Should open carry be permitted around school campuses?

in Authors, S.H. Blannelberry

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A Michigan school district is debating how to address state law which allows concealed carry permit holders to open carry on campus grounds.

Interestingly enough, the law prohibits CCW licensees from carrying concealed in public school buildings, but allows open carry instead.

The Huron Valley school board had an open discussion on the matter Monday night, an event that was prompted by an incident where a father of a student wore his firearm after hours while visiting two of the district’s buildings.

Under current district policy, any time an individual brings a firearm on campus, officials shut down the school.

“Any visitor who brings a gun will be treated the same and the police will be summoned,” said school board president Rebecca Walsh in a statement. “This is essential because the District has no way to know who is violating the law and who first into the exception.”

Needless to say, the policy is overly protective as one gun-rights advocate pointed out.

“Going into lockdown every single time is ridiculous,” Tom Lambert, vice president of Michigan Open Carry, Inc., told WXYZ Detroit.

So, what’s the solution?

Seems to me it’s rather obvious. Petition the state legislature to change the law to enable concealed carry permit holders to CARRY CONCEALED while visiting public schools!

Responsible, law-abiding citizens will have no problem keeping firearms out of sight. If the firearms are kept out of sight, then the hoplophobes who work at the school won’t panic, insisting that the school be shut down, and no one will know who is carrying, creating an environment where people, and criminals especially, will be on their best behavior because as we all know an armed society is a polite society.

About the author: S.H. Blannelberry is the News Editor of GunsAmerica.

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  • AD Roberts January 3, 2015, 1:12 am

    Good people with guns should be able to carry anywhere. If EVERYONE at EVERY MOMENT was armed, a bad man would be thinking twice about pulling something. And if he did, it would not last long.

  • JIM PRICE January 2, 2015, 5:14 pm

    What proof of carrying with a permit is needed for open carry? Answer—- US CONSTITUTION WITH AMENDMENTS — 2nd.

  • Fatboy January 2, 2015, 3:31 pm

    I agree with most commenters that any law abiding citizen would be happy to conceal their weapon, so as not to alarm uneducated or fearful people that they may come in contact with at a school. Only a criminal would come in wielding a weapon thereby alerting students and staff to an obvious threat. I for one would feel safe for my kids knowing that there are staff on campus carrying open. If visitors arrive carrying openly then staff should ask to see proof that they are carrying with a permit, and a law abiding citizen would have no problem proving that they are trust worthy and legally able to have a firearm.

    • AD Roberts January 3, 2015, 1:17 am

      Just read a story of a teacher in Houston who had an “ACTIVE SHOOTER” day at school. One of the students asked why he did not get his gun out and get ready to defend the kids. When the teacher ask the kid where he was from, the answer was ISRAEL. And then he explained that the kids over there are just about never afraid, because the know that the tearchers are trained and armed.
      Now all the claims about terrifying little kids are BS (I don’t like to use that term) But in truth, kids are a lot smarter than you think they are. And if they are terrified when they see a gun, it is because they have pansies for parents and never see people with guns.
      ‘Guns ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. The wicked are the problem. And you deter them best by being ready to DEFEAT them.

  • Peter Osborne January 2, 2015, 3:17 pm

    When I was 16 and hunting alone was permitted, I took my shotgun to school during hunting season. After school, I’d go hunting. Others had full gun racks in the rear window of pickup and parked them on school grounds. There was never a problem, and no one objected. Now, the behavior is hysterical and , well, stupid. I have come to expect stupid from both the MSM and supposed “liberals”. Liberals today are not liberal at all but very reactionary with fascist overtones.

