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What I love & Hate About Crimson Trace Lasergrips

What I love & Hate About Crimson Trace Lasergrips

One of my favorite firearms innovations of the last decade or so has been the swift rise of aftermarket laser aiming systems for handguns. Remember when adding a laser to your handgun meant installing something that looked like a small flashlight onto your gun’s tactical rail with a coiled cord attached to an activation switch? [...]

Ask an Attorney: Prosecutor, Defense Attorney Discuss Controversial Florida Parking Lot Shooting

Ask an Attorney: Prosecutor, Defense Attorney Discuss Controversial Florida Parking Lot Shooting

I’m a huge believer in self-defense, stand your ground, and the Second Amendment. I would struggle with being Drejka’s defense attorney in this case because I think he took a life that he wasn’t justified in taking.

What I Love & Hate About the Diamond D Custom Leather Shoulder Holster

What I Love & Hate About the Diamond D Custom Leather Shoulder Holster

Pictured below are a Diamond D Custom Leather shoulder holster and a Glock 26. They make a great combination for concealed carry. When it comes to this rig, I love the comfort, balance and retention, but I do not love where the muzzle of the gun ends up.

CMMG’s 9mm Guard: Revolutionary Pistol-Caliber AR Evolved

CMMG’s 9mm Guard: Revolutionary Pistol-Caliber AR Evolved

Available in six models including pistols and carbines, the Guard has fully functional AR controls and feeds from Glock-pattern magazines.

TriggrCon Firearms Convention Showcases New Products

TriggrCon Firearms Convention Showcases New Products

The Pacific Northwest and Seattle, in particular, is a hotbed of snowflake triggering activity. It was therefore with some surprise that recently (end of July) a firearms convention actually called TriggrCon was held so close to the Emerald City. Bellevue, Washington, a mere 10 miles from the Seattle Space Needle, hosted this event for the third consecutive year. Manufacturers displayed their wares in booths as well as at the range as has become the custom with such shows.

Police at Texas Tech Praise Campus Carry: ‘No Longer a Target of Opportunity’ for Mass Killers

Police at Texas Tech Praise Campus Carry: ‘No Longer a Target of Opportunity’ for Mass Killers

Police at Texas Tech are praising campus carry approximately two years after the law has gone into effect, saying that it makes the university a safer place.

Cody Wilson Crushes Interviewer’s Ignorant Questions on Downloadable Guns

Cody Wilson Crushes Interviewer’s Ignorant Questions on Downloadable Guns

“What’s going to make me comfortable… is when people stop coming into this office and acting like there’s a debate about it. The debate is over,” Wilson said, adding, “The guns are downloadable. The files are in the public domain. You cannot take them back. You can adjust your politics to this reality. You will not ask me to adjust mine.”

WATCH: Suspects, Police Exchange Over 60 Rounds in Insane Shootout

WATCH: Suspects, Police Exchange Over 60 Rounds in Insane Shootout

In a scene more reminiscent of Hollywood than real life, Officer William Umana of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department can be seen exchanging over 60 rounds of gunfire with two men suspected of fleeing the scene of a homicide.

Cody Wilson Drops New 'Ghost Gunner' Package, Adds 1911s and Glocks

Defense Distributed on Beating Back DOJ Censorship of DIY Firearms: ‘The era of the downloadable gun has formally begun’

With help from the Second Amendment Foundation, Defense Distributed and Cody Wilson – 3D-printed guns in all flavors – are back.

What I Love & Hate About the Smith & Wesson Model 360

What I Love & Hate About the Smith & Wesson Model 360

I will admit my biases up-front. I love these guns and always have. I think I always will. Depending on the day, I choose a J-frame over a slim nine, over a Glock 19 and over lots of other guns. I don’t always, but most of the time I do.