 1.0 ounces, the new LCP stacks up against the original model (and even the LCP Custom Red Trigger model) as a better handling gun. But, how does it shoot? All things being equal, or nearly so, with a lighter trigger, revised recoil system, and new slide design, it should be easier to handle and thus a bit more accurate at a combat distance of 7 yards (21 feet).
To keep everything equal for testing I used the same test ammo from an LCP Custom T&E I did about a year ago. That was done with Sig Sauer Elite Performance V-Crown 90-grain JHP, Federal Premium 99-grain HST JHP, and Sig Sauer’s 100-grain Elite Performance, slightly heavier than standard grain weight FMJ round. All ammo from the LCP Custom T&E clocked in well over 800 fps (feet per second) from the short 2.75 inch barrel, with Federal Premium HST JHP clearing the traps at an average of 886 fps, Sig Sauer JHP just a hair behind at 882 fps average, and the FMJ Sig Elite Performance traveling at an average of 825 fps. The same three fired from the LCP II were all a little slower, clocking 857 fps, 896 fps and 803 fps average, respectively.
The LCP Custom was consistently good with average groups from all three brands of ammo under 2.5 inches. The LCP II proved faster to reload, and with the new trigger design and lighter trigger pull delivered a best five-shot group with Sig JHP measuring at 1.76 inches, Sig FMJ at 1.50 inches and Federal HST a best five-shot group at 1.26 inches with two overlapping.
Final Thoughts
The differences in accuracy at 21 feet were minimal, and the gun is faster to fire. It does, however, have snappier recoil than the older LCP and LCP Custom models. The difference here once again is minimal, and overall the LCP II outperforms the LCP and LCP Custom. And when that slide locks back, you know it’s time to reload.
With a suggested retail of $349, which is $90 more than the standard LCP and $80 more than the LCP Custom, the LCP II comes off as a much-improved handgun overall; it’s easier to operate, easier to load, and just as accurate. All it needs is better sights. The road to perfection is a long one, but this one is definitely heading in the right direction.
For more information, visit
To purchase a Ruger LCP II on, click this link:
Just purchased Lcp2, love the size. I can carry with any clothes.
I keep a round in chamber, how safe is this ?
Of course it’s in the holder/pouch it came with.
Since I am new to conceal carry, it feels like just a lever holding back from discharge.
I just bought a Ruger LCP II with laser sight. I bought the extended grip magazine and it feels really great. I got tired of lugging around a Glock. If you need more fire power than this little gem, you might want to check out a different neighborhood. I am delighted with this great little pistol. With or without the pocket carry it comes with, it fits nicely in a jeans pocket and easy to draw with no discernable sights to snag. I would definitely recommend the laser sight from the factory, well worth the extra bucks.
This is a great little pistol! Zero complaints. Put a dab of White Out on front sight. Looked everywhere for a cell-phone-type “holster” and finally found one that has two compartments, either of which the LCP II fits in nicely. It is called the Buddy Pouch and is sold at Target in its electronics department with other cell phone equipment. It is tight also placing my cell phone in it, but all my wallet stuff fits fine alongside. Get the 6″ one (the other one is 5″). It retails for $26.
Just finished shooting four boxes of Critical Defense. The other day I had four or five stove pipes/jams with new round coming up. I’ve been reading and watching the discussions on “limp wrist”. Today I made a point of really getting a grip on my new LCP II and had one stovepipe. It made me think of something and I want to pass this along. When you let the slide slam forward really let it SLAM forward. Never had another jam or stove pipe and I ran some clips through as fast as I could pull the trigger.
NOW I like my little cutey. All I have to do now is get those $%(@)#* at S&W to make my Bodyguard shoot (1) straight and (2) without jamming.
On the other hand my Italian made 92 functions just like my Rolex.
For what it’s worth fellas.
Like the Ruger LCP II but it is hard to rack; my wife cannot even rack it at all an any suggestions? Thanks…
My husband recently bought me one of these. While I’m experienced with shotguns and rifles, my pistol knowledge and comfort level were lacking. The first day, I couldn’t rack it. Depressing to say the least! I researched, practiced, and tried different hand/slide positions. It still takes some concentration and some try to rack and hold to engage the slide lock, it’s getting easier with practice and a little oil. I just bought a slide grip from ArachniGRIP. Alongside adding a little bit of understated badassery, the grip gives my very small hand a better way to get traction.
I just recently purchased a LCP II. In the summer I like the option of pocket carry and this gun works nicely for that and I am less likely to leave the house unarmed. It is a vast improvement of the original LCP. A dab of finger nail polish and the sight issue is fixed. The trigger is sweet and though these guns are not designed for distance work, it is easy to fire accurately and quickly. It is what it is, it is a small light .380, with 6 round mag and one in the pipe giving you 7 rounds of “get off me”. No .380 pocket gun is very comfortable to shoot, but this one handles well enough and is suitable to allow for enough practice to become comfortable with the gun. If 7 rounds, and one spare mag of 6 is not enough to get you out of a situation then you are probably in a world of hurt no matter what pistol you took to the party. I have not heard of many civilian running gun battles, and tend to avoid going places where that might occur.
So you are psychic.. you know when and where the fight is going to happen huh. News flash, BAD guys come to the GOOD neighborhoods because that is where the GOOD stuff is.
A small gun firing an anemic round with poor accuracy and low round count is good enough…… except when it isn’t.
Your life, your gamble.
Larry, thank you! I own quite a collection of mouse guns. Always have been fascinated with them and can empty most into the body of a silhouette target at 25 yds, even the NAA .22LR mini revolvers. That said , I have a hard time forcing myself to carry anything smaller than a double stack 9mm for anything but backup to a larger gun. The .380’s have seen occasional solo carry when it was all I could get away with, like when I was “unarmed” mall security on midnight shift.
I just chuckle every time these small caliber pistol reviews quickly become a pissing contest.
Knuckleheads like you perpetuate the stereotyped and caricatured “I carry a 45 because they don’t yet make a 46” quip.
Let me attempt to educate you on two facts, one personally observed and the other reputed:
1. During my years of General Surgical training in NYC, I saw nothing larger than fatal .22 caliber inflicted wounds.
2. The Mob routinely dispatch of people with .22s to the back of the head.
Larry’s and my shot placement will trump misses with your MegaMagnum .999 caliber, 30-round concealed piece every time!
For the record, I can comfortably shoot my 1911 one-handed and am accurate enough, but enjoy carrying a bevy of different caliber pistols -including the mousy .380- just for the hell of enjoying exercising my 2A rights.
Gun owners like you give the rest of us the reputation of being knuckle draggers. LOL!!
I had purchased an S&W M&P Shield 9mm for my first concealed carry but found it just a tad bulky in some situations. After some research I bought my first .380 – the Ruger LCPII. Just took it to the range yesterday and could not be more happy! This gun is very compact and fits nearly anywhere – IWB holster, vest inside pocket, etc. with no printing at all. I had ~2″ groups wih FMJ at 8 yards and still hit a torso no probs at 25 yards – all with single-handed grip. I didn’t have any problems with the recoil and no jams with 100 rounds FMJ.
