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Otherworldly Knives from Cabot -- NRA 2016

Otherworldly Knives from Cabot — NRA 2016

Now, Cabot Guns is taking its talents to the blade industry with their launch of Sandrin Knives — a line of blades made from Tungsten Carbide,

Gun Safe Buying Guide

While all of us know that our firearms are valuable, not all of us translate that into direct action to ensure their safety. But we should. Sure, you will spend thousands of dollars on a precision rifle, but you don’t want to spend more than a hundred bucks to throw it into a cheap locker? [...]

Prepping 101: Pecking & Scanning Radio Signals Worldwide With RTL-SDR

Prepping 101: Pecking & Scanning Radio Signals Worldwide With RTL-SDR

Communications is one of the few topics here that has no real end. After the collapse, or the big reveal as I like to call it, all of us are going to want for resources. You just can’t store enough food to last forever, and as great as “living off the land” might sound, it ain’t easy, even when you know what you are doing. At some point, whoever survives is going to want to connect with others who have survived. You are going to want to have an ear to the ground.

Facebook Engineer Fights His Employer’s Anti-Gun, Anti-Conservative Bias From the Inside

Facebook Engineer Fights His Employer’s Anti-Gun, Anti-Conservative Bias From the Inside

It’s no secret: top execs at Facebook do not like guns, and they’re more than happy to enforce the President’s vision of a disarmed America by any extra-legal means necessary.

Turnbull Restoration of a 1911--Step by Step

Buying Guide: 5 Things to Consider When Buying a Historic Gun

Looking to buy a historic firearm? Here are five things to consider in this GunsAmerica Buying Guide that will help you feel confident in your decision.

Kel-Tec RDB Review--America's 5.56 Bullpup

Kel-Tec RDB Review–America’s 5.56 Bullpup

Kel-Tec’s RDB is shaking up the bullpup scene. Their RDB solves some problems, and takes a full-sized 5.56 down to a slim, compact rifle. But how well will this new gun shoot? And what do you give up with the compact size? Read our review.

Prepping 101: High Level Radiation Meters

Prepping 101: High Level Radiation Meters

The most difficult part of writing this column has been to condense down everything I have learned into small, bite sized chunks, but when it comes to radiation, I think I have failed. Everyone wants to talk about nuclear bombs and EMP strikes, but getting someone to pay attention to what happens next is nearly impossible. Radiation, whether it be fallout from those initial nuclear strikes that may or may not happen, or from the nuclear plants that will melt down shortly after **whatever** burns down our current reality, will be a part of survival. If you are unprepared for it, you are going to die. I don’t see how I can make it more simple.

The President's Renewed Push for 'Smart Gun' Initiative

The President’s Renewed Push for ‘Smart Gun’ Initiative

The President has announced a 3-step plan to implement so-called “smart gun” technology starting with a set of requirements for law enforcement users.

General Thompson and The Thompson Submachine Gun

General Thompson and The Thompson Submachine Gun

The Thompson Sub-machine Gun is arguably the most iconic 20th Century American firearm. From rum running gangsters leaving a “message” with a Chicago Typewriter to a Marine on the beach at Iwo Jima laying down fire with his Tommy Gun, the Thompson is part of our history and culture.

5 Reasons to Run a Tactical 20 Gauge

5 Reasons to Run a Tactical 20 Gauge

Training with a 12 gauge can get punishing, especially if you shoot high-brass defensive loads. But there’s an option that is easier to train with. The 20 gauge guns are growing in popularity, and we know why. Here are 5 reasons why you should consider the 20.