Philly Mayor Slapped With Lawsuit After Banning Guns in Recreation Areas

This week, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney signed an executive order banning firearms in the city’s recreation facilities, including buildings, courts, fields, playgrounds, and pools.  

The executive order does not carve out exemptions for licensed concealed carriers. 

The move comes in the wake of the tragic murder of 41-year-old Tiffany Fletcher, an employee of the Philadelphia Parks & Recreation (PPR) on Sept. 9. 

Fletcher, a mother of three boys, was caught in the crossfire of a gun battle at the Mill Creek Rec. Center. A 14-year-old boy has been charged with murder in connection with the shooting.

“It is unconscionable that anyone would bring deadly weapons where our city’s children gather to play,” said Mayor Jim Kenney in a press release obtained by GunsAmerica. 

“We will not tolerate the endangerment of children and families while they are in the care of our treasured community spaces, and we must do everything we can to protect the public, as well as the dedicated staff that make these facilities run,” he continued.  

Within 24 hours of turning the city’s parks and rec. centers into gun-free zones, Gun Owners of America (GOA) slapped Mayor Kenney with a lawsuit to enjoin enforcement of the ban. 

SEE ALSO: Philly Concealed Carrier Fatally Shoots Would-Be Robber in the Head

GOA correctly points out that Pennsylvania has a preemption law which means the state Legislature calls the shots with respect to firearm regulations, not cities or municipalities. 

Mayor Kenney’s executive order is therefore in violation of state law. 

“The lack of respect for taxpayer money is appalling,” said Andrew Austin, attorney for GOA and the plaintiffs in this lawsuit. 

“Pennsylvania law is clear here: Philly is not allowed to make gun regulations. Every appellate court in Pennsylvania has made this clear multiple times,” Austin added. “Yet, they continue to waste taxpayer money by attempting to enact these illegal laws.”

GOA also noted that even if the ban were left in place it would not stop hardened criminals and gang members from bringing weapons into public facilities. The only thing this exec order will do is disarm responsible citizens.  

SEE ALSO: Repeat Offender Becomes Dead Offender: Brick-Throwing Suspect Killed By Philly Homeowner 

“Mayor Kenney knows this executive order is pointless: law-abiding gun owners aren’t the people committing the violent crime and murder in Philadelphia,” said Dr. Val Finnell, Pennsylvania Director for GOA.

“Rather than take responsibility for city policies that created two years of record homicides, Kenney is attempting to capitalize on the tragic deaths of Philadelphia residents to disarm more people and create more victim-only, ‘gun-free’ zones,” observed Dr. Finnell.  

“All this executive order does is put a bullseye on the back of every person at Philadelphia recreational facilities, because they know that Mayor Kenney won’t let you defend yourself there,” he concluded.  

As always, stay tuned for updates.  

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  • Kane September 30, 2022, 11:06 am

    So does this mean that now a additional charge of “trespass” will be added to the same array of charges from the past for illegally carrying a firearm?

    That’s weird since trespassing will no longer be a crime in the blue state of IL come January. What a confusing ball of laws the Demsheviks are weaving.

  • vinnie September 30, 2022, 9:04 am

    An Invitation for Criminals who don’t give a damn about gun laws! Only gives Carte Blanche to Wackos, Gang members, and Psychos, seeking Notoriety, or Would-be Terrorists a means to get noticed! Some (most) Politicians will do anything that will artificially elevate their failed condition thinking that a “Signature on a piece of paper” will guarantee that their job is “Safe” while doing NOTHING to keep CITIZENS SAFE! POLICE PRESENCE
    is a DETERRENCE, because Frankly Speaking, this “Theatrical Act” of signing into Law is just Amusing the Criminals and taunting them to Express themselves and “0” to protect anyone!

  • Chris September 29, 2022, 4:02 pm

    Ok, now that you’ve taken the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens what are you going to do about taking the guns out of the hands of criminals? You liberal Idiot !!!

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