  • Will Drider January 2, 2015, 3:09 pm

    State Law trumps School District policy, PERIOD! Move your CW to open carry going onto school grounds. The LE Agencies that respond to all these B/S 911 calls need to issue warnings and then write Citations for the Districts frivolous actions and abuse of the 911 system thus wasting LE resources. The Schools can lock down whenever they want. HOWEVER, if these lockdowns (without true cause) delay my access to my children I would see them in Court to change the “Policy”. I’m not a fan of in your face open carry politics/protests/cause I can crap. If you feel the need to carry; carry. Follow the law and let the pieces fall where they may. Surely there are a few carry folks in the District that want drop off and pick up there kids at the door and also go to share lunch too. Makes the PTA Meeting and Parent and Teacher Night a bit more exciting don’t you think?

    • AD Roberts January 3, 2015, 1:19 am

      Good people with guns should be able to carry anywhere. If EVERYONE at EVERY MOMENT was armed, a bad man would be thinking twice about pulling something. And if he did, it would not last long.

  • david January 2, 2015, 12:50 pm

    whether allowing open carry or concealed, a criminal with follow suit. that said, I support concealed carry because that a killer doesn’t know who has a concealed weapon to stop s/he. with open carry s/he now has the first targets.

  • Russ Robinson January 2, 2015, 12:30 pm

    The subject of protecting our children in schools seems to be the highest priority in this forum.
    Would it be more prudent to train all school employees that are of sound mind to carry concealed ?
    and if they resist then they are not eligible to work within our school grounds. This or any other method of protection
    is not 100% and I think thats where we fail as a society thinking we can resolve any issue…we can’t but like Los Vegas
    we can put the % in our positive favor.

  • JungleCogs January 2, 2015, 11:50 am

    Concealed yes, if legal to do so by state law and required CC permit. Open no;asking for trouble (unless you are a uniformed LEO).

  • Mc Ruger January 2, 2015, 11:08 am

    Should open carry be permitted around school campuses? YES YES YES AND YES

  • phil box January 2, 2015, 10:32 am

    guns are less dangerous then drugs and we all know how prevalent drugs are around schools.

  • Michael J. Salzbrenner January 2, 2015, 10:19 am

    The level of ignorance in this country is astounding. If you can’t tell the difference between a gun wielding criminal and a law abiding firearms owner, than you have some severe psychological issues to resolve. A firearm isn’t a threat. The PERSON is the potential threat, and ANY person armed or not can be a potential threat. If you can’t identify a person whom intends to cause harm, then your screwed, regardless of the tools they intend to use during the act. Get a grip and grow up. Pretty bad when the adults are acting more immature than the children they are supposed to be examples for.

  • Nace January 2, 2015, 8:50 am

    it should be allowed to carry open or concealed crime has no boundries its your right to protect yourself and any one else that might be in danger. criminals like gun free zones and thats a proven fact.

    • Jack Hancosky January 2, 2015, 9:18 am

      Are even more deadly instruments , vehicles, allowed? Or do we tolerate other possible forms of threats because it suits some convenient purpose?

  • David Stadler January 2, 2015, 8:02 am

    So many tragic school shootings demonstrate that we have failed to adjust to changing times. While gun free school zones may have once worked, they are now serving as open invitations to crazed shooters wanting to go out in a blaze of glory. They know they will have time to shoot multiple victims before help arrives because no one in the school is armed. Even when the police and SWAT show up,, they will not immediately enter the school to stop the carnage until they access the situation and develop an entry pkab.
    We need to wake up and adjust our gun laws that create gun free zones in our schools, hospitals, and colleges. In response to mass shootings and terrorism, we have added police presence and sky marshall’s to public gathering places such as sports stadiums, subways, parades, airports, and airplanes. Yet we continue to pack our children into classrooms like sardines with absolutely no protection and an open invitation to every potential mass killer or terrorist looking to make a name for themselves. It is time to eliminate gun free zones and permit and even require legal firearms and trained defenders in our schools, hospitals and colleges. Wake up America!