I agree the front sight could use a dot but for short range it really is not needed. This will be a great carry gun anywhere, even with light summer clothing!
I think Mr Seecamp said it best. If you need sights on my gun you need more help than I can give you.
The DAO trigger was the deal breaker. I don’t like heavy triggers and I don’t like long trigger pulls with long resets. You ALMOST had me. Fix the problem and I’ll buy the gun.
I have researched this gun heavily, and the trigger is actually a Single Action, Short Reset type trigger with only a 5lb 11oz pull. The slide cocks the hammer before each shot, and there is no restrike capability, so by definition, it is a SAO gun.
While the original LCP had a DAO trigger, the LCP 2 has a single action. Short and smooth. I have put about 500 rounds through mine and am very pleased with the trigger and the way it shoots. Are you sure we are talking about the same pistol?
Hoping and waiting for Ruger to offer an lc.380 “S”– that is, with the striker fired system now available on the lc.9S. The lc.380 has good sights and fits my hand better than the lcp while still being, small, “melted” and pocketable, even with the Crimson Trace laser. My groupings at 7 yards are generally smaller than the author’s posted with the lcp … and I’m sure I’m not the marksman he is. It took me several hundred rounds to master the hammer-fired trigger, and even takes a few rounds to get back into the routine every time I visit the range. Hope Ruger doesn’t decide the lcp II is their go-to .380 and not upgrade the lc.380 to striker-fired.
why does it need better sights? the sights are very low profile which is what one wants on a gun like this. this gun is not for target work. higher sights such as those on the custom can snag on clothing.
I painted the front site orange and now they work fine. Plus, the included pocket holster is a nice touch.
OK, so I’ve read nearly every review of this gun on this site and I’m confused….
I’m a 60 year old female. I’d like to be able to protect myself with a small handgun, preferably conceal carry. Should I be looking a larger gun or go with a “pea shooter” (smaller caliber) as it has been referred as??? Some good advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for keeping your sarcasm at a minimum
Check out this article:
Ultimately, you need to find the right gun for you. How do you know what’s right for you? You need to try before you buy 🙂
everyday carry is a pain in the ass LCP2 makes it much easier I run bufflo bore FN Plus P and am confident in its effectiveness in avery small package.
I would recommend you check your area for a gun range where you can rent guns to try . I did that with a gun that sounded great in reviews but when I actually fired it, I fond it not to be a good match for me. Kept me from making big mistake!
I have a Sig P238, a great .380. The one thing I’m not real fond of is the external safety. So, I’ve been looking and looking for a different .380 to carry. Several months ago I decided to get a LCP Custom. I still haven’t purchased one–I’m a procrastinator. Anyway, today (Dec. 30) was–somehow–the first day I ever heard of the new LCP II. Seems to me (based on this article) it might be better than the Custom. Still, would someone tell me why the h*ll Ruger decided to put the sights (slightly improved) of the LCP onto the LCP II, when most folks complained about the old, dark version? Ruger must have heard its customers loud-‘n’-clear because they “went white” with the Custom. I just don’t understand why the company wouldn’t have on the new II some sights just as good as those on the Custom. I don’t know what to do now. Wait a couple of years until Ruger adds the better sights to the II? Just stick with the Sig P238 and keep practicing releasing the external safety? Or just scew smallness and buy a big honkin’ S&W .44 Magnum or a sawed-off shotgun and conceal carry the thing up my arse?
It would be nice if you also compared the new Ruger LCP II to the recent LC .380 upgrade. What is the difference? Which is better, and why?
There’s an lc.380 upgrade? If so, thanks, as I haven’t seen one.
Seems the only improvement is a slide lock. I’m happy with my original version, which is relegated to a SHTF Fobus ankle holster. I would never carry any .380 as a primary. My primary CCW is an EAA Witness Elite Match 10mm with 5 extra mags
“concealed carry?” really?
5 extra mags? If I need 5 pistol mags I think I am under armed for the type of environment I am hanging out in.
SAO trigger mechanism? Really?! Are we that ignorant of common firearms terminology? A single-action trigger cannot operate in any other mode. It does one thing – it drops the hammer. If a single-action trigger were able to operate in more than one mode then it wouldn’t be a single-action trigger. Adding “Only” to the description of a single-action trigger mechanism is unnecessary and shows ignorance of common established firearms terminology. The Ruger LCP II has a single-action (SA) trigger mechanism. Heck, even Ruger gets it right on their website.
Now, don’t get me started on the dumbed-down description stupidity of a “DA/SA trigger mechanism”….
Are you retarded?
We now have grips available for this great little pocket pistol. You can purchase them here:
Thanks, and happy holidays!
It’s never boring to read comments on a gun blog. LMAO, so many armchair experts here, it makes my head swim.
Anyways, I own a “large” collection of handguns, and because of my circumstances end up carrying my lowly LCP 1st Gen a good portion of the time. Does it suck in many ways? Yes. Did I have to shoot it a LOT to become proficient? Yes. It remained my only pocket 380 for quite some time, and finally decided to add another as it was getting up there in round count. Went through the list everyone else has, and had also set my sights on a LCP custom only to see them disappear in place of the new LCP II. Intrigued, I went ahead and picked one up shortly after their release (and I pride myself on NEVER being the initial beta tester for any firearm).
And you know what? NIGHT AND DAY difference between the earlier models and this one (and yes, I’ve shot the Custom a friend owned). Accuracy, ergonomics, were head and shoulders over the other. Further, I could have easily put a few hundred rounds downrange without any discomfort, while with the original I had to force myself to practice with. The change in the grip was undoubtedly part of this, which is why I find myself surprised at those who call the LCP II “snappier”. Sorry, I just don’t see it that way at all. Yes, blah blah blah, this isn’t considered a long range weapon, and is used for up close and personal. BUT, imagine my surprise when a RSO who saw me shooting it at 10 yrds, asked me to try it (he’s a better shot then me), and managed to place two rounds in almost the same hole, and then stopped to cuss he had just picked up a Custom a few weeks earlier, and should have waited for this to come out. I’m happy to realize this gun can reach out much further then my other if needed.
I will carry my larger pieces when able, but for those who NEED a “small” piece, this one appears so far to be the ONE to look at. JMHO.
I realize most gunfights are at about 7 yards but I think you underestimate the little 380. I never had any trouble keeping at least 5 out of 6 on an upper torso size silhouette at 100 meters with a PPK. Granted it didn’t have a lot of velocity left at 100 meters but a person still would not want to be hit with it.
well said, John.
My LCp was just not usable by my wife, so it remains mine carried most of the time in the Abdo hard phone disguise case. With orange nail polish front sight and glow in the dark green paint blobbed on the rear, it’s a torso hole puncher.
Now the LCP 2… wife can rack it, shoot it, and smile about being able to feel good about it.
My only issue is that the magazines are not compatable. I have carried an LCP daily now for three years. I must have 20 magazines. The thought of buying new mags is a little annoying since I just purchased several new ones.
