Pennsylvania doctor draws gun, fires at hospital shooter

On Thursday, a doctor drew his own gun and fired at a hospital shooter who fired back, a caseworker was killed during the melee, local media reports.

Around 2 p.m. Thursday, 49-year-old Richard Plotts, a psychiatric patient at the Mercy Wellness Center near Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital in Darby, Pennsylvania, walked into doctor Lee Silverman’s office. Theresa Hunt, Plotts’ caseworker was also in the office.

Shortly after the three were in the room, a heated argument broke out and Plotts drew his gun while at the same time Silverman drew his, both men fired and all three were hit, according to officials.

Silverman was grazed in the head and Plotts was hit three times in the chest and torso. Tragically, Hunt was killed.

Doctors in the center called 911 upon hearing the gunshots. Several also engaged the wounded suspect.

“Together [the doctors] were able to disarm him and take the weapon away and in the meantime police did arrive, continue to subdue him, and then render medical aid,” said District Attorney Jack Whelan.

Meanwhile, many are saying that the gun-toting doctor is a hero, including Yeadon Police Chief Donald Molineux who said, “without a doubt, I believe the doctor saved lives.”

“Without that firearm, this guy (the patient) could have went out in the hallway and just walked down the offices until he ran out of ammunition,” Molineux continued.

Silverman was treated for his wounds and released Thursday night. Plotts, who was critically injured, was taken into custody.

While the investigation is ongoing, by all accounts it appears Silverman acted in self-defense, said Whelan.

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