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Hero Responded to Mall Shooter in 15 Seconds, Put 8 of 10 Rounds on Target at 40 Yards!

CPRC: Armed Citizen Responders Stopped Active Shooters 40% of the Time in Gun-Friendly Zones

In most cases, the mainstream national media doesn’t cover local stories in which good guys with guns stop bad guns with guns. 

Home Built Perfection: Lone Wolf’s New Freedom Wolf 80% Frame

Home Built Perfection: Lone Wolf’s New Freedom Wolf 80% Frame

While local gun stores are re-stocking COVID emptied shelves, many adventurous shooters have embraced build it yourself options. Lone Wolf Arms Freedom Wolf is a significant upgrade to current 80%ers. The family resemblance to the Timberwolf® frame and the LTD is no coincidence, the great performance features are all present. The Freedom Wolf kit can be shipped straight to your door, with no Federal Firearms License required. Simply follow the instructions provided, and 48 hours later, you will be ready to assemble and shoot your home built Freedom Wolf!

The Sordid Tale of Deputy Adam Brown: An Object Lesson

The Sordid Tale of Deputy Adam Brown: An Object Lesson

On April 23, 2018, Deputy Adam Brown went to jail. Through a series of events that were most unfortunate, he accidentally shot a teacher named Brenda Amthor in the neck with a .380ACP handgun. The circumstances that led up to the shooting stand as an object lesson for anybody who spends time around guns.

Torture Test: The Savior Rifle Bag

Torture Test: The Savior Rifle Bag

Writing a rifle bag review seems pretty straight forward right? All you have to do is talk about the material, construction, and compartments and call it a day. Well, I wanted to make this informative and entertaining so I decided to torture test a rifle bag from Savior and see what happens.

New Olight Valkyrie Turbo LEP - Laser Weapon Light? Full Review

New Olight Valkyrie Turbo LEP – Laser Weapon Light? Full Review

Olight just released the first ever LEP weapon light for pistols or compact rifles, the Valkyrie Turbo. It’s small enough to fit your Glock 19 and has enough output to be used on your PDW. Powered by two CR123A batteries, the Valkyrie Turbo LEP puts out an impressive 70,255 candela. That means the Valkyrie Turbo can reach out to 580 yards thanks to the LEP technology.

The JP5 From JP Enterprises - A PCC Unlike Any Other

The JP5 From JP Enterprises – A PCC Unlike Any Other

The PCC market can be described as crowded. That’s a nice neutral way to say there are just tons and tons of them on the market. Most are 9mm, take Glock magazines, and use a straight blowback-operated system. Pretty simple and also very effective. Yet, JP Enterprises has released something a little different in the form of the JP5. The JP5 is a roller delayed PCC that makes both Stoner and HK proud.

Clay Buys His First Revolver - Smith & Wesson 325 Night Guard

Clay Buys His First Revolver – Smith & Wesson 325 Night Guard

Hey, fair warning, if you are a big-time revolver nut, you might want to skip this week’s review. I have personally fired less than 1000 rounds out of a wheel gun in my life, and quite possibly less than 500. So why am I covering a revolver? Because I bought one to correct that, which is the point of this exercise.

Clay Buys His First Revolver - Smith & Wesson 325 Night Guard

Clay Buys His First Revolver – Smith & Wesson 325 Night Guard

Hey, fair warning, if you are a big-time revolver nut, you might want to skip this week’s review. I have personally fired less than 1000 rounds out of a wheel gun in my life, and quite possibly less than 500. So why am I covering a revolver? Because I bought one to correct that, which is the point of this exercise.

Hero Responded to Mall Shooter in 15 Seconds, Put 8 of 10 Rounds on Target at 40 Yards!

Hero Responded to Mall Shooter in 15 Seconds, Put 8 of 10 Rounds on Target at 40 Yards!

After watching surveillance footage of the incident, investigators said that the 22-year-old responded to the threat within 15 seconds after the shooting began.  

The APC9K - The Swiss Stinger

The APC9K – The Swiss Stinger

Bruger and Thomet is a Swiss company that has made quite the name for itself by producing extremely high-quality firearms. They produce firearms for military and police forces as well as options for the everyday Joe like you and me. In the United States, B&T is most famed for their PCC/Subgun/large format pistols. The APC9K is the smaller variant of the APC9 that’s more of a full-sized submachine gun.