I just bought the LCP2 and my old mags work and even lock back. I think it was because I was using up my self defense ammo.
The six round are compatible, but slide hold open will not work–do not know if you maybe change the nag follower to make it work; just might since the LCP II six works in the LCP except for slide hold open–the seven round is contoured to fit the LCP & does not fit into the LCP II far enough to lock in
The author whines about the sights, but the main reason some of us didn’t buy an LCP Custom was hearing a lot of reports of people having snagging problems in their draw with the raised sights. That’s the reason the original Gen 1 LCP sights were barely little nubs, and even the Gen 2 LCP wasn’t much bigger–it’s that the expected range of using one of these is 7 yards, where you can point shoot anyways, and it’s much more vital to have an unhindered drawstroke.
The change back to the more recessed style of sights is a smart move as far as I see it.
Exactly! I was thinking the exact same thing. I had an LCP Custom. I took it to the gunsmith and had him file down the sights. By far the worst feature of that firearm. Ruger definitely got it right with the sights on the LCP II.
I have an LCP and have handled the LCP II. I prefer the heavier double-action pull of the LCP over the LCP II for safety reasons. If it’s going to be in my pocket primarily, the risk of accidental discharge is lower with the heavier pull. In a self defense situation, the difference between the LCP and LCP II trigger pulls will make no difference, especially with the accuracy being the same as stated above. The original LCP is a fine little gun, and I carry it more than my Glock 23. Just add the Hogue grip and you’re ready to rock!
If you are pocket carrying any gun without a holster you are making dumb decisions, the kind that get people killed. The lighter trigger is no concern in a holster.
Take a look at the Boraii (stands for Bill of Rights Amendment 2). Haven’t purchased yet but I think it’s ingenious and only $20.
Man you got that right and for sure a whole lot of folks will agree with you. How, and why shooters feel they need a light crisp trigger on a Pocket size gun is unbelievable. The reason is they don’t train very often and target shoot these guns. The LCPll is nothing but the LCP with a different action and a slightly larger grip. They still fall about after about 1500 rounds. And it is still a horrible recoil especially to other Pocket guns.
Just like new cars . They pretty it up, but underneath it’s still the same old lemon. I carry the early model,LCP . Changed the springs. Added Hogue grips and it’s still a crappy hard recoiling hard to hit anything POS .. I like my Mustang better . Best shooting 380 I’ve tried is the Browning BlackmLabel 1911 .380… Now that’s a great little pistol …but since I really don’t care if I scratch up or the law confiscates after Inshoot some little bastard trying to rob me I’ll carry it . I mean , it is reliable . Ugly too .
you say its hard to hit with……thats you…….my friend and i kick ass at 25 yards with ours……..practice…..dont blame the firearm……
Yep….you got that right. No matter what firearm you have, you need to practice, practice, practice !!!!
Agreed, unless somehow he got a lemon. Mine is as accurate as my Colt Government .380, and it amuses me to see men complaining about the recoil of any .380
Think maybe this is because you can’t shoot worth a sh##? Most amateurs/poor shooters blame the gun rather than their own lack of ability. At 7 yards with my gen1 redesign LCP I can shoot a single ragged hole in my target. Not to mention your comment reeks of ignorance, as this isn’t as you so moronically put it “the same old lemon” as they redesigned the trigger completely on the new model, I bought one 3 weeks ago and it is completely different from the original. And for my last critique, your comment about the LCP being “hard recoiling”, go shoot a 3.3″ XD-S 45 if you want to try a self defense pistol that is “hard recoiling”, my 5’1″ wife shoots an LCP and doesn’t complain, so there, you are literally whining more than a woman.
Have you heard of “win-win” communication? Might look it up. Thanks
Man, you got that right. I have owned LCP’s since they first came out. Four of them, not counting the ones replaced by Ruger. Have gone through them with all kinds of issues. They are one of the Most over rated guns in history. They are “Throw away guns”. They will eventually crack, split rails, broken take down pins and on and on. It is a cheap “ALUMINUM” GUN. Do yourself a favor and get gun built with stainless steel chassis, barrel etc. The LCP’s are harsh firing, with a terrible high Five Slap. By the way, the target they is featured on this blog is really bad shooting. Certainly nothing to boost about.
And Your are right, same piece of crap in a new package. The trigger of the New LCP ll is downright stupid and unsafe to boot. A crazy free play that makes the gun feel like the trigger spring is broke then a short crisp POW. You do not want a trigger like this in a pocket gun.
I see many comments questioning the “why” of a LCP-Custom (or the newer LCP-II).
IF one is looking for a POCKET PISTOL, that narrows the field according to WEIGHT and WIDTH, primarily.
Why would someone want a pocket pistol in the first place?
Could be they want something to always have on them, in addition to their regular EDC. Could be there are certain situations where carrying anything larger or heavier is not practical. Could be that they carry a full size pistol as their primary, a compact or sub-compact 9mm as their backup gun, and they want a weapon of last resort. Or lots of other scenarios.
The one thing they all have in common is the need for being SMALL and LIGHT. Whether it’s an addition to your EDC, or because it needs to be small and light in order to carry a concealed weapon at all.
Of all the pistols I looked at, the ones that were lightest and thinnest were these:
Kel-Tec P3AT: 10.5 oz loaded, 19.5mm wide
Ruger LCP-Custom: 12 oz loaded, 20.8mm wide
Beretta Pico: 13.8oz loaded, 18mm wide
Kahr CW380: 14oz loaded, 19mm wide
S&W Model 340PD 5-round revolver: 14oz loaded, 33mm wide
Seecamp LWS380: 14oz loaded, 18.4mm wide
S&W Bodyguard .380: 14.5oz loaded, 19mm wide
Adding a couple ounces for a pocket holster to just about any of these is going to raise the loaded carry weight to about 1 Lb. If the Glock 42 was smaller it would be the easy choice, but that pistol is 6″ long, 24mm wide and weighs nearly 17oz loaded, plus a holster, you’re looking at 20oz in your pocket, compared to 14-15oz with the Ruger LCP-Custom.
As much as I appreciate the innovation of Kel-Tec, the P3AT seemed to be rather crude, with a lot of reported reliability issues. Those issues may be resolvable, and there is an excellent forum addressing the issues.
The Pico seems to be picky about ammo (as many .380 ACP pistols apparently are) and I saw a lot of comments about reliability issues in general.
I wanted to like the Kahr, but there are a LOT of reliability issues mentioned in the various forums and comments sections of reviews. They have a 200-round break-in period, and if there are problems, customer service is all over the place, some reporting the best customer service they’ve ever had, others saying it’s the worst (guess it depends on who answers the phone).
The Seecamp looks nice (recommends specific ammo), but I can get a decent rifle for the $845 MSRP. Same problem with the S&W 340PD. In order to get the weight down on the S&W J-frame revolvers, you need the Scandium alloy frame and titanium cylinder, but the cost goes up exponentially, $1,019 MSRP. By comparison, the less expensive S&W Model 442 is the same dimensions (over 6″ long), but weighs over 17oz loaded.
