Photo Essay: The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in 20 Pictures

For those of you who don’t follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, we decided we’d run some of the pictures from the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in an article — a sort of photo essay if you will.

The goal here is to give you just a little taste of some of what we witnessed while walking in and around the Music City Center in the heart of downtown, Nashville, Tennessee.

The NRA booth was the centerpiece of the showroom floor.  It was quite busy over there.

The NRA booth was the centerpiece of the showroom floor. It was quite busy over there.

Registration booth.  Upon entering, one has to get a pass before one gets to enter the showroom floor.

Registration booth. Upon entering, one has to get a pass before one gets to enter the showroom floor.  As you can see, the gentlemen in the photo have their badges.

Here is what was cooking over at Kel-Tec.  It'd be nice to have all of those.  Heck, who am I kidding, I'd just love to have one of em.

Here is what was cooking over at Kel-Tec. It’d be nice to have all of those. Heck, who am I kidding, I’d just love to have one of em.

More goodies from Kel-Tec.

More goodies from Kel-Tec.

Probably the most underrated aspect of the show is all the different lectures one can attend on a variety of topics, ranging from how to carry concealed, to prepping to guns of the Pacific.

Probably the most underrated aspect of the show is all the different lectures one can attend on a variety of topics, ranging from how to carry concealed, to prepping to guns of the Pacific.

A look inside a lecture room.  If I recall correctly, this class was on methods of concealed carry.

A look inside a lecture room. If I recall correctly, this class was on methods of concealed carry.

Colt!  Nice guns, but where is the Python?!!

Colt! Nice guns, but when are they going to bring back the Python?

Magpul's Retro-Tactical Bus.  This thing was Awesome!

Magpul’s Retro-Tactical Bus. This thing was Awesome!

Inside the Magpul bus.

Inside the Magpul bus.

Ruger charger!

Ruger charger!

If you could own any S&W wheel gun, which would you choose?

If you could own any S&W wheel gun, which would you choose?

My answer to the previous question.

My answer to the previous question.

A look inside the media room.  This is where we go when we need to do some work, or grab a free coffee, water, or snack (fresh fruit, bagels, pastries, etc.)

A look inside the media room. This is where we go when we need to do some work, or grab a free coffee, water, or snack (fresh fruit, bagels, pastries, etc.)

Benelli Social Media Director showing off one of her favorites.

Benelli Social Media Director showing off one of her favorites.

The book signing table!  This is where I met former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

The book signing table! This is where I met former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

We're always on the lookout for some compelling books on the Second Amendment and gun rights.  We ran across these at the Second Amendment Foundation's booth.

We’re always on the lookout for some compelling books on the Second Amendment and gun rights. We ran across these at the Second Amendment Foundation’s booth.

The HK P30SK.  It's new!  And it appears to be lovely. Check out are overview of it here.

The HK P30SK. It’s new! And it appears to be lovely. Check out are overview of it here.

Getting a picture of this baby proved to be difficult as there were always people crowded around it and checking it out.

Getting a picture of this baby proved to be difficult as there were always people crowded around it and checking it out.

Jacob having some fun, pretending to be a gunner on a chopper.   "Get to the chopper!"

Jacob having some fun, pretending to be a gunner on a helicopter. “Get to the chopper!”

A look at the NRA News platform within the showroom.

A look at the NRA News platform within the showroom.

  • Thomas E Drake May 2, 2017, 11:01 am

    Yes, how come USCCA has been uninvited to have a booth? It sounds very foul minded to me.

  • Thor Odinson April 13, 2015, 7:25 pm

    Second the motion for Vegas, no CA! I’d like a 6 1/2″ 629 just like the blue ones used to be made (partial underlug like Dirty Harry) Also many fellow LEO’s want a 3rd Gen SS Pistol in 10mm. Pics have everyone drooling!!!!!

  • skidmark April 13, 2015, 11:00 am

    Did you get a picture of the Charter Arms exhibit? Any news of where the missing crate is?

    stay safe.

  • John Dimick April 13, 2015, 9:55 am

    When is the NRA going to have a convention in the west? Like a Reno or Las Vegas. I’d love to go one but they seem to always be in the east.

    • Russ April 13, 2015, 5:36 pm

      We really need it here in Southern California

    • Jack Wilkins April 13, 2015, 6:18 pm

      It was in Phoenix in 2009…..Reno would struggle with that size of a convention 70-90 thousand attendees……Las Vegas would probalby be too expensive because all the setup has to be union there………..So Cal doesn’t want it……

  • Ron Stahlman April 13, 2015, 9:37 am

    Great pictures, wished I could have made it to the convention. I am A Life Member.
    Keep up the good work on the 2nd. amendment.

    • Russ April 13, 2015, 5:34 pm


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