Pro-Gun Groups Issue Statement on Uvalde Outrage

Pro-Gun Groups Issue Statement on Uvalde Outrage
(Photo: Fox Live Now)

BELLEVUE, WA – Legitimate, law-abiding American gun owners are today as outraged and saddened as everyone else by the horrible acts of a crazed murderer in Uvalde, Texas. The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms join our fellow citizens to grieve the unimaginable loss suffered by the Uvalde community and the citizens of Texas.

The past 24 hours have allowed us to learn far more about the killer and the circumstances surrounding his deplorable act of violence. Unlike anti-gun-rights politicians including Joe Biden, who quickly exploited this horror to push an agenda aimed at diminishing the Second Amendment and shifting blame to millions of gun owners, we waited for more information. 

SEE ALSO: 8 Facts About Mass Killings & Gun-Related Violence That Democrats Must Acknowledge

If there is blame beyond that of the killer, it must be shared by political leaders whose policies have turned our public schools into soft targets, and by self-appointed activists and school boards that have resisted school resource officer programs, opposed and prohibited programs that train teachers and staff to provide armed first response in an emergency, while perpetuating dangerous “Gun Free School Zone” laws.

President Biden demanded “commonsense gun laws.” We believe it is time for common sense, period. We spend billions of dollars on foreign aid. We can provide millions of dollars to local law enforcement agencies for school resource officers. We protect our politicians with armed security. Let’s protect our schools to the same degree.

Let’s take advantage of a great resource: our retired military and law enforcement professionals. They protected our nation and our communities. They can easily protect our school children.

Instead of demonizing gun owners and the firearms industry, bring them to the table and benefit from their knowledge. Together we can succeed where the gun prohibition agenda has disastrously and repeatedly failed.

The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms.  Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 750,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control. 

With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms ( is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States.

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  • paul I'll call you what I want/1st Amendment May 30, 2022, 2:42 pm

    first I would like to question the timing and proximity of the shooting to the nra convention. I would also add that according to numerous presidents that you don’t give into terrorism and go about your daily lives, but that isn’t allowed to apply to the nra.

    This morning Herr biden was quoted “the 2nd amendment isn’t absolute” which means the bill of rights are meaningless and I would assume that the constitution as a whole. So when is Frau Pelosi go to impeach him and have him removed as president??? Seems to me Trump did less and got raked over the coals. I guess Frau Pelosi and Komandant Shumer are to busy trying to quell the opposition with their Jan 6 proceedings.

    So far lefties are trying to blame it all on the right (one actually accused me like I was there doing the shooting). As far as Law Enforcement I personally will support their decisions, as they are being blamed, but those same lefties would blame them if they had stopped it (you didn’t have to kill him or a child was injured in the shootout). The old You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t thing.

    Last I would like to say to the left that the “will of the people” is pro-gun as when you add in the criminals (that you cherish so much) I would say a clear majority believe unencumbered gun ownership IS the “will of the people”!

    I feel a snow storm coming on I better grab the shovel…….

  • William Fields Jr May 29, 2022, 9:32 pm

    Don’t know if last comment made it probably not lol but stop blaming the damn guns and start looking at the people cops included most if not all mass shootings mental health is always a problem or key note to come out part on and second resource offices are not trained in CQB we’re as guys that do apps are and can get the training cause that’s what we do states are not utilizing all of there resources if that school had apps guys protecting it I promise you that wouldn’t have went down like that

    • William Fields Jr May 29, 2022, 9:34 pm

      Stupid auto correct instead of it saying apps that was PPS which stands for personal protection specialist

  • William May 29, 2022, 9:22 pm

    Man can we plz stop with the lets ban the guns shit theory how many times so we have to say it guns do not go off by themselves its the idiot behind the gun folks calling for more gun laws when CLEARY mental health is ALwAYS the issue. And this response officer shit if your not going to have at least 4 to 6 it’s pointless and or the fact is the don’t have the gear training or willingness to do the job it will happen again now people keep talking about recourse when in all American states there are folks who do this type of job on the regular they are personal protection specialist we have been pushing for US to get involved because clearly the ones who call themselves making the decisions suck again take a looks at the total capabilities of what pps can do we guard your politicians the ones smart enough to go that route, govt officials, celebrities which everyone confusses the 2 there is a big difference, we guard foreign heads of state meaning diplomats, we work side by side with Secret Service, when folks/go off the reservation (spec ops community know this term) they don’t call the police to guard whatever they call guys and gals like us literally the only thing we don’t do is jump out of perfectly good airplanes and I might be lying about that it all depends on the DETAIL

  • Rusty May 29, 2022, 10:43 am

    Fox News has been doing spouting the whole “See something, Do something” mantra.

    So, are they endorsing “Red Flag” laws? How, under current laws, could have this bagstar’d have been stopped? Even IF the “Do something” would have landed upon some official who took it seriously?