I wanted to like the S&W Bodyguard 380. It’s light enough, and thin enough, and the price acceptable. It has the re-strike capability which most don’t, and the slide hold-open after the last round. Problem is, that re-strike capability gets a lot of use because it seems to not be able to strike the primer hard enough on the first try, a LOT of the time. And the hold-open feature doesn’t work very often either. Hickok45 has two videos on it, the first with the original (and not well liked trigger) and the second with the improved aftermarket trigger. In both cases, there were lots of re-strikes needed to get the weapon to fire.
So I kept coming back to the Ruger, which seems to be a bit more refined version of the Kel-Tec. Hickok45 likes the LCP-Custom with the upgraded sights and trigger. I did not see many comments after reviews about reliability issues anywhere, and the actual reviews I found mentioned few if any reliability issues.
And now it’s gone, unobtanium, lol!
On Cyber Monday Davidson’s had a boatload of LCP Customs for sale–according to my sources, the Custom was going back into production at Prescott, AZ after enough LCP II’s were built–the original LCP design has been moved to Ruger’s Mayodan, NC plant where the American rimfire, AR 556, SR762 & SR 22 pistols are built–my Custom is extremely accurate & will feed/fire any ammo–never had any snag issue with the tall sights & there is one huge advantage in them–using bright white enamel paint, very carefully paint the rear sight & UNDER the front photoluminescent sight; you now also have very effective 3 dot sights–no problem popping bev cans filled with water–at one of our several backyard ranges the other week someone was going to shoot their S&W .380; everyone puts on their muffs & backed up because they said the gun was so damn loud & lots of recoil–they were right, an absolutely vicious little gun that was no fun to shoot–I unloaded my Custom so that he could try it, loading in the same ammo just used in his S&W–the Custom had so LESS muzzle blast & recoil that it was beyond shocking–I describe the Custom as ‘soft shooting’–someone else went to try his S&W and thought that it broke, since it did not fire–the owner said that it was the incredibly long hard trigger, that it needed pulled more, and that was the issue–the Ruger LCP Custom had totally put the S&W to shame; the trigger on the Custom is superb–as for the slide not locking back after empty, I was surprised that it has not been an issue for me, since I can manually lock the slide back if I want to–for me, (I have tried the new ‘II’) the Custom is still the best .380 ACP gun out there
I looked at practically your whole list. I bought the Seecamp at a gun show for $380.
Just can’t get excited about plastic guns.
Ok, I just picked up the LCP II. I haven’t had time to range fire yet, just breakdown and clean the factory sludge. Breakdown and assembly were a breeze. I have discovered a couple of negatives in my opinion. 1st, the slide must be racked and the mag release depressed to load the magazine. I’ve never handled a weapon that required depressing the mag release. This will require me to train myself to remember an extra step to load. If an actual situation were to arise, fumbling through this extra step could be fatal on a reload. 2nd, the ejection port is made to bare minimum dimensions as I guess it must be for the compact size. If you do not rack the slide hard and fast, an unfired round will become stuck in the port requiring several pulls and shakes of the weapon to clear it. With no double strike capability, this could also prove fatal. A small part of me is kicking myself for just not getting the lc9s.
Ok, I’m updating my post. After a call to Ruger they informed me I will have to slam the magazine hard until it breaks in. I’m assuming they meant the retaining mechanism associated with the release. I slammed it in and it dI’d load without depressing the release. I put 50 rounds through it with no malfunctions. I’m just getting back into shooting rhe last month and haven’t fired a gun since leaving the military in 05. So I am the wrong person to make comments on accuracy. That said, I hit 36 out of 50 on a 12 x 18 target at 10 yards. It looked as if someone sent a couple of loads of buckshot downrange. But as I said, that’s on my end of the operation. I will keep up the practice since I would not not want to carry any weapon that I could not hit at least 45 out of 50 on a target that size.
I had to do the same thing with my 2nd gen LCP. I couldnt put the magazine in without depressing the mag release. It drove me crazy and made me think I lost something when i first dissassembled the lcp. Later found in the forums that you (like you found with the LCP2) had to slam the magazine. It got much smoother after playing with it and after putting a couple hundred rounds through. I like my current lcp, but would love having better sights than the 2’s and the LCP2’s improved trigger. I guess Ill have to wait on a LCP2 Pro/Custom model lol!
‘Factory sludge’?–I own a boatload of Rugers & have fired everyone of them straight from the box & everyone of them have functioned perfectly–have never found any ‘sludge’–you do not have to rack the slide to remove the mag–I have known several people that felt that it was necessary, regardless of brand, to disassemble a new gun & ‘fix’ it before use, and then complain that it did not function properly after they introduced the problem–as for emptying a live round, tilt the gun to the right & rack the slide; the round will fall right into your hand, where you want it anyhow & not flying thru the air–I also have the LC9S with Lasermax Laser, a great gun–the LCP’ is, however, still easier to completely conceal when absolute concealment is needed–get both, you will not regret it
I always break down and clean a new gun, and relube it, with the exception of a Glock, because of their proprietary break in grease. This way I know the gun has no production debris, and is properly lubed, so that I can be sure it’s in proper break in form. This is standard operating procedure for most veteran gunners
I have one of the second generation LCPs, and it is the ONE pistol I would keep if I had to give up all others. I consider it a modern day, totally concealable Derringer with the primary tactical purpose of a quick, close-range, surprise kill. With a thin, white stripe painted up the middle of the front sight I can shoot it well enough to keep bullets in the kill zone beyond 30 yards. It is UTTERLY RELIABLE — not ONE malfunction in the entire time I’ve owned it and practiced with it — and that’s more than I can say for any other top quality pistol I own. Kicks about like a full-size .45 ACP. I love it that Ruger is continuing to upgrade this fine pistol. I wouldn’t mind having one in .32 ACP as well.
exactly……people who say you cant hit anything with it blame the pistol….its the user….i practice with mine out to 25 yards
I have the LCP Custom & the recoil is what I would call very moderate, even with hotter Fiochhi ammo–it also has been %100 reliable with any ammo–if you want the best possible setup, use Ruger (made by Polycase) ARX ammo–incredible power with less recoil because the ‘flutes’ on the bullet provide incredible hydraulic displacement since the bullet is spinning 1,000’s of times per second–go to the ‘Real Guns’ website for a review of the LCP II & watch the video of the water jug tests using different ammo including the ARX; you will be amazed–I have used the ARX in 9mm & .380 ACP and have found it to have incredible performance–I have shot gallon water jugs with lots of different calibers & bullet types; .380’s, even JHP’s do little to a gallon jug–the ARX .380 almost looks like it was shot with a .357; you have to see it to believe it–the ARX in 9mm is even more eye popping
“with the primary tactical purpose of a quick, close-range, surprise kill”
1) We shoot to stop, not to kill. In your civil trial you will lose everything if you state that
2) Don’t be so sure that a .380 will even stop a determined attacker, or kill anything unless you can make eye socket/nose shots
$80 more than …..