  • David Stadler January 2, 2015, 8:02 am

    So many tragic school shootings demonstrate that we have failed to adjust to changing times. While gun free school zones may have once worked, they are now serving as open invitations to crazed shooters wanting to go out in a blaze of glory. They know they will have time to shoot multiple victims before help arrives because no one in the school is armed. Even when the police and SWAT show up,, they will not immediately enter the school to stop the carnage until they access the situation and develop an entry pkab.
    We need to wake up and adjust our gun laws that create gun free zones in our schools, hospitals, and colleges. In response to mass shootings and terrorism, we have added police presence and sky marshall’s to public gathering places such as sports stadiums, subways, parades, airports, and airplanes. Yet we continue to pack our children into classrooms like sardines with absolutely no protection and an open invitation to every potential mass killer or terrorist looking to make a name for themselves. It is time to eliminate gun free zones and permit and even require legal firearms and trained defenders in our schools, hospitals and colleges. Wake up America!

  • Dale November 12, 2014, 8:03 pm

    I think we are all preaching to the quire. Of course law abiding citizens should be allowed to carry a firearm (open OR concealed) any time, anywhere! When someone in possession of a firearm commits a criminal act, THEN that person will be treated accordingly, by everyone else who is also carrying at that time and place!

  • Russ November 11, 2014, 6:58 pm

    Yes, of course.
    Too EZ, must have been a trick question.

  • Stephen Chambers November 10, 2014, 5:17 pm

    Yes, There should be no gun free zones in this country or as the criminal sees it free kill zones! Our Founding Fathers knew this; that is why the Second Amendment Shall not be infringed on. These men knew how too keep a lawless land as safe as possible. Let every man protect his family and property. We have become much to civilized for our own good; we care to much about what someone thinks about us to live without fear!

  • Al November 10, 2014, 5:01 pm

    According to the Law Enforcement Officer’s Safety Act of 2004, I, as an honorably retires police officer, can carry a concealed firearm in every state and territory of the country. However, here in Florida, I cannot carry on school property and several other places. That means, that after 31 years as a Florida municipal police officer, one day I could carry a firearm in the city in which I worked, but the day my retirement took effect I cannot carry at any school in the state.

    I believe that Florida is wasting a lot of training and experience by not allowing retired officers, from whatever state, to carry firearms in certain laces. Remember, we are talking about trained experienced officer who, here in Florida, are required to re-qualify to law enforcement standard annually, and not CW permit holders who take one class and to fire one shot for a ten year permit.

    • Stomper November 11, 2014, 5:47 pm

      Oh please, you must mean like the cops that shot up the two newspaper delivery ladies and their truck that wasn’t EVEN CLOSE to the APB description of the truck and the BIG BLACK GUY who was a former LAPD cop who declared war on his former “brethren… or the NYPD cops that fired F-tons of rounds at a suspect on the street that killed one innocent bystander and wounding others, WITHOUT hitting the suspect/perp one time….. you mean THAT kind of training?

  • Don November 10, 2014, 4:18 pm

    Open carry should be the rule of the land. It should be so common that no one is intimidated. Concealed carry should be allowed with out a need for a permit. Crime will go down, if handguns are every where.

    • Bill November 10, 2014, 8:29 pm

      You mean like in the State of Vermont?

  • Joe McHugh November 10, 2014, 12:57 pm

    Let’s face it, the Michigan school district tried to outlaw handguns on school property by denying the carrying of concealed handguns. It never occurred to these people that anyone would think of carrying guns Gasp, OPENLY!
    This is to be expected every time the obtuse liberals are placed in positions of authority over any citizen that brazenly attempts to enforce his or her First Amendment rights. What??? Shouldn’t I have written Second Amendment rights?
    Of course but the point is why should any group of people be allowed to restrict ANY of the rights inscribed in the Bill of Rights? All of those rights are individual rights, as confirmed by the Constitution.

    OK, this question is directed to any one who is concerned by certain people who wish to carry firearms where ever they go, as a credible means of self-defense. I exclude those facilities where armed security guards ensure one’s security like courtrooms and other spaces that have metal detectors and places where one can check his or her gun.