  • Dano May 27, 2022, 3:22 pm

    Yes, let’s make our schools as protected as a military base. Please. There was a school resource officer in this incident and others as well. We need red flag laws and an imprived background check system, including tests for competence as well as behavioral assessments. We also need waiiting periods. Nobody, especially and newly minted 28 year old should be able to go to their local gun store and purchase military-grade weapons and ammo with no oversight or conditions. This doesnt infringe on amy law abiding citizens 2a rights whatsoever. It is people control not gun control. Background checks work and should be improved. Will it stop all gun violence? No, but it will reduce it. We should also have backgroind checks for ammo purchases. I dont agree with gun bans but that is where this could be heading if the rabid 2a lobby doesnt work with the antigunners to pass meaningful legislation. When is the gun lobby going to start giving a damn about kids? Making our schools and other public places war zones is assinine and will increase the deaths of innocents.

    • D.J. May 31, 2022, 1:16 pm

      What the Hell are you talking about ?

      Are you drinking or mixing the “ Flavor Aid “ ?

  • John T. Block May 27, 2022, 11:57 am

    The killer had just turned 18, and supposedly worked PART TIME, at Wendy’s. The truck was Grandma’s, who he shot in the face. But how did he pay for two $2,000. rifles, ammo, magazines, chest rig, on part-time fast-food money?

  • Kane May 27, 2022, 10:51 am

    I have asked people who call for “commonsense gun laws” to provide an example of the opposite, a law that defies “common sense.” Never once have I received an example a law that they concede defies “commonsense.”

    When I was a young lad, I remember often noticing an AR15-A1 for sale at Sportmart. At that point the AR platform was probably that NOT very popular and thus the target of the anti-2A efforts focused on the more common “handgun.”

    Now the focus is less on the “handgun” but on the “assault” style weapons. Still, the “handgun” will at some point be the focus if the anti-2A crowd can succeed against the AR platform. Anyone who believes that they can support a ban on the AR and other “assault” weapons but keep their preferred firearm are in for a surprise.

    • Blue Dog (he/him) May 27, 2022, 5:06 pm

      Kane, I would think the continued availability of AR-15 pattern rifles (and handguns) after these last two weeks would defy common sense.

      • Hondo May 29, 2022, 10:14 pm

        Again bluedouche he/clown this is a pro 2nd Amendment site , kindly GTFO you painty waist liberal.

        • Blue Dog (he/him) May 30, 2022, 10:47 am

          Mr. Hondo, if I didn’t know any better, you might start making me feel a little unwelcome around here.

          Clown is not one of my pronouns but there are people out there using clown as clownselfs pronouns.

          Maybe I can come up with a fun nickname for you like how you call me Bluedouche. Instead of Mr. Hondo, how about I call you Mr. Fonda? 😉

      • Kane May 30, 2022, 10:21 pm

        What I was asking someone like yourself was to provide one “gun control” law that you would admit defies “common sense.” From an opposite point of view, I support any law prohibiting a convicted violent offender from owning or possessing a firearm.

        The school shootings at Colombine were during the “assault weapon” ban and involved no AR or AK platforms. A deranged person will NOT abandon their violent plans because the ideal weapon was not available. BTW, the Wille Jef Clinton DOJ declined to charge the girl that made the straw purchases for Klebold and Harris. How does that fact align with your world view BD?

    • Kane May 30, 2022, 10:28 pm

      BD, do you own any semi-auto pistols? Since there have been mass shootings involving that category of firearm the answer must be no. Go on the record and officially answer the question.

  • Bones May 27, 2022, 10:23 am

    Let me guess good ole.boy..eeehem..Christian….YOURE sending your” thoughts and prayers “…?…PATHETIC !….only in good ole boy merica!….yeeehawwwww !

    • D R May 27, 2022, 2:07 pm

      What’s pathetic is your blathering nonsense.
      You’re defective and should get yourself fixed.

    • Hondo May 29, 2022, 10:42 am

      Oh look more drivel from little boner, another lefty coward hiding behind his keyboard in mommy’s basement.

      Go away you NPC , you add zero value.

  • DONALD DAZENKO May 27, 2022, 8:55 am

    My question is who left the outside door unlocked, was it a 10 year old the shooter gave $10.00 that was shot, and how did the shooter know to enter that particular door?

    This smells like an inside Accomplice.

    Protocol after Sandy Cook shooting, for police are to enter and eliminate the threat?

    Apparently the Uvalde police need training in Active Shooter, barricaded shooter and School, church active shooter.

    A 9mm pistol would take the shooter down.

    I have great sympathy for the families that lost a child, may the peace of God and Jesus Christ be with upon them.

    • Jerry June 7, 2022, 11:58 pm

      How many times have you heard it, “just let me have ONE good shot”…..

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