All it needs is better sights……
heading in the right direction……
I have shot, or to put it more “accurately” tried to shoot guns with all black sights. What happens in low light is this, the sights just disappear because the target is dim and the front/rear sights have no contrast with each other.
It becomes a sea of darkness, dark sights, dark target so you end up just throwing lead in the general direction of what you wish to shoot. To be accurate, you have to S-L-O-W down as each shot is a struggle.
They got it perfect with the custom version then regress into stupidity on the new version.
If you are trying to find a sight picture in a close range combat situation, do your family a solid and have good life insurance. Close range combat is instinctive, just ask anyone who’s actually been in combat. Otherwise, just keep talking over your beers at the bar.
The first and only criticism I have is that Rugers was not first it was Kel- Tec, for some reason beyond me Kel- Tec is left out of almost every article or test of the new small hand gun when they were in fact the first of them. Their lock breech design has been copied in almost every instance, let us not forget the innovator.
I know it is “Nit-picking” … but you said “The same three fired from the LCP II were all a little slower, clocking 857 fps, 896 fps and 803 fps average, respectively.” But 896 fps is FASTER than 882 fps for the JHP Sig… (smile)
I guess 90 grains at 896 fps is more “impact” than I would want to get shot with… BUT, when MY LIFE, and the LIVES of people that matter Greatly to me, is in Mortal Danger…I want MORE impact than that… My Taurus PT111 G2 9mm double-stack gives me more striking force, more rounds, and the wider grip gives me better control…
No, it isn’t a “pocket gun” and not as easy to conceal…but being able to HIT what I am shooting at (with the better control) and more rounds available to do it with makes a difference… And I usually carry one backup mag, and a .38 +P 5-shot wheel gun on my ankle…or occasionally as my ‘pocket pistol’ in a moderate to heavy jacket, or my motorcycle safety jacket when I am riding.
Of course, I HOPE I never NEED any of that! But one time I DID need it…and didn’t have it because of my employer’s requirements… Long story how I survived un-injured … but I never want to be in that situation again!
I understand everyone’s sit rep is different, but I pack an EAA Witness Elite match 10MM as EDC with 5 reload mags, and often a KAHR .45 BUG with one reload, no problem. You simply have to dress around the gun
I sold my Beretta Pico for the Ruger LCP Custom. It was a great .380. Only issue was the trigger guard turned out to be to small even for my small hands. I wanted that last round slide hold open though, but had to give it up for the Ruger. Another issue is I’m not a fan of DAO triggers unless it’s a revolver. The LCP Custom does have a decent trigger for a DAO and I would like the LCPll’s trigger better, but there is no mention about the polished slide or the stainless steel guide rod like in the custom LCP. So for now I’ll keep the LCP Custom. Also, The custom looks like it was taken off of Rugers site. So it might be worth some money some day.
“Also, The custom looks like it was taken off of Rugers site.”
Yes, that was annoying.
I spent a fair amount of time researching these pocket pistols, finally narrowed it down to the LCP-Custom, and the next day the LCP-II is released and featured on GunsAmerica.
The very NEXT day, the LCP-Custom disappears EVERYWHERE. The Slickguns search engine went from 30+ search results two days ago down to ONE yesterday, and that one was out of stock. There was only one on Gunbroker dot com, and it was $280 + shipping. After some searching, I found one last night that was still in inventory, for about $40 more than it would have cost two days ago.
Brilliant marketing strategy. Create an updated model of a popular firearm, make the new model inferior in most respects, and then withdraw all of the store stock of the previous model.
Dead solid perfect.
The Custom still will be made, according to my sources, in Prescott ,AZ–Davidson’s surprising had a huge boatload for sale on Cyber Monday at a stupid low (around $190 plus fees/tax) price; I am kicking myself for not getting another one since they sold out quickly–CDNN still has 17 left at a good, but not stupid low price–the original LCP has been moved to Ruger’s Mayodan, NC plant where the American Rimfire, AR 556, SR 762 & SR 22 pistols are built and where Shop Ruger is located–if you want the Custom, which I also prefer (I have tried the new ‘II’), the deal at CDNN is a good one–supposedly the Custom was taken out of production to build more LCP IIs to meet demand but will be back–I hope
The Kahr CT380 compares favorably to the Ruger LCP. Here’s why…
Shorter trigger reach for ladies/gents with short fingers/small hands.
Longer grip for 3-finger hold on pistol improves accuracy and comfort while reducing felt recoil:
Shooting the Ruger or Taurus TCP is like holding an exploding ladyfinger firecracker in your hand every time you pull the trigger. After shooting a couple mags the fun is gone and it becomes a (literal) pain to shoot.
You can shoot the Kahr all day without any discomfort.
Kahr Heine (2-dot) sights take some getting used to but with practice they are dead on the middle of an 8″ paper plate at 10 yards even for me the worst shot in the whole State of Michigan.
Kahr is a tad larger (just a tad) yet weighs about the same. Costs (street) around $310.
I’ve shot the LCP and own a TCP (which throws brass in my face practically every shot) and neither is much fun to shoot.’
As I said the Kahr shoots TONS better. Just my opinion…try shooting one and see if you don’t agree.
My LCP Custom has negligible recoil, even with hot Fiochhi loads–the S&W .380’s are a real hand cannon and a real pain in the both the ear & hand to shoot
Walther PPK/S = Accurate, all steel and heavy enough to remind you that there’s a gun in your pocket. Did I mention accurate?
I own both. Had the PPK/S first (for over 20 years). Love the gun, hate it for concealed carry. Weighs way too much and is too bulky for pocket carry. No question it is more accurate and easier to shoot but that is because it is twice the weight. Many more options for how to CC with the LCP. For me, the only option for CC with the PPK/S is with an IWB holster. Too big for pocket carry, too heavy for an ankle holster.
And even for IWB carry, the PPK/S has lost out to my Glock 42. The PPK/S is a great gun but modern guns have beaten it out for concealed carry.
We need more open carry states! Ha ha! But now that I think of it, I’d probably have my .45 hanging off my hip if that were the case.
Ruger has been given way too much credit for resurgent interest in .380. After all they just mimicked the Kel-Tec design with some cosmetic improvements. The bulk of the credit should go to Kel-Tec.
Kel-Tec may have re-started it, but their stuff falls well short of Ruger in fit and finish. Every KT I’ve touched has a noticeable seam, rough machine marks, gritty trigger and generally looks & feels cheap (which it is).
I agree with you Dashu. I’ve owned 3 Kel-Tec pistols (a .32, the P3AT 380, and the PF9 9mm.) All 3 were cheap looking & cheap feeling. The 32 was not reliable from the start. The 380 was mostly reliable (only a few malfunctions in the 3 years I owned it.) And, the PF9 was AWFUL…it was never ever reliable even after 3 trips to the manufacture. I loved those guns (or at least wanted to love em.) When I finally got the Ruger LCP then the Ruger LC9 then the Ruger LC9s, I couldn’t believe how reliable ALL 3 have been —- OUTSTANDING!! I’m looking forward to this updated version of the LCP!!!
