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National Coyote Calling Championship: The Best 2nd Place Finish of All Time…Part 1 of 2

National Coyote Calling Championship: The Best 2nd Place Finish of All Time…Part 1 of 2

Bagging 30 coyotes in a 2-day contest? Most would agree that a total that high is virtually impossible and as history has proven, they would be correct. Coyote hunters have only imagined killing that many in a 2-day, day-time only calling contest because it’s a feat that has never been accomplished.

The Assassination of William McKinley: Of Hopeless Causes and One Seriously Pathetic Pistol

The Assassination of William McKinley: Of Hopeless Causes and One Seriously Pathetic Pistol

President McKinley was assassinated by a lunatic with a gun so small that no adult could hold it properly. But the president’s death changed American history and ushered Theodore Roosevelt to the Oval Office.

Jordan Michaels - Gun Stuff for Everyone - Mother-in-law to Uncle Gift Guide

Jordan Michaels – Gun Stuff for Everyone – Mother-in-law to Uncle Gift Guide

Christmas shopping is hard. And expensive. Sometimes, finding the right balance between cheap, available, and thoughtful is all but impossible. That’s why gun stuff (that’s the technical term) is such a great option. The industry offers everything from expensive, I-never-have-to-buy-you-another-present-again firearms for the folks you like to $3 patches for everyone else.

New York Law Would Check Social Media Before Issuing Gun Licenses

New York Law Would Check Social Media Before Issuing Gun Licenses

Senate Bill 9191 would require that anyone getting a state handgun license to have “his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed.”

The Browning Hi Power: The Superlative WWII Combat Handgun That Played Both Sides

The Browning Hi Power: The Superlative WWII Combat Handgun That Played Both Sides

The Hi Power has the dubious distinction of being the only production firearm to see general issue among both Allied and Axis forces during World War II. It’s still in service throughout the world today.

What's Better than .44 Magnum? 429 Desert Eagle by Magnum Research

What’s Better than .44 Magnum? 429 Desert Eagle by Magnum Research

Magnum Research is rolling out a new cartridge for their Desert Eagle series of heavy-hitting handguns called 429 DE, based on 50 AE.

Jews Speak Out on Guns and Pittsburgh

Jews Speak Out on Guns and Pittsburgh

“How many mass-murder atrocities must we endure before the message finally sinks in,” asked Alan Korwin, an award-winning author and consultant to JPFO. “People must understand that the same guns police use to protect you can be used to protect yourself,” Korwin said, echoing the comments made by president Trump, who was attacked for making this common-sense observation. Jews are often hoplophobic or otherwise reluctant to bear arms, leading to deadly results.

The Webley Revolver: The Seminal British Combat Wheelgun

The Webley Revolver: The Seminal British Combat Wheelgun

Lieutenant Blowers carried nothing more than his six-shot Webley revolver as a personal defense weapon. Crawling through fetid German trenches stacked deep with corpses both fresh and otherwise, Blowers and his crew picked their way across the most dangerous terrain on earth.

Heizer Defense PKO - 45 Defines Big Bore Slim

Heizer Defense PKO – 45 Defines Big Bore Slim

Heizer Defense, the creators of the Pocket Shotgun, Pocket AR, and Pocket AK single-shot pistols, recently added a 45 Auto semi-auto pistol to their product line. With some innovative engineering, and liberal use of the unexpected, the PKO-45 is an amazingly thin single-stack 45 semi-auto that may be the ideal IWB concealed carry pistol for those looking for large caliber in a slim package.

Exclusive: Interview with Staunch Gun-Control Advocate Ladd Everitt from One Pulse for America

Exclusive: Interview with Staunch Gun-Control Advocate Ladd Everitt from One Pulse for America

I don’t really care about the dramatic conspiracy theories that accompany licensing and registration in pro-gun circles. Mentally and emotionally healthy people understand that virtually every other democracy on the planet has national and licensing registration for firearms, their gun death/injury rates are astronomically lower, and no one has been enslaved.