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Stocking Stuffers! 10 Gifts Under $50 for the Gun Nut in Your Life

Stocking Stuffers! 10 Gifts Under $50 for the Gun Nut in Your Life

Here are ten stocking stuffers under $50 for the gun nut in your life. Trust me—they’ll appreciate these more than another bottle of cologne.

Turnbull Winchester 1886 Buffalo Rifle Deluxe - Review

Turnbull Winchester 1886 Buffalo Rifle Deluxe – Review

The Turnbull Winchester 1886 rifle we tested is a spectacular firearm. The color casehardening, in particular, is extraordinary. We had zero malfunctions, the rifle shot well, and carried nicely in the hand and in a saddle scabbard. Accuracy was good.

Philadelphia Can't Control Their Own Guns, But Want To Control Yours

Philadelphia Can’t Control Their Own Guns, But Want To Control Yours

The city that’s got a mayor waging a gun control campaign against law-abiding gun owners can’t account for more than 200 of their own guns.

NRA's Wayne LaPierre: There's 'A Highly-Orchestrated Effort to Disarm American Citizens'

NRA Admits Execs Misused Donor Dollars, Settles Carry Guard Lawsuit in New York for $2.5 Million

The New York Department of Financial Services, or DFS, and the National Rifle Association, or NRA, reached a settlement following allegations that the NRA was in violation of New York insurance policy.

SKS: Good Enough or Get You Killed?

SKS: Good Enough or Get You Killed?

For anyone that didn’t grab a gun before now, ithe SKS should not be overlooked. SKS rifles are still available, albeit 2020 price is closer to $350 or $400. Even at that though, it gets you a semi-auto rifle that does a pretty decent job in combat terms.

The Humble Heroes of Sutherland Springs & the Guns of the Most Deadly Church Massacre

The Humble Heroes of Sutherland Springs & the Guns of the Most Deadly Church Massacre

Real superheroes don’t wear spandex. On November 5, 2017, the real superhero was taking a nap.

Lessons Learned: Premium or Standard Construction Bullets?

Lessons Learned: Premium or Standard Construction Bullets?

Bullets have evolved considerably since their first use from homogenous pure lead to homogenous copper and brass. Along the way, velocities have increased from a few hundred feet per second (fps) to a few thousand feet per second. For the most part, hunters have strived for complete penetration on whatever game animal they are pursuing.

Howard Unruh and his P08 Parabellum: The Sordid Tale of the Alpha Monster

Howard Unruh and his P08 Parabellum: The Sordid Tale of the Alpha Monster

Howard Unruh was technically the third prolific spree killer in American history. However, his utter cold-blooded ruthlessness set a template for countless psychopathic losers to come.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett Sticks to Her Guns In Confirmation Hearing

Judge Amy Coney Barrett Sticks to Her Guns In Confirmation Hearing

“Judges can’t just wake up one day and say ‘I have an agenda. I like guns. I hate guns. I like abortion. I hate abortion.’ and walk in like a royal queen and impose their will on the world,” Judge Barrett explained.

Olympic Trap Shooter Maddy Bernau Joins Team Winchester

Olympic Trap Shooter Maddy Bernau Joins Team Winchester

“We’re very excited to have Maddy join Team Winchester and serve as an ambassador for our famous AA® shotshells and the shooting sports industry,” said Matt Campbell.