I have a large number of Rugers because they are absolutely reliable & not ammo picky at all–did have several other brands of guns that were all eventually sold off because of not being reliable and/or ammo picky–some were hard to let go of because ‘I wanted to like them’, but if something lets me down it has to go–Ruger is also %100 American Made right down to raw materials–Honor Defence is the only (maybe Henry too) to do this that I know of
Our family has had 7 Kel-Tec 32’s and found each to be reliable. They serve their purpose fine – tiny, deeply hidden, last resort, self defense tools. If your down to needing that gun you’ve made serious mistakes in the fight None of these ultra small, light weight 32, 380, or 9 handguns should ever be your first choice for a primary carry. They are back up tools. Their short range, stop your death, get a bigger gun from the adversary weapons. They have a purpose, but it’s not shooting at 25 yards. It’s preventing your death at an arms length confrontation. Certainly carry one, but as your SECOND handgun. Pick something bigger, with better sights, grip, & trigger that carries more ammo and can be effectively used at a longer distance for your primary carry.
No Thanks – I will stick with the Beretta PX4 Storm Ultra Compact in 9mm with SO/DA.
Totally agree with you. I received as a gift the LCP and the one in 9mm.
The best that they did was jam.
The 9mm I sent to the factory , they sent back with a newupper part I just need to put the barrel and we were set , this time when dired around 30 shots the extractor with a spring and other piece of metal.
They send me another upper , this time I sold both arms. I explained to ro the buyer what going on but he continue and buy the guns(with a 65% discount).
I find your post suspect–none of my Rugers have ever jammed with any type of ammo; I do not even know if I could make them jam short of filling them with dirt
2mm wider and 1oz heavier?
Blade dingus on the trigger?
Doesn’t work with any existing accessories (mags, holsters)? Costs $90 more?
I’ll keep my thinner, lighter, smooth triggered 2011 model…
I’d rather they went the other direction… shorten it a half inch or more in both directions, thin it by 2mm or so, and chamber it in 25acp.. all combined to create a true pocket pistol or summer shorts ccw option with a waistband clip.
(Think; modern poly version of the Colt 25acp)
The original LCP mags work in the ‘II’ with the exception of the slide hold open feature
Still inferior to the Bodyguard 380; no safety(if you want to use it) and no double-strike capability!
Well, you need the double strike on your Scrap & Worthless, but not on the Ruger–the other week I had someone try my LCP Custom after just shooting his S&W; he could not believe how much better the Ruger was
THUGS travel in groups ! If you carry the pimp gun you better carry EXTRA MAGS !
When is someone going to make a DOUBLE STACKED 380 ? Why not just carry a 9 shot 22lr or 22 mag. or an 8 round 25acp?
Even better yet JUST CARRY A 9MM the same size (CHEAPER TO BUY AMMO for ) as the 380
Double stack 380 = Bersa Thunder Plus. Pretty much a PPK copy with a wider grip. Not in the same size category of course.
CZ-82 (9×18 makarov)/CZ 83 (380): also double stack guns you should check out.
Double stack Russian makarov (9×18 Makarov): also a gun to consider for the category you describe
I have and love the mak.. I have the polish version and another. Sights are small. No biggy.. but one thing about this gun and most older guns is there finish. I love bluing specially on vintage guns. But they rust easier . More maintenance. With over 40 years of hunting, military, and just sport shooting, I have no prob maintaining my guns just prefer not to do it on a daily basis. CC choice is the Sig 938. And love it.
MOST people when choosing between living in an area that necessitates needing heavy fire power in order to not only be safe but feel safe carrying a large high-cap handgun and just living somewhere safe usually choose to live somewhere that doesnt make them feel like they need to be armed to the teeth at all times. For the people who think realistically and arnt throwing themselves into cowboy style gun fights on a daily basis a little 7 shot .380 is perfect. If youre carrying a full sized or even a double stack compact 9mm (which I own a few of) maybe you dont need a conceal carry. Maybe you live somewhere so dangerous you should rock a full size in a full holster open carry every day if you REALLY need a gun to feel safe.
Since you are an expert ! Feel free to tell us about Charlotte & the Gang of thugs who BLOCKED the interstate !
Funny all those people didn\’t live in or around Charlotte either ! Wrong place wrong time ? I would say it could have been someones wife or daughter just driving through to another state !
How many times have you been assaulted on the freeway? The overwhelmingly vast majority will tell you not at all. Of course if youre worried about being attacked by a group of thugs on the freeway you might want to open carry or carry a rifle. No double stack anything will be enough. If you honestly believe you NEED that then you need to think about the kind of situations youre putting yourself in. The NUMBER ONE weapon you need in self defense scenario is a brain. Ive defended myself more times than I can count, my hands less, and my pistol not even once. The LCP is for those people who want SOMETHING practical they can have with them at all times who don’t live in constant fear of people of other races. Have a nice day.
Nothing like a racist hillary voter !
Carjacking rates were higher on average during the first 5 years of the 1993-2002 period (2.1 per 10,000 persons each year) than during the last 5 years (1.3 per 10,000).
Carjacking victimization rates were highest in urban areas, followed by suburban and rural areas. Ninety-three percent of carjackings occurred in cities or suburbs.
A weapon was used in 74% of carjacking victimizations. Firearms were used in 45% of carjackings, knives in 11% and other weapons in 18%.
A wheelchair-bound woman was gang raped by six asylum seekers, Swedish police have said. The unnamed disabled woman had asked to use a toilet at a nearby asylum center after sharing a taxi with one of its residents. But after she was invited inside, the woman, in her 30s, was attacked by the man and six of his fellow migrants. A furious group of more than 100 Swedes have since attacked the centre in Visby, pelting it with rocks. The victim\’s lawyer Staffan Fredriksson told local newspaper Aftonbladlet: \”She followed him in and had no fears that something would happen. \”Then the man took advantage of the situation. The abuse started in the toilet. “Where they came from we don’t know. This was …
I carry the LCP with a spare mag and I keep a rifle for the car. LCP has its place, some of us with desk jobs and small frames can’t carry anything bigger than an LCP. Obviously I’d rather be carrying a Five Seven with 20+1 rounds but LCP with 7 rounds is better than nothing.
I beg to differ on a couple of points. First, these days you aren’t safe anywhere. Country living appears safer. As a responder I see more methheads in the sticks than the city. I really take exception to you judgmental view that anyone carrying a full size or double stack is just looking for a gunfight. Look at the latest FBI stats. Bad guys are travelling in packs averaging 2.8-round up to 3. In the stress it takes an average of 3 rounds to get a hit and 3 hits to get a stop. We are now seeing thugs using military tactics such as ambush and preemptive suppressing fire. Now we have radical Islamist in the mix which will become more frequent. Off the job I carry a Glock 19 and feel under gunned. .380s have their place, which is usually dictated by dress or stature as in my tiny wife’s case or as a BUG but in my circles the .380 is known as what you carry when you can’t carry a gun. As for the Ruger. It’s always been a Kel Tek that costs $100 more. Now it will be a Kel Tek. That costs $200 more. Forced to carry a 380 and it had to be pocket sized a Glock 42 or Kahr are the only ones I would consider. If no requirement on size I’d go find an old Browning BDA somewhere for capacity. As for open carry, maybe at home, your gun shop or deer lease. Other than that it’s good for nothing other than giving up your #1tactical advantage. I’m out.
