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NSSF: Why Sen. Booker's License to Drive a Car/Own a Gun Comparison is Bogus

NSSF: Why Sen. Booker’s License to Drive a Car/Own a Gun Comparison is Bogus

Recently, Sen. Booker tweeted “If you need a license to drive a car, you should need a license to buy and possess a gun. Some states are doing this already — and it saves lives.”

Hospital CEO Calls Guns a 'Disease' that Needs to be Eradicated with 'Aggressive' Action

Hospital CEO Calls Guns a ‘Disease’ that Needs to be Eradicated with ‘Aggressive’ Action

Michael Dowling is taking a stand against guns. Calling firearms a “disease” that “we’ve ignored for far too long,” he’s urging fellow doctors and hospital administrators to take “aggressive” action against this “public health crisis.”

Walther Q5 Match SF – The New Iron Age

Walther Q5 Match SF – The New Iron Age

The Q5 Match Steel Frame is the new flagship model for the serious competitor – the Walther you must have if you’re a Walther guy or gal.

The Shootout That Toppled a Monarchy

The Shootout That Toppled a Monarchy

Reading about the conspiracy theories that orbit around the eradication of the Nepalese monarchy makes the JFK assassination look like a first-grade field trip to the zoo.

David Hogg Calls for a Gun Czar, Buy Back, Government Youth Organization to Combat Gun Violence

David Hogg Calls for a Gun Czar, Buy Back, Government Youth Organization to Combat Gun Violence

In the never-ending fight among activists for the role as the nation’s leading anti-gun extremist, David Hogg just became king of the gun ban hill. The Parkland survivor and media hound released this week a draconian gun control plan — dubbed “A Peace Plan for a Safer America” — that makes the 1994 “assault weapons” ban look like the Second Amendment.

JPFO: How to fix America's murder problem -- Don't Do Something, Do the Right Thing!

JPFO: How to fix America’s murder problem — Don’t Do Something, Do the Right Thing!

It is the oldest mistake in Congress. “We must do something!” It’s a classic error of logic known as appelare desperadi, the appeal to desperation.

Ruger's New Bearcat Revolver - Review

Ruger’s New Bearcat Revolver – Review

Spanning six decades of rigorous use and counting, the Bearcat has carved a name for itself as an All-American rimfire six-shooter.

The Beltway Snipers: Agents of Chaos

The Beltway Snipers: Agents of Chaos

Setting her baby on a changing table she answered the front door to find a 17-year-old Jamaican named Lee Boyd Malvo. Malvo produced a .45-caliber handgun and shot the woman in the face. Thus began one of the most brutal killing sprees in American history.

Political Assassination in the Information Age

Political Assassination in the Information Age

Speaking in Turkey, Russian diplomat Andrei Karlov was shot on live television for all the world to see. The gun involved is little-known but powerful.

JPFO: Media Promote Spree-Murder Contagion Again, Senseless Reports Contain Little News

JPFO: Media Promote Spree-Murder Contagion Again, Senseless Reports Contain Little News

News outlets that feature and name mass murderers border on criminality. They don’t advance news — they encourage copycats.