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The resizing step does exactly what the name implies. Using a die like this Hornady .308 resizing die, you squish the fired case back into its original dimensions.

Reloading: Brass Resizing

If you plan to reload, you will have to get very familiar with your brass. Here we talk about how to resize cases, and what to watch out for. There are a lot of variations from the various manufacturers, and several things you must watch for.

You can't ask for much more in terms of expansion.

Ammo Test: Sig Sauer Elite Performance .45 ACP 230-grain V-Crown

When it comes to .45 ACP expansion performance, and I’m talking about the heavy and comparatively slow 230-grain varieties, reliable expansion can be an iffy thing. What starts as a projectile capable of leveling a city block often ends with some percentage of unexpanded slow but heavy bullets. But the Sig? Hell’s bells. No way.

The Legacy of the MP40--Full Auto Review

The Legacy of the MP40–Full Auto Review

With news that American Tactical Imports is bringing in a new 9mm MP40, we thought we’d step back and look at the original. This German submachine gun is more than the weapon of our enemy–it is the building block for much of what we shoot today. Read our live-fire review of the 70 year old icon.

Kids And Guns: Series Introduction

Kids And Guns: Series Introduction

When I was given an opportunity to write this series about kids and guns, I was so excited that my brain froze a little. Where do I start? How do I share the absolute LOVE for guns that pervades my life and my children’s lives? Do I show pictures of the guns that sit on my couch?

What killed the push for the Assault Weapons Ban?

The War Against Cheap Guns, Fun Guns and NFA-Items

If “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance,” the gun community better stay on its toes, especially in light of the current and potential Supreme Court vacancies.

The IWI UZI Pro SB--THE 21st Century UZI

The IWI UZI Pro SB–THE 21st Century UZI

UZI fans have been waiting for this one for a while. And this isn’t the oversized sub-gun that dominated cheeseball 80s prime-time crime dramas. This is a totally redesigned UZI. It is smaller, lighter, and even easier to conceal.

Colo. Middle Schoolers Get Gun Training, Attend Appleseed Event

Colo. Middle Schoolers Get Gun Training, Attend Appleseed Event

A group of Colorado middle schoolers was given what is becoming a rare opportunity to handle and fire guns as part of a classroom-taught gun safety program with help from the NRA and Project Appleseed.

Improving The Remington 700--Part 1--Buy a Rifle

Improving The Remington 700–Part 1–Buy a Rifle

Sometimes I stand back and look at my guns and realize I’m missing something. I realized recently that I didn’t have a serious long range rifle. So I started at the beginning. This is the base rifle I’ve chosen for a long range build. So how well does a stock Remington 700 perform? I must admit it will be hard to improve on this performance.

Bring Back The M6 Scout Rifle

Bring Back The M6 Scout Rifle

We spend most of our time covering new guns, but there are some old ones we’d like to see brought back. Here’s one of them. The old M6 Scout is an excellent example of a survival gun. This .410/.22 LR has a rich history, and sells for an astounding price these days.

Sig .38 Super Ammunition Test

Sig .38 Super Ammunition Test

The .38 Super faded from fashion when the .357 came onto the scene in the late 1930s. But the round runs exceptionally well in the 1911, and has some strong selling points. And now that Sig is making .38 Super for practice and carry, the time is right to consider the caliber again.