Rookie Texas Cop Fatally Shoots Unarmed Black Teen One Year After Ferguson

Video surveillance cameras captured the moments before a rookie Texas police officer fatally shot an unarmed black teenager after responding to a burglary call at a car dealership.

The CCTV footage shows Christian Taylor, 19, wandering through a closed car dealership in Arlington and kicking in one windshield. Rookie Officer Brad Miller, 49, and his field training officer responded to the scene. The training officer tried subduing Taylor with a Taser, but Miller used deadly force.

The fatal shooting comes nearly one year after the nation was galvanized by the Ferguson shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old black man who posthumously spurred the “Black Lives Matter” movement.

Police Chief Will Johnson said Miller was just finishing up his 16-week field training program when he responded to the call to the car dealership. The 49-year-old rookie had no police experience prior to joining the Arlington department, and it’s possible his lack of time on the job may have come into play here.

“The facts available today do not answer all questions, nor will they alleviate all concerns,” said Miller. “However, we will provide answers as they become available and address every concern throughout the investigative process.”

Taylor’s father, Adrian Taylor, questioned Miller’s actions, asking why he didn’t choose to use less-than-lethal force to subdue his unarmed son.

“What he’d done, ain’t no way right,” said Adrian Taylor. “But to shoot an unarmed man? You’re a police officer, you’re trained to take down men with your hands. You have your Tasers, you have your clubs, whatever there is. Unarmed, a 19-year-old – and you shoot to kill?”

Taylor’s father also shed some light on what kind of person he was, explaining that he oftentimes would go out of his way to help the homeless.

“A good dude, man,” the father said. “We’d be going over here to church and he’d pull over and give a homeless guy money, shoes if he needed and he’d have to go back home and get some more shoes because he gave his away. He was like that.”

Miller has been placed on administrative leave until the investigation into the shooting has been concluded.

(This article was a submission by freelance writer Brent Rogers)

  • Roger July 27, 2018, 9:08 am

    “Taylor’s father also shed some light on what kind of person he was, explaining that he oftentimes would go out of his way to help the homeless.

    “A good dude, man,” the father said. “We’d be going over here to church and he’d pull over and give a homeless guy money, shoes if he needed and he’d have to go back home and get some more shoes because he gave his away. He was like that.”

    So I gave Mr. Taylor evaluation of his son some very serious consideration. And then I laughed, and laughed, and laughed……..and laughed some more!

  • Think before you speak... July 20, 2018, 5:06 am

    Some of all you people probably have kid just as bad or worse but it’s always easy to point the finger. No one deserves to die unless you life is in danger many cops don’t need to be cops some like the uniform and think they are above the law But when it comes to reaction in real life they are afraid don’t know how to handle the situation all they can think of is am I going to die let me shoot him first. Even a long time police officer can a test to that…but I am sure macho men and people that never been in a situation can say anything at anytime. I am not for letting crimes go unpunished but theirs a limit.. I know all don’t agree but that’s OK hope your son or daughter don’t go through the same thing maybe then you might look at things different… some might not life is not to take unless!,,,

  • Mr. Sparkles January 19, 2018, 9:58 am

    “The training officer tried subduing Taylor with a Taser, but Miller used deadly force.”

    One might wonder if the attempt to subdue was unsuccessful possibly leading to the use of deadly force. Is it possible that providing that detail might not serve the agenda of the reporting media?

    • larry dicman March 17, 2018, 4:25 am

      good job officer, thats why we pay you, now go shoot more..

  • Bob Bacon October 7, 2017, 3:17 pm

    Why didn’t Tyrone surrender to police and explain why he was damaging cars?

  • Who Cares October 6, 2017, 10:02 am

    “Taylor’s father, Adrian Taylor, questioned Miller’s actions, asking why he didn’t choose to use less-than-lethal force to subdue his unarmed son.”
    And I question why Adrian Taylor did such a terrible job of raising his drug-addicted criminal offspring.

  • Andrew N. September 21, 2017, 11:47 pm

    Shooting that poor, innocent child. What a shame. There was probably another “homeless guy” he was helping get out of that car. That’s why he was kicking in the windshield! Yeah, right. Sorry, but there will be no tears shed for this kid. Think of all the taxpayer money saved by stopping his probable lifelong criminal behaviors. Between prison and property loss / damage costs to his victims, it’ll save hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    • Bob June 8, 2018, 9:52 am

      Unfortunately it will probably end up costing the taxpayers more when the city has to cough up a settlement.

  • JWS August 6, 2017, 3:35 am

    Dude, your son was a dirty criminal scum bag. He got what he deserved.

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