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WATCH: Gould Brothers Break World Record, Hit Clay at 180 Yards

WATCH: Gould Brothers Break World Record, Hit Clay at 180 Yards

“We knew we could break the record; we just didn’t know by how much. To pull the trigger of a shotgun and see a clay break at 180 yards, that is pretty cool,” stated Aaron Gould.

Loaches, Snakes, and the GE M134 Minigun

Loaches, Snakes, and the GE M134 Minigun

LT Hugh Mills earned three Silver Stars, three Bronze Stars, four Distinguished Flying Crosses, and the Legion of Merit during three tours as a combat helicopter pilot in Vietnam. Mills was shot down sixteen times and thrice wounded in combat. He flew 3,300 combat hours in OH6A and AH1G helicopters.

David Chipman Just Testified in His Confirmation Hearing, and He’s Exactly Who We Thought He Was

David Chipman Just Testified in His Confirmation Hearing, and He’s Exactly Who We Thought He Was

David Chipman, gun ban advocate and would-be director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, testified before a Senate committee today as part of his confirmation process, and his statements demonstrated exactly the kind of anti-gun attitude the gun rights community fears.

Hogg on Spike in Gun Sales: ‘I think it’s about fear’

Hogg on Spike in Gun Sales: ‘I think it’s about fear’

“This is not a natural disaster,” said Hogg. “This is a completely human-enabled disaster and a disaster that’s enabled by the corruption of our elected officials that say repeatedly let’s just go with whatever the NRA says.”

No Ammo, No Primers, NO PROBLEM - Introduction to Flintlocks

No Ammo, No Primers, NO PROBLEM – Introduction to Flintlocks

Shooting a Flintlock is an absolute blast, and not that difficult an initial learning curve. You don’t need primers, caps, or of course cartridge ammo, so that is a huge plus right there. There are two approaches to the history of firearms. One is obviously historical, and I have to say that it isn’t boring. [...]

The NEW .44 Auto Mag: Return of the King

The NEW .44 Auto Mag: Return of the King

There are many iconic handguns in the collective consciousness of gun enthusiasts. There are fewer, but still several iconic handguns in global culture. These latter icons tend to be associated with a larger-than-life appearance on the silver screen. But even amongst the most iconic and awe-inspiring handguns ever to make viewers’ eyes widen and chins drop – there is one that sits at the very top. The .44 Auto Mag.

NRA-ILA: Biden Goes All-In On Calls for Extreme Gun Control

NRA-ILA: Biden Goes All-In On Calls for Extreme Gun Control

Biden claimed in arguing for a new “assault weapons and high-capacity magazines ban” that “[w]e’ve done it before, and it worked.”

The Subway Vigilante Who Birthed the Modern Concealed Carry Movement

The Subway Vigilante Who Birthed the Modern Concealed Carry Movement

Certain events are watershed moments in cultural history. Compelling optics or a moving narrative can drive sweeping policy changes. One such episode was the sordid tale of Bernhard Goetz.

What Happens If a Red Flag Law is Used Against You?  Guns Are Seized, Then What?

What Happens If a Red Flag Law is Used Against You? Guns Are Seized, Then What?

Can you imagine a judge signing an order allowing police to seize your firearms—even though you haven’t broken a single law?

Lawmakers Seek to Outlaw Production of Modern Sporting Rifles in Massachusetts

Lawmakers Seek to Outlaw Production of Modern Sporting Rifles in Massachusetts

Last week, several Democratic lawmakers introduced a bill that would prohibit gun manufacturers from making “any assault weapon or large capacity feeding device” in Massachusetts.