    Question: what danger does a competent, law-abiding adult citizens pose to any other law-abiding citizen by carrying a firearm? Please feel free to take your time to present your anxiety that will still be derisive enough to qualify as an embarrassing moment in time.

    What’s that noise? Crickets?

    • Don November 10, 2014, 4:29 pm

      Remember, Anti-gun people do not use common sense. Many leftist think gun users are afraid of every thing. They don’t understand the concept of preparedness. I don’t know any gun user that is fearful. Well, let me say that my fear would be unable to resist a criminal attacking innocent people. It isn’t a “fear” in the same sense anti-gun people believe gun owners harbor.

    • T.C. January 2, 2015, 11:34 am

      In the state where I live (Illinois) it is illegal to carry (CCW permit) on university property, which by law they do not have to post. This is a felony offense, do you have any idea how much property they own in the state.

      • Rich January 3, 2015, 12:13 pm

        That’s not quite right. The unversity has to support any area designated for ccw to park their vehicles when they carry. As stupid as it sounds, an Illinois ccw holder could then leave their weapon locked in their vehicle that everyone knows is a designated area for autos with guns….

  • Otis November 10, 2014, 12:00 pm

    Criminals, psychos, crazy people, you mean like liberals?
    Ideology and Gun Phobia have no room for common sense.
    “gun free zones” should be “free kill zones” or ‘target rich environments”.

  • Dan November 10, 2014, 10:34 am

    Why not, as in sure.
    Law Abiding Citizens are not the problem, guns are not the problem. Criminals, psychos, crazy people, etc. are.
    Most criminals/bad people are scared to get shot or hurt, that’s why mass shootings happen in so called “gun free zones” (so called because only criminals/bad guys have them there). If someone went to shoot up a school and saw students and even teachers open carrying firearms, they would most likely leave. They don’t want a confrontation, just easy victims.

  • barry watson November 10, 2014, 10:03 am

    liberals will never get it put up door metal detectors and a security guard and get down on entrances and exits yes it is inconvenient but safety doesn’t seem to be the major concern gun control seems to be the concern but the feds do it at all federal bldgs.

  • Terry November 10, 2014, 9:13 am

    I begin with this comment: Gun Free Zone=Target Rich Environment.

    The law in the State of Michigan permits the carry of a firearm into a school. Therefor the school board has no jurisdiction in the matter. This is nothing but a bunch of educator liberals once again trying to weasel their way around the 2nd amendment and a duly passed state law. In addition calling for a “lockdown” everytime someone walks into the building lawfully open carrying a weapon is nothing more than “crying wolf” and pretty soon it will be like fire drills where no one takes them seriously.

  • Jayson November 10, 2014, 8:31 am

    The school district is just being a bully. They are wasting tax payer dollars to try and force honest law abiding citizens to stop exercising their second amendment rights through intimidation. The message is if you are a parent we will make you think twice knowing every time you bring a gun to pick up Timmy you are going to be assaulted by multiple armed individuals who very well may overreact and be violent. Typical thuggish liberal behavior. Time to fire the school board.

  • cb_ia November 6, 2014, 7:14 pm

    More stupidity. A criminal would likely conceal or come in wielding the firearm in a threatening manner. The fact this man was obeying the CCW law by openly carrying in a holster should be everyone’s first clue he is a law abiding citizen. We don’t sit outside bars and restaurants calling 911 on everyone getting behind the wheel of a car for suspicion of driving while intoxicated…. or even suspicion of driving without proper license or insurance for that matter.

    • DaveGinOly January 3, 2015, 2:19 pm

      These same idiots who hit the ceiling when they see an openly-carried firearm don’t think twice about entering a crosswalk in front of a car driven by a complete stranger. If they don’t think drivers will run them over just because they have cars, why do they think gun owners will shoot them just because they have guns?

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