Hey look you made a point that wasn’t paranoid BS. So I actually read it and took in the accurate information you put forth. Now how many times have you defended yourself using your hands and your brain? Still more than your gun I wouldn’t doubt. You kill someone and there’s even a shred of doubt it was not necessary to protect your life and you go to prison for murder. The purpose of carrying a gun isn’t to defend yourself from a pack of armed thugs ambushing you and if you’re ambushed by a pack of armed thugs youd still be better off carrying a rifle in your car or having some armed back up with you. I’m a city man CLEVELAND Ohio born and raised in the sticks out here medina, Wellington, Norwalk, oberlin, etc. country out there. Our police shoot children, our biggest problem is heroin dealers and junkies (live in one of the worst counties for heroin deaths and overdoses in the country). I’m 25, I got out to bars, I enjoy the nightlife I experience the worst types of people in my area every so often when I need to buy some weed (get over it everyone does it), and I spend my life as a white man with a woman of Hispanic and Caribbean Island decent (black and Puerto Rican) as an interracial couple we experience some pretty interesting scenarios of people sharing their uneccesary opinions about us. And still don’t need a glock 19 with a 33 round mag. But hey some people live in war zones and need those 30 rounds, 7 extra mags, Kevlar vest, and 12 gauge thrown in there somewhere to protect themselves from whatever it is they think they’re experiencing everyday. Your gun will only get you as far as “bang bang”. As a responder, you have a legitimate need to carry a weapon and absolutely should. If you can get away with a full or mid sized and have to use it or draw it on a regular basis I’d say you made a good choice. But the reality is that the vast majority of people don’t. And that’s why the Ruger LCP and other .380’s are the most popular carry guns on the market. If you ask me pocket .380 isn’t a women’s gun but hey what do I know I just work at a range that sees and speaks to practical everyday carry people on a daily basis as well as plenty of first time gun buyers looking to obtain their conceal carry. So I wouldn’t know anything about how or why anyone carries a pocket pistol and I TOTALLY don’t see women struggling to hold a little single stack .380 in their hands as it bounces around all over place. No way not ever (sarcasm)
I agree about a 380being the last choice for women. I think it should be the last choice for anyone. My wife is tiny and has some arthritis in her wrist. She has gone through several types of weapons and finally landed on the G42. Her choice. Why? Because the LCP she had was cute and light and small to carry and all but it knocked her hand off. Mustang required cocked and locked carry which she wasn’t comfortable with. Snubs too bulky, long trigger reach and require expert abilities beyond contact distance. I wanted her in a nine but her little wrists just couldn’t handle the snap. Glad to hear you’re 25 and work at a range but I’m more than twice your age and have spent much of that time as a range training officer in both military and civilian capacities. I’ve carried guns for a living since 1977. Don’t make me super smart but I have learned to show the ladies what’s what ,give them good information and let them make their own choice. I do however discourage snubbies. They are experts’ guns. I knew a guy who could consistantly hit a pie plate at a hundred yards with his Chiefs Special but he was a career US Marshall There’s a lot more to say here but I’m not willing to invest the time right now. I will say though that No everyone does not do it. I don’t nor have I ever. It’s illegal you see and causes impairment. I find the fact you work on a range and freely admit drug use infinitely disturbing. I suggest you give one or the other up.
Guess the guy commenting on impairment below has never had an alcoholic beverage in his life. I like how he says he’s never tried something then gives his opinion. Proving it a worthless opinion.
Because you’ve never needed it, no one needs it? Through no fault of my own I ended up pointing a pistol at three very aggressive attackers. I’m reasonably certain that without the gun, my wife and I would be at a minimum badly injured or at worse, dead. Your personal situation has no bearing on the matter. Anecdotal crap. People carry what they carry for a variety of reasons. Your opinion not withstanding. Why are you on a gun board anyway?
D Go check out the Underwood site. They make a .380 that performs as well as a 9mm.
Rational, reality based thinking. I remember that physician in a very “safe”prosperous area of I believe MA whose female children and wife were destroyed by 3 ex convicts. He was against guns…no reality thinking. Be slightly paranoid it is a plus.
Browning had a double stack called the BDA. Made for them by Beretta only it was much better than the Beretta branded guns I Bought one in 83 on time because I needed to establish credit. Was surprised how well it ran. Sold it a few years later to a guy at work. He still uses it. back in the day. The Beretta was a decent gun too. They ran good. You should try to find one.
Since day one, Ruger has been polishing a turd with the LCP.
The first LCPs were, contrary to the “doth protest too much” Ruger fanboys, a dead on copy of the P-3AT. Every part was fit, and it worked.
From the perspective of a self-defense last-ditch pocket pistol used at close range and with a cartridge like the .380acp; there is nothing usefully better about this design over the P-3AT.
I love all of the Rugers I own and in the one instance I needed customer service I couldn’t have been more pleased. That being said, I am glad you pointed out that the Kel-Tec P3AT came first. Kel-Tec released the P3AT in 2003, five years before Ruger released their poor copy that had to be recalled. I believe the only reason the Ruger LCP was ever made in the first place was the Kel-Tec P3AT was selling so fast dealers couldn’t keep them in stock. If any company shoupd be given credit for the proliferation of small pocket .380s it should be Kel-Tec. I only live a few miles from Kel-Tec and know if I ever have a problem I can walk in and they will take care of it while I wait. I haven’t had to but it is nice to know you can expect that kind of customer service. Come to think of it I have never had poor customer service from any firearms manufacturer.
Abstract: Biggest problem, an even weaker recoil spring than the spring they already used to accomdate women? Recoil!***
The LCP already had a horribly weak recoil spring rated at 9 lb. Custom replacements offered by Wolff and Galloway Precision helped reduce the awful recoil by replacing it with a 12 lb springs (Still weaker than my very similar Taurus TCP, my slightly larger Bersa Thunder, and my cheapest of the cheap Hi-Point 380.
My Taurus TCP 380 / 738 PT come stock with a 14 Lb recoil spring, and the TCP is practically identical in size to the LCP. But its recoil is significantly more manageable
Did hear right, they are making their super light recoil spring even weaker?
Apparently Ruger originally did this to target the female audience who purchase many of the sub-compact 380s (note the abundance of pink and purple LCPs in gun stores), and have a horrible time cocking such a small slide if the recoil spring is normal strength… but that is a sacrifice that makes recoil hit much harder. Force = mass * acceleration. In recoil (and things like car collisions) the force comes from the rate of deceleration or simply negative acceleration. So the stronger the spring, the longer it takes for the slide to slam back, and thus hits with less force if the spring is strong and the time is longer (less deceleration).
Taurus, who gets needlessly bad rep, instead of sacrificing performance and accuracy from harsher recoil, left their 14lb recoil spring (which I verified the strength of, when I ordered a replacement from Taurus USA.. Before that I had ordered an “improved” spring from a company called Galloway Precision that actually made the recoil way worse, because they must have assumed Taurus’ TCP used the same spring as the Ruger LCP, and sells a 12 lb spring as an upgrade spring when it was a terrible downgrade)
Taurus now offers a version of the PT738 / TCP 380 that has “wings” that fold out on the back of the slide so women and people with handicaps, can more easily cock/rack the slide on their 380.
My other huge concern… a Pocket 380 with no manual safety that is single action (After a round is loaded when the slide is racked)??? This is seriously a scary proposition for something that will mostly kept in pockets. a Trigger safety can very easily be pulled by accident, if seen too many negligent discharges on single action handguns, to ever have one in a pocket without a engageable safety of some kind. Maybe one of those rubber trigger stops would be good.
A 3lb difference in the reciol spring has zero noticable impact on felt recoil. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. What’s the muzzle energy of a .380? You’d need a 200lb recoil spring to notice a difference. Recoil springs do not reduce recoil, they chamber the next round. Same reason a heavier recoil spring in a 10mm 1911 doesn’t make any difference. But, a squared firing pin retainer and a heavier hammer/main spring do make a difference.
A gun with wings? So, they took the feminine hygiene route? Really, simply practice, learn to hold it properly, and develop a stronger grip. Most of the problem with racking the slide is not strength, but poor motor control and bad technique. Even a 5 year old child can rack a 12lb spring if shown how to do it properly.
There are people (men, women, children) that just cannot “learn” how to rack a slide! For them there is a device called the “ezeeracker” that will rack the slide on most any semi auto pistol. Cost is less than $15! email
No question the original LCP is “snappy”. However, I found a solution that works very well for me. Hogue makes a rubber “sleeve” that fits over the butt of the gun that adds some much needed girth for a better grip and the rubber material helps as well. Combined with the extended magazine, I am very comfortable shooting this gun at the range for practice and am happy to carry it for EDC. Also a good pocket holster is more than enough to keep from any accidental discharges. You also need to be sure not to carry anything else in that pocket other than your guy. Very unwise to carry anything else (car keys, chapstick, loose change) in the pocket you carry your gun. A good pocket holster (I use Mantis) and you should never have any problems, and the heavy trigger pull also helps to ensure against an accidental discharge. An accidental discharge with the LCP, when carried in a proper holster is an extremely unlikely (IMO impossible) outcome.
That bad rep is well earned. Ask anyone who runs a range or any kind of defensive class. Always got to wait for the guy with the Taurus. Every manufacturer can produce a lemon but among the larger companies Taurus leads the bushel.
Yeah, EXACTLY what we need, a manual safety for a back-up gun so that Murphy has one more way to stick his nose into the fight. Get a quality holster, not one of those Uncle Mike garbage ones, and while it’s holstered in your pocket don’t be a moron and fiddle with it. You’ll never have any unwanted discharge if you do that.
The idea that a manual safety would make it acceptable to carry this in the pocket without a holster is foolish and telling people otherwise is asking to see them get injured or killed.
Great to see Ruger continually upgrading products and coming out with new products … as I’ve backed my admiration for this American company with stock ownership. As for .380s, I was hoping the next upgrade would be an lc.380 with a striker-fire trigger improvement similar to the lc.9s. I have the current lc.380 with Crimson Trace and like it a lot, despite the range time that was needed to master the hammer-fire trigger. I feel the lc is snag-free and compact enough for concealed-carry, even in a pocket, and the sights and grip are superior to the original lcp. However, I’m large enough (6′ 210 lbs) to easily conceal an lc … perhaps the lcp is more suitable for those with less room in their duds for concealed-carry.
This site is censored.
I spent half an hour writing an honest assessment, comparing pros and cons to the LCP-Custom, and they deleted it.
Only positive advertisement allowed on “Guns’Merica”, apparently.
Yeah, “awaiting moderation”.
I’m breathless with anticipation…
And now, my earlier post RE-appears.
Thank you!
I have been researching pocket pistols, and the LCP-C was/is high on my short list, so I was very interested to learn about the new LCP II.
It seems that many LCP-C owners already addressed the recoil spring issue on their LCP-Custom with a Galloway Precision 13Lb replacement, use a Hogue Handall or Handall Jr. to address the grip issue, and the trigger (though inexplicably red…) was good enough.
After reading the article, the following seems to be a good summary:
LCP II Pros:
1) the slide locks back after last round
2) the new LCP II trigger is lighter at 5 Lbs, 11 ounces vs LCP is 6.5 pounds (LCP-Custom trigger pull unknown?)
3) “The LCP II proved faster to reload”
1) “One of the more noteworthy changes to the LCP II grip contour is a reshape of the curvature of the integrated thumb rest from the horizontal indentation on the LCP to one where the front joint of the thumb naturally tips downward.”
2) “The differences in accuracy at 21 feet were minimal”
LCP II Cons:
1) hammer is harder to see
2) weighs 1 oz more (every ounce counts in a pocket gun)
3) it’s WIDER, by 2mm (width matters in a pocket gun)
4) has what looks like a poorly executed ‘blade safety trigger’, where the (pointless?) blade may impede finger access
5) sights are integral (cannot be changed) and definitely worse than LCP-C
6) doesn’t work with pre-existing formed holsters
7) doesn’t work with pre-existing accessories (e.g., lasers, lights)
8) doesn’t work with pre-existing magazines
9) “snappier recoil than the older LCP and LCP Custom”
10) MSRP “$349, which is $90 more than the standard LCP and $80 more than the LCP Custom”
Key review sentence: “For some inexplicable reason the LCP II has reverted back to a variation of the original molded-in design, which almost totally negates the advantages gained by the improved LCP Custom model.”
This gun is for “get off me!!!” distances. In real situation, you will use no sites and you will shoot with one hand.
This is not a range gun.
Yea, most confrontations happen within 7 yards and the LCP is enough for those situations. I train both with and without a laser and I can nail 4/5 of shots into the 10 box at 25 yards with the laser but that’s not the point of it.
One of he BIGGEST problems with the LCP Custom is that some people have had the sights fall off and/or snag. I likely prefer the idea of these USABLE-sized but molded into the frame sights, but I’ll withhold judgement either way until I see them in person.
I doubt I’ll “upgrade” from my Custom any time soon, but if the trigger feels a lot better, I will consider it. I really like the Custom with a 12-13# recoil spring, the Hogue hybrid grips (which likely won’t fit this–and may not be necessary), and a +1 mag-base added to the LCP.
I bought the custom for $219, so even a better trigger and stronger sights won’t be worth more than $250 to me (and this thing doesn’t look like it’ll get much cheaper than $289).
Biggest problem seems to be the lack of compatibility with the Ruger 7 round magazine. I hate to give up the extra round and the extra grip.